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  • 网络Chinese cat;The China Cat
  1. 中国这只猫早已钻出了口袋。

    The Chinese cat is long out of the bag .

  2. 埃及人和中国人用猫叫声来称呼猫。

    The Egyptians and the Chinese named cats for the sound they make .

  3. 中国人吃猫狗肉&我甚至见过有人用中药煎服一个胎盘。

    Chinese eat cat and dog * even I saw a Chinese man eat a baby cooked with medicine .

  4. 中国成千上万的猫和狗都被大棒打死、金属丝勒死,活活等着血尽而死,而他们的皮毛则变成干净整洁的人们的玩物。

    Millions of dogs and cats in China are bludgeoned , strangled with wire nooses and literally bled to death , just so their fur can be turned into trim and trinkets .

  5. 维护人士表示,他们将继续为禁止这一节日而施压,促成立法,禁止在中国非法屠宰猫狗并做成食用肉。

    Activists say that they will continue to press for the festival to be banned and for legislation outlawing the slaughtering of dogs and cats for meat in China to be outlawed .

  6. 在她谈起小猫卡帕斯滑稽可爱的动作时,突然问听众一个关于中国人是否吃猫的问题,当时一些听众震惊了。

    But she shocked some listeners when she questioned whether the Chinese ''eat cats ''while discussing Casper 's antics .

  7. 如果这就是欧洲人所说的“好奇害死猫”,实际上,中国的这些“猫”都可以成为好朋友!

    If in Europe we say " curiosity killed the cat ", it may be true that all cats in China can be good friends !

  8. 作为著名日本动画猫中国之行机器猫哆啦A梦临时展览的最后一站来到了上海东亚博物馆。

    Doraemon temporary exhibition has come to the Shanghai East Asia Exhibition Hall , the latest stop in the famous Japanese cartoon cat 's China tour .

  9. 一年前,中国南方爆出流浪猫成为人们盘中餐的丑闻,而现在,人们对猫肉的嗜好似乎依然存在,与此相随的是对流浪猫的交易。

    A year after a scandal broke out over stray cats being shipped to dinner tables in south China , the taste for cat meat apparently persists , and along with it , the trade in abandoned cats .