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  • 网络Chinese Etiquette
  1. 他对中国礼仪及其精美的呈现的这种谨慎态度,最终得到了回报。因为在11月底,电视剧刚刚上映10个小时内,在线观看电视剧的人数就一路飙升,收视率创下了历史最高记录,1.97%。

    His careful approach regarding Chinese etiquette and its delicate presentation has paid off , as the TV series hit a historical high 1.97 percent rating within ten hours in late November , breaking online viewing records .

  2. 汉语和中国礼仪呢。

    Chinese and Chinese etiquette here .

  3. 罗马天主教会与中国礼仪之争

    An Argument Between the Roman Catholic Church and Chinese Rites

  4. 清初中国礼仪之争的文化学再反思&兼与安希孟先生商榷

    Cultural Reflection on the " Chinese Rites Controversy " in the Early Days of Qing Dynasty

  5. 并从不同修会间的固有冲突的角度来探讨中国礼仪之争的部分根源和不同避免性。

    This article also gives a discussion of the root of the Rites Controversy and its ineluctability .

  6. “中国礼仪之争”是清初中国文化与基督教文化的一次大碰撞。

    The " Chinese Rites Controversy " is a great hit of Chinese culture and Christian culture in the early days of Qing dynasty .

  7. 1693年至1722年,为康熙皇帝与罗马教廷就中国礼仪进行论战的阶段。

    The Period from 1693 to 1722 . It was a period marked by the polemic between Emperor Kangxi and the Pope over the Chinese rites .

  8. 然而,利玛窦在文化对话中使用的友好而学术的方法却在百年后退化为一场权力意志和文化的冲突,即“中国礼仪之争”。

    Yet his friendly and scholarly approach in a cultural dialogue degenerated one hundred years later into a clash of wills and cultures known as the Chinese Rites Controversy .

  9. 中国礼仪之争是中国天主教史上的一件大事,也是欧洲神学、哲学、伦理思想争论的一环。

    The Chinese Rites Controversy is very important in the history of Christianity in China and is also a significant part of European theology , philosophy , and ethical thought .

  10. 凶礼是先秦时期救患分灾礼仪的统称,是中国礼仪制度的重要组成部分。

    Xiong Li is a cover name for the etiquette of rescuing those in disaster and easing the suffered in the pre-Qin period , which is an important component of the Chinese ritual system .

  11. 综观中国礼仪之争的全过程,福建首先以其区域的民间选择搭设了东西方文化的勾连之桥,并始终以其特有的海洋文明与西班牙东来者进行着文化对话。

    Taking an overview of the entire process of Chinese Rites Controversy , Fujian , set up the East-West cultural bridge of communication under its own background of regional culture , and always maintained the cultural intercourse with Eastern Spanish culture by its unique marine civilization .

  12. 论公务员的礼仪修养&从中国传统礼仪的视角

    Etiquette and Cultivation of the Civil Service : From the perspective of Chinese traditional etiquette

  13. 文化碰撞中的选择:中国传统礼仪法文化在近现代的变革

    The Choice in Cultural Interaction : Modern Transition of China 's Traditional Etiquette Legal Culture

  14. 中国传统礼仪和社会主义荣辱观辩证关系的研究四维与五德历久弥新的中华传统荣辱观

    Research on the Dialectical Relationship between Chinese Traditional Ritual and the Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor

  15. 中国古代礼仪是发生在世俗世界的神圣叙事,在仪式的背后,隐匿着潜在的神话信仰和神话思想。

    The manners and rites of ancient China are the sacred narration , which happened in the earthly world .

  16. 《礼记》一书侧重于阐明中国古代礼仪的作用和意义。

    Book of Rites is a works that emphasizes particularly on interpreting action and meaning of propriety in ancient China .

  17. 在中国的礼仪文化中,妇女只有在男人举行祭祖仪式时,才会作为最微不足道的角色参与。

    In China 's ritual culture , only when men offer sacrifices to the ancestors do women play a minor role .

  18. 据李斌介绍,《芈月传》的演员们在拍摄前接受了中国古代礼仪的特殊培训。

    According to Li , the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting .

  19. 而我又不得不承认中国的礼仪不如他们,我们有个跟多的地方需要改进。

    But again I have to admit that China 's etiquette , we have a less with many of the place needs to be improved .

  20. 尽管对中国人礼仪或者说缺乏礼仪的抱怨一直让中国感到难堪,但偶尔会出现更为严重的后果。

    While complaints of Chinese manners or the lack thereof are a chronic source of embarrassment in China , occasionally there are more serious consequences .

  21. 冠服礼仪是中国古代礼仪法制的重要组成部分,受到历代统治者的高度重视。

    The dressing etiquette is an important part of the etiquette legal system in ancient China , and was paid much attention to by the governors .

  22. 礼拜仪式倡用人运用或提倡运用礼拜仪式的人论公务员的礼仪修养&从中国传统礼仪的视角

    One who uses or advocates the use of liturgical forms . Etiquette and Cultivation of the Civil Service : From the perspective of Chinese traditional etiquette

  23. 尽管对中国人礼仪——或者说缺乏礼仪——的抱怨一直让中国感到难堪,但偶尔会出现更为严重的后果。

    While complaints of Chinese manners - or the lack thereof - are a chronic source of embarrassment in China , occasionally there are more serious consequences .

  24. 中国古代礼仪制度自创建之始便成为统治者治理天下的工具,礼仪服饰则是一个重要的载体。

    Ritual system in ancient China since its establishment has become a governance tool of rulers in controlling the world , and the ceremonial costume was an important carrier .

  25. 读下面关于中国餐桌礼仪的文章,然后用表中所给的词语填空,有的词可以不止用一遍。

    Read the following text about table manners in china and fill in the blanks . Use the words in the box . Some of the words can be used more than once .

  26. 中国传统礼仪是中华民族文明的标志,声名播于海外,影响上下五千年,深入到社会生活各个层面,所以中国被称为“礼仪之邦”。

    As the symbol of Chinese civilization , this is why china called " formal state ", Chinese traditional etiquette has influenced overseas and every aspect of social life in five thousand years .

  27. 当前中国武术礼仪文化的缺失,主要存在于武术管理者、武术教练员和运动员之间,具体体现在训练、比赛、生活等方方面面。

    The current lack of culture of Chinese martial arts etiquette , mainly in the martial arts administrator , martial arts coaches and athletes , is embodied in all aspects of training , competitions , life .

  28. 源远流长的中国古代礼仪是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,尽管它在历史的演进过程中发生过一些变化或改进,但它始终对中华传统文化和民族生活产生着深刻影响。

    The Chinese ancient ceremony with a long history is an important part of Chinese culture . Although it has changed and developed a bit during the course of developing history it has profound influence on Chinese traditional culture and national life .

  29. 通过与当代外交原则和惯例进行分析比较,从而更清晰、更深刻的体现出先秦时期国家间外交礼仪对中国外交礼仪文化的影响,和当代外交对我国古代外交的吸收与继承。

    Through the comparison with contemporary diplomatic principles and practices , thus more clear , more reflects the influence of national diplomatic etiquette of Chinese diplomatic etiquette culture in the pre-Qin period , absorbing and inheriting the ancient Chinese diplomacy and contemporary diplomacy .

  30. 但当康熙帝在1700年以赞成中国传统礼仪的态度介入礼仪之争后,礼仪之争开始变成罗马天主教神权与中国君权之间的政治交锋。

    However , when 1700 AD Chinese Emperor Kangxi involved in the Chinese rites with a favor attitude of the traditional Chinese rituals , the dispute began to become a political confrontation between the divine right of Roman Catholic and the monarchial power of Chinese Emperor .