
  • 网络Range;Maximum range;Max range
  1. 研究了最大航程的无动力滑翔轨迹优化问题。

    This paper investigates the maximum range glide problem .

  2. 该机型设计有78到90个座位,最大航程3700公里。

    It is designed with 78 to 90 seats and has a range of 3700 kilometers .

  3. 作为一例,我们将这里提供的方法用于优选高空无人驾驶侦察机的最大航程。

    As an example , we applied this method to optimize the maximum range of a high altitude pilotless reconnaissance aircraft .

  4. 据专家说,目前,中国飞机的最大航程不足,无法在中国领土主张的外部界限长时间飞行。

    Currently , its jets don 't have sufficient range to operate for extended periods to the outer limits of China 's territorial claims , experts say .

  5. 高超声速滑翔式再入飞行器最大航程飞行轨迹分析他带领着同伴们,在高耸入云的叠叠群峰投下的阴影中快速行进。

    The Maximum-range Trajectory Analysis of Hypersonic Glide-reentry Vehicle He led his followers , with swift steps , deep within the shadows that were cast from their high and broken summits .

  6. 它能保持空中达16个小时之久,而且在18500英尺高度,最大航程150公里,尤其适用在喜马拉雅山上的任务。

    It can remain airborne for16 hours and has a maximum range of150 kilometers at the relatively high altitude of18,500 feet , making it especially suitable for missions over the Himalayas .

  7. 我们将语音命令用于正常情况下需要大量键盘输入的场合,比如装订导航座标和改变无线电频率以及设定最大航程油量。

    We use voice commands to take care of duties that normally require numerous inputs on a keypad , such as punching in navigation coordinates and changing radio frequencies and bingo fuel amounts .

  8. 新华社的文章称,AG600最大航程达4500公里,可轻松地从中国海岸飞抵西太平洋许多地区,最远可达澳大利亚北部海岸。

    The article said the AG600 has a range of 4500km - a distance that comfortably covers much of the western Pacific Ocean from China 's coast , and as far as the northern shores of Australia .

  9. 战术飞行任务的航迹规划是依靠地形信息和敌情信息,在某些约束条件下,找出作战飞机从起飞点到目标突防生存概率最大、航程最短的飞行轨迹的过程。

    The horizontal track planning of tactical flight mission generates a horizontal track from start point to target point that can maximize survival probability and minimize sail distance according to terrain and enemy 's situation and some other limits .