
  1. 住宅是人类最重要的生活必需品。

    Residence is the most necessity in human life .

  2. [结论]主干家庭是长寿老年人最重要的生活环境。

    [ Conclusion ] The trunk family is the most important living environment for the longevous elder-ly .

  3. 阿米什家庭最重要的生活原则之一是:包括孩子在内的每一个人都要承担一份家庭责任。

    Amish family life , the most important principle is this : everyone including children , must bear a family responsibility .

  4. 土地是最重要的生活和生产资料,是物权法的重要调整对象。

    Land , as the most important material in life and production , is the main object of the governance of Property Law .

  5. 这将帮助穷人。穷人常常因为向城市地区供水而得不到这种最重要的生活资源。

    This will help the poor , who are often denied the most vital resource of life in order to supply urban areas .

  6. 随着经济节奏的加快和竞争日趋激烈,信息沟通越来越成为最重要的生活学习和工作要素之一。

    With the accelerated pace of the economy and increasing competition , communication is increasingly becoming the most important element of study and work life .

  7. 邻人的财富刺激了各民族的贪欲,在这些民族那里,获取财富已成为最重要的生活目的之一。

    Their neighbors ' wealth excites the greed of peoples who already see in the acquisition of wealth one of the main aims of life .

  8. 土地是农民最重要的生活和生产资料,同时也是农村社会稳定的基础。

    The land is the peasant 's most important means of production , the source of peasant 's living guarantee , and is the foundation of the rural social stability .

  9. 随着生活水平的提高和余暇时间的增多,旅游正成为现代人类社会最重要的生活方式和经济活动之一,显示出强大的生命力。

    With the development of living level and the increasing of spare time , tour , which shows strong vitality , has being become one of the most important living styles and economic activities .

  10. 作为乡村社会最重要的休闲生活方式之一,庙会应和着特殊的乡土岁时节律。

    As one of the most important leisure ways of life in village society , temple fair coincides with the special rhythm of the agricultural period of a year .

  11. 以前以人群活动噪声为主,而现在城市公共建筑以及高层住宅中的各类动力设备噪声,已成为最重要的社会生活噪声源。

    On the other hand , all sorts of equipments in residential areas have taken the place of people 's activities to become the most important social activities noise source .

  12. 生活性街道作为城市空间构成的骨架,不仅是城市区域内部的连接线,更是城市最重要的公共生活空间之一,同时反映了城市的风貌和文化。

    As the framework of the urban space constitution , it is not only the cable within the urban area , but also the very significant urban public living space which reflects the features and culture of the city .

  13. 然而,最重要的是,生活要有目标。

    Above all , however , have a purpose in life .

  14. 然而,最重要的是,生活是由你去创造的!

    But , most of al , life is what YOU make it !

  15. 他健美的身材符合角色定位,最重要的是现实生活中的他和威尔逊一样幽默。

    His toned physique fits the character , and most importantly , he shares Wilson 's sense of humor in his real life .

  16. 作为最基础最重要的生活必需品之一,住房的短缺问题值得研究者和政策制定者给予关注。

    As one of the most important and basic necessities of life , shortage of housing needs more attention from researchers and policy makers .

  17. 要离欲,人就得忘身、服务于他人,以及坐禅,最重要的还是在生活中不眷恋世俗之物。

    To be free of desire one must forget oneself and serve others , meditate , and above all live with-out passionate attachments to worldly things .

  18. 最重要的事在生活中对多数美国人是,为大家,是自由和独特性,但是在一起仍然生存共同和谐中。

    The most important thing in life to most Americans is , for everyone , the freedom to be unique , yet still live together in harmony .

  19. 最重要的长寿健康生活习惯并不是秘密——就比如不要抽烟,多运动,保持健康的体重和血压以及胆固醇水平。

    The most important behaviors for a long and healthy life aren 't secrets -- they 're things like not smoking , exercising , maintaining a healthy weight and keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check .

  20. 土地是人类社会最重要的生产资料和生活资料。

    Land is the most important production material and living goods for human being .

  21. 最重要的是选择自己生活方式。

    Important thing is that you choose life .

  22. 会话含义理论是人们在口语交际中最基本也是最重要的生活交往准则。

    The theory of conversation meaning is a most basic and important rule in the intercommunication .

  23. 什么是最重要的领域你的生活,和领域,您需要的工作呢?

    What are the most important areas of your life , and the areas that you need to work on ?

  24. 自古以来,不动产就是人类最重要的生产资料和生活资料。

    Since the ancient time , real estate has been the most important production factor and motivation of the human activities .

  25. 我们创造一种空间形态就是创造一种生活形态,因此在我们对商业空间进行构建时,最重要的是确立创造生活形态的自信。

    To create a spatial modality is to create a sort of life modality , so the most important thing is to establish self-confidence of creating a sort of life modality while we construct commercial space .