
  • Aces Go Places;The Best Partner;Best Partners
  1. 总而言之,你和你的心就是最佳拍档。

    All in all , you and your heart are the best partners .

  2. 但是在VideoJug的建议下,你和你的前任仍然可以避免紧张关系,成为最佳拍档。

    But with VideoJug 's excellent advice , you and your ex will soon be best workmates without that underlying tension .

  3. 售价699美元(约4850人民币)、设计时髦的富士X70相机就是你的最佳拍档,或者你也可以选择传统外表与前端科技相结合的奥林巴斯PEN-F相机(售价1200美元),走一发复古范。

    The * sleek design of the Fujifilm X70 , $ 699 ( 4850 yuan ) , makes it the perfect companion , or you could go * retro with the Olympus PEN-F ( $ 1200 ) that offers old school looks alongside cutting edge technology .

  4. 不管怎样,我们永远都是最佳拍档。

    No matter what , we 're an ace partnership .

  5. 但高楼并不总是金融市场信心的最佳拍档。

    Yet tall buildings have not always been the best allies of financial market confidence .

  6. 你知道的,它们是经典的最佳拍档,没有什么能把它们分开。

    You know , they 're classic best buds , nothing can come between them .

  7. 我们的最佳拍档&我们的心将会给与我们不竭的动力和信心来战胜任何困难。

    Our best partner & our heart will give us unlimited motivations and confidence to overcome any difficulties .

  8. 我和我的最佳拍档有一个习惯,就是每年轮流计划怎样过情人节。

    A traditional I have with my wonderful partner is that we take turns planning Valentines Day each year .

  9. 是假日的休闲时光,是温润的午后小憩,植物和阳光成为最佳拍档,琥珀红茶当做佐餐美味,原来品味安逸也是一种快乐。

    Be comfort and at ease is kind of happiness from holiday relaxation , afternoon rest and aromatic red tea which accompany with plants and sunshine .

  10. 抛开它的起源不谈,这两种食物互补不足成为了最佳拍档&不得不提的是这也是我们穷学生的不二选择。

    Regardless of the origin , the two compliment each other and make for a great , filling meal – and an especially good one for the poor college student .

  11. 他的副手,在1983年接替迈克尔·富特成为其最佳竞选拍档的罗伊·哈特斯利也将辞职。

    His deputy Roy Hattersley , elected as part of the dream ticket to succeed Michael Foot in 1983 , will also resign .

  12. 可是我们在生活中会是最好的朋友,和商场上最佳的拍档。

    But we will be a best friend in life , with market ascend clap the file best .