
  • 网络tempering
  1. 探讨了回火处理对烧结NdFeB系合金显微组织和磁性能的影响。

    The effect of tempering process on the microstructure and magnetic properties of sintered Nd Fe B magnets were studied .

  2. 回火处理对Fe-Mn基合金剪切模量的影响

    Effect of Tempering on shear modulus of Fe-Mn base alloys

  3. 采用小角X射线散射技术研究了回归再回火处理1420铝锂合金δ′相的形成和粗化。

    The formation and the coarse of δ′ phase in 1420 Al-Li alloy treated by retrogression and reaging were investigated by means of small angle X-ray scattering ( SAXS ) technique .

  4. 结果表明,用LD钢制作钢板弹簧中心孔冲头,经1120°淬火、540℃高温回火处理后可以获得较好的力学性能;

    The results show that good properties of the centre hole punch can be obtained by quenching from 1120 ℃ and high temperature tempering at540 ℃;

  5. 回火处理能够极大地提高添加Nb后的烧结Nd-Fe-B磁体的矫顽力,而对其最大磁能积的影响不大。

    The intrinsic coercivity of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets with Nb addition can be greatly improved by annealing treatment , and annealing treatment has little effect on maximum energy product of sintered magnets .

  6. 在50钢表面进行等离子渗Cr,然后进行等离子超饱和渗碳、淬火及回火处理,获得表面强化层,并对处理后的材料进行拉伸试验和断口形貌观察。

    The element Cr was permeated into the surface of 50 steel using plasma surface alloying technology . Surface intensifying layer was achieved by plasma supersaturated carburizing , quench and temper treatment subsequently . Tensile experiment was carried out and the fracture appearance was observed .

  7. 结果表明:高合金耐磨铸铁经980~1050℃×2h空冷+500℃×2h回火处理可获得较高的耐磨性能。

    The results show that the higher abrasion resistance of high alloy wear-resistant cast iron can be obtained after heat treating with air cooling at 980-1050 ℃ for 2 h and tempering at 500 ℃ for 2 h.

  8. 优化了含Cr、Mo及RE-Si-Fe变质处理超高锰钢的热处理工艺,研究了超高锰钢不同温度回火处理后的组织和力学性能。

    The heat treatment process of super-high manganese steel with RE-Si-Fe modification which contains alloying elements Cr and Mo is optimized and the structure and mechanical properties of the steel by different tempering temperature treatment process are also studied .

  9. 与未变质H13钢相比,经过淬火、回火处理后的变质H13钢中无晶界碳化物析出,冲击韧性大幅度提高。

    Compared with non inoculated cast H13 steel , inoculated cast H13 steel after quenching and tempering has no carbide in grain boundaries and its impact toughness is improved greatly .

  10. 直柄麻花钻用DGG回火处理,其切削寿命比常规三次回火的约提高30%,且可以降低能耗。

    The field verification indicates that cutting life of straight stem twist drill treated with " LHH " tempering can be increased about 30 % when compared with that by conventional three times tempering , and thus the energy and man-hour may be saved .

  11. 对该合金化渗层进行渗碳、淬火、回火处理。

    Then the specimens were carburized , quenched and tempered .

  12. 焊后经过回火处理的基体金相组织与性能没有变化。

    Both microstructure and hardness of welded change little after temper treatment .

  13. 二次整体回火处理混流式水轮机转轮叶片裂纹

    The Double Temper in Bulk for Cracks of Francis Turbine Runner Blades

  14. 胎圈钢丝回火处理工艺的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Tempering Process of Tempered Bead Wire

  15. 压力容器焊后回火处理工艺的现状与探讨

    The Present State of the Post Weld Tempering Technologies of Pressure Vessels and Discussion and Research Thereof

  16. 然后及时进行回火处理,通过中频感应加热,使其在420℃左右保温,再冷却。

    Temperature is maintained to420 ℃ by heating with medium frequency induction , and then cooling is done .

  17. 对淬火介质的选择,淬火过程的控制,以及回火处理也作了介绍。

    The selection of cooling medium , control of quenching process , as well as tempering treatment was also described .

  18. 而回火处理后,改善了钢的综合性能,接头性能也得到进一步地提高。

    While after tempering , it improves the steel overall performance , the performance of the joint obtains further enhance .

  19. 其工艺过程是:水韧处理后,在不同温度回火处理,然后马上在-196℃下深冷处理。

    After water toughening , the superhigh manganese steel was tempered at various temperatures , and then treated cryogenically at-196 ℃ .

  20. 经淬火及回火处理后,表面硬度达到1800HV以上;

    There is no ledeburite on alloyed layer . The surface hardness in alloyed layer is 1 800 HV after quenching and tempering .

  21. 对于1000℃空淬试样,在460℃回火处理时可获得较好的综合力学性能。

    It was also found the synthetic mechanical properties of the samples quenched in air at1000 ℃ became excellent when temper temperature was460 ℃ .

  22. 研制的新型高强韧性耐磨钢,铸态空冷及淬火回火处理均可获得细小或隐晶马氏体,少量贝氏体和残留奥氏体以及碳化物。

    The microstructures of medium carbon wear resistance steel after quenching and tempering are martensite and small amount of bainite , retained austenite and carbide .

  23. 此外,还研究了150℃以下循环热处理以及淬火、回火处理对该复合材料硬度性能的影响。

    Moreover , the effects of cycling heat treatment ( below 150 ℃), quench and temper procedures on those of the materials are also researched .

  24. 采用中频熔炼、离心雾化凝固冷却得到铸态低碳铸钢丸,并对此进行相应回火处理得到不同硬度及寿命的低碳铸钢丸。

    In this thesis , series of low carbon cast steel shot were successfully obtained by medium-frequency melting and centrifugal atomization technologies and temper were performed .

  25. 建议对磨削后磨削面呈蓝黑色的弹簧再一次回火处理并检查是否存在缺陷。

    It is suggested that the springs having bluish dark color grinding face after grinding should be tempered once more and inspect existing defects or not .

  26. 结果表明,采用水基工作液电火花加工,电火花加工后高温回火处理及喷丸强化等措施,都可提高试样的冲击疲劳寿命。

    The results show that the impact fatigue life-time of the specimen will increase by means of high-temperature temper and shot-peening after EDM with the water-base working fluid .

  27. 焊后分别进行去应力退火和整体回火处理,使焊补焊缝及表面质量达到Ⅱ级。

    It must be to do annealing treatment for eliminating strees and whole temper treatment after the welding . The weld and surface quality must be to achieve 2 class level .

  28. 焊后300℃低温回火处理和900℃正火、300℃回火处理可显著改善焊接接头热影响区的冲击韧性。

    After welding , the joints are treated by low temperature tempering at 300 ℃ and normalizing at 900 ℃ . The tempering treatment can improve the impact toughness in heat-influenced area of the welded joints .

  29. 采用地方生铁(0.6%~0.8%Mn),通过增加硅量、强化孕育处理、降低奥氏体化温度以及等温淬火后回火处理等措施,可生产出接近于合金等温淬火球铁性能水平的齿轮。

    Gears complete with alloyed ADI properties can be produced by using local pig iron with 0.6 % ~ 0.8 % Mn through increasing Si content , strengthening inoculation , decreasing austenitizing temperature and conducting temper treatment after austempering .

  30. 经相同回火处理后,冲击功和延伸率均显著提高,前者强度的下降幅度小于后者,表现出良好的回火稳定性。

    The strength reduce of the former is lower than the latter , both impact energy and percentage elongation of them increased significantly through the same tempering treatment , which Shows a good tempering resistance of direct quenching steels .