
huí zhuǎn
  • rotation;rotary;swing;turn;gyration;slalom;turn round
回转 [huí zhuǎn]
  • (1) [rotary]∶像旋转物体那样运动的

  • 回转炉

  • (2) [gyration;turn round]∶旋转

  • (3) [slalom]∶沿旗门所规定的线路,穿越旗门、躲越障碍连续转弯向下滑行的滑雪运动

回转[huí zhuǎn]
  1. 在这种情况下,带电粒子有一个简单的回转。

    In this case , a charged particle has a simple gyration .

  2. 确定了析出相特征尺寸的对数正态分布和质量依回转半径的Maxwell分布。

    The logarithm Gaussian distribution of effective size and the Maxwell distribution of particles mass with gyration radius are also constructed .

  3. 他突然回转身来,朝相反方向跑去。

    He suddenly doubled and ran in the opposite direction .

  4. 回转轮将水从机器顶上注入

    The rotor cataracts water over the top of the machines .

  5. 风动冲击器是气动冲击回转钻进的主要设备之一

    Pneumatic DTH ( Down-The-Hole ) hammer is one of main pneumatic percussive-rotary drilling equipments .

  6. 带有间隙支承的CT机回转系统的非线性动力学

    Nonlinear dynamics of a rotating system with supporting-clearance in CT machine

  7. 基于神经网络和PID调节器的主轴回转误差的控制

    Control of spindle rotation error based on Neural network and PID controller

  8. C的水平。水平双轴回转电火花加工工艺规律的实验研究

    C were measured by the method of radioimmunology . Experimental investigations of EDM based on horizontal twin axles rotation

  9. PLC在大包回转台上的应用

    Application of PLC on the Ladle Turret

  10. 本文利用现代流体力学计算技术,采用复合形法(COMPLEX),对八维参量的回转体最小阻力外形进行优化设计。

    Based on the modern digital technology of fluid mechanics , the eight-parameter optimum axisymmetric bodies for minimum drag are obtained by using COMPLEX method .

  11. 面向特征造型技术的特种回转面刀具CAPP软件设计

    CAPP Software System for Monolithic Rotary Cutters Based on Feature-molding

  12. 回转类零件CAPP系统中工序图的生成方法

    The Generative Method of Operation Drawings in CAPP System for Rotational Parts

  13. 轴对称回转体的CFD分析及厚边界层理论计算

    CFD Analysis and Thick Boundary Layer Theoretical Calculation on Axisymmetric Revolution body

  14. MIS的多用户集中控制与数字回转柜系统

    Centralized Control Over Multi - users Under MIS and Digital Revolving - case System

  15. 回转类零件DM特征库三维实体造型技术的研究

    Research on the 3D solid modelling for DM feature store of rotational parts

  16. 浅析回转窑IV档挡轮安装

    Analysis on damper installation of rotary kiln

  17. SR系列多回转阀门电动装置主传动结构特点分析

    Characteristic Analysis on the Main Transmission Structure of SR Serves Multi-turn Value Actuator

  18. 提出了基于BP神经网络的回转窑窑内火焰燃烧状态的识别方法。

    In this paper , a new approach to recognize the flame in rolling furnace using BP neural network is proposed .

  19. CIMS环境下回转体零件CAD系统的应用活动模型的研究

    An Approach to Application Activity Model for CAD System of Revolution Solid Part if the Environment of CIMS

  20. 本文介绍一种面向非回转体零件并采用特征映射方法实现CAD/CAPP信息集成的系统。

    Based on the method of feature mapping , an integrated system of CAD / CAPP for prismatic component is introduced .

  21. 介绍一种回转类零件智能CAPP零件信息描述与输入子系统,该系统采用几何特征与工艺特征相结合描述零件;

    The subsystem of information description and input on intelligent CAPP of turning-type parts is introduced in this paper .

  22. 将此干燥器应用于2160t/a维生素C干燥中,并与传统双锥回转真空干燥器进行了比较。

    The new drier was applied in the vitamin C drying process with a capacity of 2 160 t / a , and compared it with the conventional double cone rotating vacuum drier .

  23. 采用Hill各向异性理论和全量变形理论分析了管端回转扩口变形过程的成形载荷及应力应变分布。

    Hill 's theory of plastic anisotropy and total strain theory are applied for the analysis of forming loads and stress-strain distribution in the tube-flaring with rotary punch .

  24. 介绍SATURN软启动器的结构和功能,阐述了软启动器在大包回转台控制中的应用和控制效果。

    This paper introduces SATURN soft-starter of structure and function , describes soft-starter of application and control effect in turret .

  25. 阀体类非回转体零件CAPP系统(FTCAPP)

    CAPP System for Valve Body Type Nonrotary Components ( FTCAPP )

  26. 本文基于Fuzzy集合理论,根据待辨识系统的量测数据,应用Fuzzy推理合成规则,提出建立系统Fuzzy模型的新方法,通过建立水泥回转窑热工过程Fuzzy模型,证实了该方法的可行性。

    A new method to establish the fuzzy model of a process by fuzzy reasoning and composition ( FRC ) by the experimental data is presented . This method was successfully applied to the thermodynamic process of a rotary cement kiln .

  27. 同时对安装回转轴系后AFM的测量噪声进行了测试,并通过结构改进使静态噪声幅值降为约10nm。

    The noise in AFM measurement process was tested after the shafting was assembled . The amplitude of static noise dropped to about 10 nm though structural modification .

  28. 将衬垫抽象为某一质量m、质心O(a,b)的准自由落体,其运动为自由落体基本运动和绕固定点回转的牵连运动。

    The lining is abstracted to be a quasi freely falling body with mass m and centroid O ( a , b ) ; and its motion , to be basic motion of freely falling body and involving motion revolving around fixed point .

  29. 3-RRR型数控回转台的精度分析

    Accuracy analysis of the 3-RRR NC swivel worktable

  30. 通过仿真分析,与单纯的PID控制相比,在新型叶片式连续回转马达位置伺服系统中采用DMC-PID串级预测的一种控制方法控制能够使整个系统的跟踪性能得到进一步提高。

    Simulation analysis shows us that the DMC-PID bunches control strategy can improve the overall system 's tracking performance in contrast with the simple PID control strategy .