
  • 网络The Echo;Les Echos
  1. 《回声报》(LesEchos)的一名记者把这场年会比作一次革命性庭审。《回声报》是《金融时报》的法国姐妹报。

    One journalist from Les Echos , the Financial Times 's French sister paper , likened the annual meeting to a revolutionary tribunal .

  2. 法国工人工资高,工作时间却只有三小时。泰勒在发表于法国《回声报》(LesEchos)的信函中写道,他们早、午饭要花一小时,聊天花三小时,工作三小时。

    The French workforce gets paid high wages but work only three hours , Mr Taylor said in the letter , published by Les Echos . They get one hour for breaks and lunch , talk for three and work for three .

  3. 而布拉德利议员则对《回声报》表示:“利物浦的CEO帕斯洛已经向我明确指出球队希望在明年初对新球场进行重新开工。”

    Cllr Bradley told the Echo newspaper : " Liverpool FC 's Christian Purslow has told us that the club in the first quarter of next year should be able to move forward with the stadium . "

  4. 《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人

    The daily echo have a readership of over ten million

  5. 一份商业报纸“回声报”提问道。

    Asked Les Echos , a business newspaper .

  6. 一个球迷告诉回声报:“他灰常的开心,看起来气色很好。”

    One fan told the ECHO : " He was absolutely beaming and looked great . "

  7. 这是今天的一份《回声报》,他指的那一段正是报道我们所说的这个案件的。

    It was the_Echo_for the day , and the paragraph to which he pointed was devoted to the case in question .

  8. 翻遍当年报道这场战争的《多塞特回声报》,一个几乎难以辨认的国家重回视线。

    Trawl through archive copies of the local newspaper , the Dorset Evening Echo , covering the period of that conflict , and a barely-recognisable country swims into view .

  9. “鲍尔森对于欧洲很多大俱乐部来说都是笔不错的签约,我相信他会非常适应利物浦,”阿格在面对《回声报》时表示。

    " Christian would be a perfect addition to most of the big clubs in Europe , so he will certainly fit in here ," Agger told the Liverpool Echo .

  10. 不幸的是,《回声报》编辑稿件的方式,和他们在文中插入提及委内瑞拉的行为(这是采访记者提到的,不是我),造成了读者对我观点的误解。

    Unfortunately , the way Les Echos edited the transcript and inserted the mention of Venezuela - which the interviewer raised , not I - gives a misleading impression of my views .

  11. 利物浦当地议员沃伦·布拉德利近日告诉《回声报》以及《广播城市》,利物浦俱乐部已经向他表达了希望在2010年初对新安菲尔德球场进行重新动工的想法。

    Councillor Warren Bradley told the Liverpool Echo and Radio City that he has been told by the club they hope to make progress on the new stadium in the first quarter of2010 .

  12. “最近有很多谣传是关于俱乐部即将引进的新球员,所以你必须将水平提升一个档次。”挪威人对利物浦回声报说。

    " There have been a lot of rumours lately about new people coming to the club , so you know you need to step up a level ," the Norwegian told the Liverpool Echo .

  13. 活动主办方对《桑德兰回声报》表示:非常遗憾,由于赛道安排不当,造成了只有一名领先的选手完成了光明体育馆附近实博佛德区的正确路线,我们主办方会承担全部责任。

    Event organisers told the Sunderland Echo : ` Regrettably , due to incorrect placing of marshals , which we take full responsibility for , only the lead athlete followed the correct route through the Sheepfold area near the Stadium of Light .

  14. 彼德·迈克德莫特是《爱尔兰回声报》的编辑,他获奖的作品是一篇社论。社论把去年准备在世贸遗址建造一座清真寺所引起的争论,和19世纪由于爱尔兰社区要在同一处闹市区建教堂而引发的暴乱进行了比较。

    Peter McDermott of the Irish Echo , won an Ippie for an editorial that compared last year 's controversy over a proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero with 19th century riots against the Irish community which wanted to build a church in that same downtown neighborhood .