
  • 网络tempered troostite;tempered martensite
  1. 结果表明,冷轧工作辊在粗磨过程中因磨削过热,使其表层的回火马氏体转变为回火托氏体,改变了表面应力状态,导致表面出现裂纹。

    It is supposed that superheat generated during rough grinding changes surface stress , resulting in the surface fissures .

  2. 结果表明:H13钢在300℃~630℃温度范围内回火,显微组织经历了由回火马氏体组织向回火托氏体组织的转变过程,在520℃左右出现二次硬化峰。

    The results show that the microstructure transforms from temper martensite to temper troostite when the temper temperature is from 300 ℃ to 630 ℃, and the peak of secondary hardening appears at about 520 ℃ .