
huí huǒ
  • draw the temper;drawing-back;letting down;temper;backfire
回火 [huí huǒ]
  • [temper] 把淬硬的钢或铸铁在比前次淬火温度低得多的温度中加热使软化

回火[huí huǒ]
  1. 回火对新型C级圆环链用钢组织与性能的影响

    Effect of Tempering on Microstructure and Properties of New C Grade Link-chain Steel

  2. 正火、退火及淬火+高温回火组织的C1比较接近。

    The difference in velocity among normalizing , annealing and high tempering structures are all approaching .

  3. 车回火了。

    The car backfired .

  4. 木村教授的研究小组打算用形变回火法制成的钢来制造超高强度的零件,比如螺栓。

    Kimura 's team intends to use its tempformed steel to make ultra-high strength parts , such as bolts .

  5. 他们没有添加其他金属,而是开发了一个复杂的机械过程,包括反复加热和非常严重的机械变形,也就是所谓的形变回火法。

    Rather than adding other metals , they developed a complex mechanical process involving repeated heating and very severe mechanical deformation , known as tempforming .

  6. 而工艺c使已转变的马氏体和贝氏体产生自回火。

    And the transformed martensite and bainite are self tempered by process c.

  7. PC钢丝矫直回火节能改造

    Transformation for Saving Energy in Straightening and Tempering PC Steel Wire

  8. 回火温度对Ni-Cr-Al硬弹合金组织和性能的影响

    Effect of Tempering Temperature on Structures and Properties of Ni-Cr-Al Hard Elastic Alloys

  9. 回火温度超过600℃,M(23)C6继续析出并长大;

    While tempering temperature is above 600 ℃, M_ ( 23 ) C_6 carbide continues to precipitate and grow up .

  10. Ni对基体钢回火过程的影响

    Effect of Ni on tempering process of matrix steel

  11. 回火金属玻璃小角X射线散射强度的背底校正

    Metallic strength rock metals background correction of the SAXS intensities scattered by the aged metallic glass

  12. 卷制余热弹簧试样的σb、δ及ψ都略低于重新加热淬火+回火试样,差别不明显;

    σ b , δ and ψ are all a little lower than that of heat quenching spring and tempering sample .

  13. 提出了反向传播人工神经网络(BPANN)参数学习的模拟退火回火算法。

    An annealing backfire algorithm to get the parameters of BP ANN was presented .

  14. 低温回火对埃林瓦合金弹性模量E及(△E/E)-T曲线的影响

    Effects of Low Temperature Tempering on Young 's Modulus E and △ E / E-T Curve of Elinvar Alloy

  15. 回火温度对Ni-P基化学镀层显微硬度和耐蚀性的影响

    Effects of Heat Treatment on Hardness and Corrosion Resistance of Ni-P Electroless Coating

  16. 结果表明:良好训练的BP网络模型可以较准确预测不同淬火、回火温度条件下残余奥氏体的含量。

    The results show that the well-trained BP neural network can predict the residual austenite contents precisely according to quenching temperature and tempering temperature .

  17. 合适的回火温度可得到低TCR值。

    The lowest TCR can be obtained by tempering at proper temperature .

  18. 淬火/回火热处理对TiAl基合金晶粒细化的影响

    Effect of quenching temperature and tempering time on grain refinement in TiAl base alloy

  19. 回火后,磁体中的富Nd相比烧结态更细小,且分布更均匀,矫顽力得到了很大的提高。

    After magnet is annealed , Nd-rich phase becomes smaller and is distributed more uniformly , so its coercivity is greatly improved .

  20. 结果表明:断裂失效属回火脆,服役时应力诱发残余奥氏体AR转变为M加剧了这种脆性。

    The result shows that the brittle fracture belongs to tempered brittleness and would be deteriorated due to remained austenite changed into martensite .

  21. 工艺试验结果表明,该钢的力学性能主要与锻造变形程度、尺寸效应、回火脆性和δ-F。组织等因素有关。

    The test results showed that the mechanical properties are related to forging deformation ratio , dimensional effect , temper brittleness ,δ - Fe and so on .

  22. 二次硬化效应与残余奥氏体在回火过程中转变为马氏体和马氏体基体中析出细小弥散的Mo2C和VC有关。

    Secondary hardening is related to the transformation of the residual austenite into martensite and the precipitation of the fine and dispersed Mo_2C and VC .

  23. 非晶合金Al(88)Ce2Ni9Fe1回火生成的纳米晶粒度分布与比内表面研究

    Size distribution and specific internal surface of nanocrystals produced from annealed amorphous alloy al_ ( 88 ) ce_2ni_9fe_1

  24. 结果表明,在210C、1h回火条件下,钢锯条具有最佳静弯曲强度及挠度。

    Results show that the steel saw blade by tempering at 210 ℃, 1 hour has optimum bending strength and deflection .

  25. 当水淬终止温度略低于Ms点时,钢的自回火程度最大,呈现出韧性峰值;

    When the interrupted quenching temperature is just below Ms , self tempering of martensite could reach its highest level and then a toughness peak may occur at this temperature .

  26. 回火时间对Fe-Mn基合金ΔE/E-t曲线影响

    Effect of Tempering Time on Δ E / E-t Curves of Two Fe-Mn Based Alloys

  27. 结果表明,用LD钢制作钢板弹簧中心孔冲头,经1120°淬火、540℃高温回火处理后可以获得较好的力学性能;

    The results show that good properties of the centre hole punch can be obtained by quenching from 1120 ℃ and high temperature tempering at540 ℃;

  28. 在50钢表面进行等离子渗铬,形成表面高Cr合金层,再进行等离子超饱和渗碳、淬火及回火热处理,获得表面高性能强化层。

    The Cr was permeated into the surface of 50 steel forming high Cr alloying layer . Surface high-performance intensifying layer was achieved by supersaturated carburization , quenching and tempering treatments .

  29. 简要论述了铬钼钢的回火脆化及其评定和控制,比较了Si、P含量的不同组合对材料回火脆化的影响。

    The temper brittleness of Cr-Mo Steel and its assessment and control are briefly stated , the effects of different composition of Si , P content on material temper brittleness are compared , in this paper .

  30. 随回火温度的提高,复相钢的冲击韧性(AK)值在300℃达到峰值,400℃时为低谷。

    A K of complex phase steel reaches its peak number when the temper temperature is 300 ℃;