
  1. 最终的结果是,几个世纪以来,保罗的另类耶稣观成了正统的基督教传统,只因为它存留下来并得以发展。

    And the end result was that over centuries , Paul 's idiosyncratic view of Jesus became the orthodox Christian line , simply because it survived and thrived .

  2. 结果表明:测量诱导期和测量亚稳区宽度所得到的表观成核级数m是一致的。

    It can be concluded that the value of nucleation kinetics exponent m provided by the measurements of metastable zone widths is in agreement with that obtained by measuring the induction periods of nucleation .

  3. 只要我们能找到将人类的价值观设定成清晰的规则的方法,创造出更加精密的道德机器就是有可能的。

    It will be possible to create more sophisticated moral machines , if only we can find a way to set out human values as clear rules .

  4. 这样一来,重拾教育的生命观就成了可能的出路。

    Thus , it becomes possible to regain the life view of education .

  5. 树立科学发展观开创成教持续路

    Establish the Scientific Concept of Development and Inaugurate a New Era of Adult Education

  6. 数学情感、态度与价值观之间成显著性正相关。

    There is a significant positive correlation between mathematics emotions , attitude and values .

  7. 李渔所追求的“观众本位”或“观听成宜”,就是通过将接受理论与创作理论相结合的做法得以实现的。

    The audience-based idea that Li Yu pursued could be achieved by the combination of reception theory and the creation theory .

  8. 令我最感兴趣的是越南人的观念和价值观译成英语时的表达方式。

    Analysis : What interested me most is the subject clause , while Vietnamese concepts and values were translated into English is a relative clause modifying the way .

  9. 横观各向同性成层地基中Love波弥散特性

    Dispersion characteristics of Love wave in layered soils with transverse isotropic symmetry

  10. 吉百利(Cadbury)凭借家族价值观,发展成一家世界一流公司,结果却毁在了赚快钱的股东手中。

    Family values built Cadbury into a world-class company ; quick-buck shareholders have dismantled it .

  11. 横观各向同性成层地基在轴对称荷载作用下的分析

    Analysis of transverse isotropic layered foundation under axisymmetric load

  12. 如今浦东观楼已成了上海的一大旅游景观。

    Viewing skyscrappers in pudong has become a tourist attraction for visitors in shanghai .

  13. 传统的价值观被碾成碎片,而新的价值观又尚未建立。

    Traditional values have totally broken into pieces while the new one has not yet come up .

  14. 其文化特质鲜明的体现在企业有正确指导思想、共同价值观、自成体系的理念系统、讲诚信道德和对企业发展战略与制度的认同上;

    Its cultural features include correct guideline , common value , ideal system , honesty and credit .

  15. 因此,探讨基督教的交往观,就成了宗教学研究与传播学研究之间的跨科际的交谈。

    Therefore-the exploration of the contact view of Christianity has become an inter-disciplinary dialogue between religious study and the study of dissemination .

  16. 论文获得以下主要结论:细粒软锰矿的可浮性和颗粒的表观粒度之间是成正比例关系的。

    Papers obtained the following main conclusions : The floatability is in direct proportion to the apparent size of fine pyrolusite .