
mén jìn
  • Access control;entrance guard
门禁 [mén jìn]
  • [entrance guard] 原指宫门的禁令,后泛指门口的防范戒备

门禁[mén jìn]
  1. 基于RFID技术的无障碍门禁管理

    The management of trouble-free entrance guard based on RFID technology

  2. 硬件平台以嵌入式X86主控板为基础,配以门禁转换模块;

    The hardware platform is based on embedded X86 motherboard , which equipped with conversion module of entrance guard ;

  3. 基于嵌入式Web门禁控制器的网络配置实现

    Achieve of Network Configuration Based on Embeded Web in Access Controller

  4. 基于B/S架构在线WEB门禁管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an On-line Web Access Control System based on B / S Framework

  5. 基于IP网络门禁控制系统通信模块的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Communication Module in Access Control System Based on IP Network

  6. 基于ARM的指纹识别门禁系统设计

    The Design of Fingerprint Recognition Safeguard Based on ARM

  7. 本文在基于ARM基础上设计并实现了指纹门禁联网系统。

    This article design and realize fingerprint Door-lock system network based on ARM .

  8. 从数码相机、PC视频聊天用的摄像头等消费产品到门禁、数字视频监视等工业控制及安防产品,视频采集和处理已成为嵌入式系统的重要应用之一。

    Video capture and processing have became one of the most important applications of embedded system .

  9. 本文研究了嵌入式门禁控制器平台软件的开发技术,并针对具体的需求特点,设计并实现了基于Linux内核的嵌入式门禁控制器平台软件。

    The platform software is designed based on Linux kernel and realized with specific features .

  10. RFID门禁机的软硬件低功耗协同设计

    Low Power Coordination Design of Rfid Door Access Machine 's Software and Hardware

  11. 基于RFID技术的无线门禁系统的设计

    Design of Entrance Guard System Based on RFID Technology

  12. 基于RFID技术的门禁监控系统

    The Gate-ban Monitoring System Based on RFID Technology

  13. 基于RFID与人脸识别技术的智能门禁系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Entrance Guard System Based on RFID and Face Recognition

  14. 基于FM的低压电力线门禁系统设计

    Design of low voltage power-line access control system based on FM

  15. TM卡智能电子锁与门禁系统研制

    The developing of intelligent electronical lock using TM

  16. NET环境下的C语言实现系统中涉及的主要类、方法,对指纹门禁系统的健壮性、安全性进行了分析。

    Realize the main classes and methods of system are realized by C # language in . net environment , robustness and security are also analyzed .

  17. 上位机中的软件是在Windows下用C++Builder实现,完成了门禁管理系统基本功能。

    The software of host computer has completed the basic functions of access control management system by C + + Builder in Windows Operating System .

  18. 本论文主要研究了一种感应式IC射频(RF)卡技术在门禁保安系统中的应用。

    This thesis chiefly researches the application of an 1C RF card technique based in induct-mode in the Access Control System .

  19. 本文的内容是研究与文本无关说话人识别的算法和在DSP上实现该算法的门禁系统。

    This paper studies on the text-independent speaker recognition algorithm and the access control system realized by the use of this algorithm on DSP .

  20. RFID卡与门禁系统之间采用无线双工通讯方式进行数据传输,实现系统的快速响应。

    RFID card and swipe used between duplex communication mode wireless data transmission , and realize a rapid response system .

  21. 本文共分为八个章节,分别作了门禁系统、智能IC卡技术和DSP技术的概述;

    In the eight chapters of the paper , the summarizations of Access Control System Intelligence IC card technology and separately are separately set forth ;

  22. 公司的业务涉及门禁系统、消费POS系统、考勤系统等领域;

    Our business range covers access control , POS system , time attendance system etc.

  23. 射频识别(RadioFrequencyIdentification,RFID)技术已经在社会生活的许多方面有着广泛的应用,例如物流管理、门禁、智能识别等等。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technology has been widely used in many areas in our daily lives , e.g.logistics management access control 、 intelligent authentication and so on .

  24. 据曼彻斯特晚报报道,这栋宿舍采用VIP式门禁,配备门卫,还有电影放映室、健身房和游戏室。

    The block boasts a VIP-style check-in , a concierge service , movie rooms , gyms and games rooms .

  25. 门禁,停车场,AFC,一卡通,支付系统。

    Access control , car parks , AFC , One Card solution , payment system etc.

  26. 基于用户可自画图形的特性,SIC卡在门禁、权限管理、模式识别及其控制等许多领域有着广阔的发展和应用前景。

    SIC would have broad developing and applying prospect in lots of domains , such as door_lock , authority management , pattern recognition and its manipulation , etc.

  27. 任何人必须使用门禁卡进入eep。

    All persons entering the EEP must use their access cards .

  28. 《长春一汽厂区门禁智能管理系统》的开发过程是严格按照RUP规范进行的。流程的主要组成部分有:业务建模、需求分析、分析与设计、实现(编码及实现)、测试、部署。

    The workflow of Rational Unified Process is composed of Business Modeling , Requirements , Analysis and Design , Implementation , Test and Deployment .

  29. 基于ARM-Linux的网络门禁控制器软件研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Software in the Access Controller Based on ARM-Linux

  30. 为了在大型活动门禁系统中提高准确性和安全性,本文提出了一个采用RFID门票与身份证双重验证的门禁系统。

    In order to enhance the verac1ity and security in the access control of great activities , we present a Access Control System with RFID tickets and personal ID here .