
mén lián
  • door curtain;portiere;fly
门帘 [mén lián]
  • [door curtain] 门口挂的帘子,用来通风、挡蚊虫等

门帘[mén lián]
  1. 唐老鸭从门帘后出来了。

    Donald comes out from the door curtain .

  2. 本实用新型提供一种防蚊纱门帘,由对开的两块纱门帘组成。

    The utility model provides an anti-mosquito gauze door curtain which comprises two folio gauze door curtains .

  3. 我拉上了帐篷门帘的拉链。

    I zipped the tent flaps shut .

  4. 他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。

    He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard .

  5. WB用自带的床单做“门帘”,我们躲在卧铺卡位里添穿衣服。

    Use a bedsheet as a door-curtain , we hide inside our cart to put on more clothes .

  6. 一名肩上挂着AK47步枪的塔利班边防警卫掀开他们那个小小的水泥房间的门帘,招呼我们进去。

    SLINGING his AK47 over his shoulder , the Taleban border guard pulled back the curtain to the tiny concrete room and beckoned us inside .

  7. 细棉布(作窗帘或门帘用)我们可以用布帘将医院内的病床每张隔开。

    We can curtain off each bed in the hospital .

  8. 她发现刚才没有注意到的一个低垂的门帘。

    She came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before .

  9. 又挂上帐幕的门帘。

    Then he put up the curtain at the entrance to the tabernacle .

  10. 门有一部分被门帘遮住了。

    The door was partially concealed by the drapes .

  11. 拉杰,你把门帘掀开,让它可以飞出去。

    Raj , you hold open the curtain so he can fly out .

  12. 门帘材料的光遮蔽性能测试法

    Testing methods for light blocking effect of curtain materials

  13. 他收回账篷的门帘。

    He held back the flap of the tent .

  14. 装有门帘、帷幔或者被门帘、帷幔所遮蔽。

    Furnished or concealed with curtains or draperies .

  15. 帐篷的门帘是用防水尼龙做的。

    The flysheet is made from proofed nylon .

  16. 拉上门帘将无情黑夜遮挡。

    The curtains drawn upon unfriendly night .

  17. 又在四围立院帷,把院子的门帘挂上。

    Set up the courtyard around it and put the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard .

  18. 茶馆门上挂着厚厚的塑料门帘。我们穿过门帘进入这个只有一间屋子的茶馆。

    We walked through a heavy plastic curtain that protected the door and entered the one-room shop .

  19. 门帘在客人身后庄严地合拢之后,一片沉寂降临在阿切尔的家人之中。

    After the portieres had solemnly closed behind their visitor a silence fell upon the Archer family .

  20. 那扇大门这会儿已经关上了,遮住了他们最初进来时走过的门帘。

    The main door was now shut , concealing the curtain between which they had first entered .

  21. 老太爷也揭了门帘从他的房里出来,陈姨太跟在后面。

    The door curtain was pushed aside and the Venerable Master Kao entered , followed by mistress chen .

  22. 太阳的热使花儿枯萎了。窗帘遮、遮阳篷或门帘配件,贱金属制

    The sun scorched the flowers . fitting , of base metal , for curtains , blinds or portieres

  23. 细棉布(作窗帘或门帘用)实验室安装百叶窗帘,不要使用布质和化纤材料窗帘。

    Casement cloth The lab could be equipped with a shutter w made of non-cotton and non-synthetic fibre materials .

  24. 脸色阴郁的管家拉起了客厅的门帘,通报说:“亨利·范德卢顿先生到。”

    The sad butler drew back the drawing-room portieres and announced : " Mr. Henry van der Luyden . "

  25. 棉布门帘每块人民币16元,涤纶的每块14元。

    The cotton door curtain is 16 Yuan RMB for one , and the dacron one is 14 Yuan RMB .

  26. 哪些地方是阳光直射的,哪些是荫蔽的。门帘材料的光遮蔽性能测试法

    Also note the sun exposure and shade throughout the day . testing methods for light blocking effect of curtain materials

  27. 院子的帷子和帷子的柱子,带卯的座和院子的门帘;

    The curtains of the courtyard with its posts and bases , and the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard ;

  28. 美好的闺房中的门帘卷不去月光,在捣衣石上拂去月光但它又来了。

    Beautiful boudoir curtain in volume do not moonlight , at the flick ramming stone clothing moonlight but it came again .

  29. 它是用作衣服、鞋、帽、兜肚、枕、床帐、门帘等上面绣制图样时所依据的范样。

    These are used as the patterns for embroidery on clothes , shoes , hats , pillows , bed curtains and door curtains .

  30. 杰克背上他的背包。十分钟后回来!他的声音穿过门帘。然后他就跟着安妮走了。

    Jack pulled on his backpack . Back in ten minutes ! he called through the screen door . Then he followed Annie .