首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 门从铰链上扯下来了。

    The door had been pulled off its hinges .

  2. 门从里面锁上了。

    The door was locked from the inside .

  3. 门从里面锁上了。

    The doors were locked from the inside

  4. 讽刺的是,200年前,拜占庭人就是利用这个门从十字军(theCrusaders)手中夺回了他们的城市。

    Ironically , this was the same gate the Byzantines used to retake their city from the Crusaders 200 years previously .

  5. 他门从科研能力和创新思维两方面来评价学生。

    They judged the students on their research ability and creative thinking .

  6. 正阳门从元朝开始共经历了几个名字?

    How many names of ZhengYangmen are called since the Yuan dynasty ?

  7. 从另一扇门看欧洲音乐史评《开启音乐之门从若干崭新的视角观察音乐世界》一书

    Criticism on the Book Opening Music Door Observing Music World from New Angles

  8. 螺丝松了,门从橱柜上掉下来了。

    The screw worked itself loose and the door fell off the cupboard .

  9. 男子遇刺身亡未发现凶器门从里面反锁

    Man stabbed to death , no murder weapon.Door locked from the inside .

  10. 文体学是一门从语言学的角度研究文体特征的学科。

    Stylistics is the linguistic study of style .

  11. 数据挖掘是一门从海量数据中挖掘有用知识和规则的技术。

    Data mining is technology of useful knowledge and rules from the mass of data .

  12. 这门从里开。

    The door opens from within .

  13. 门从屋内反锁着

    Doors locked from the inside .

  14. 门从里面锁着你还得从楼上阳台爬下来

    The door was locked from the inside , you had to climb down the balcony .

  15. 但门从里面锁住凶手是怎么进来的

    If his door was locked from the inside , how did the killer get in ?

  16. 门从两边都能开

    Doors open from both sides .

  17. 在这重建,门从博物馆导致贮藏室为图书馆。

    In this reconstruction , the doors from the Museum lead to storage rooms for the Library .

  18. 发展伦理学是一门从整体评价和规范发展实践的应用伦理学。

    Ethics of development is an applying ethics which evaluates and regulates practice of development from the whole .

  19. 罗辰(音译)的寝室门从外表看上去同五楼其他30间寝室并无两样。

    The door to Luo Chen 's dormitory looks no different from the 30 others on the fifth floor .

  20. 《英语经典电影对白赏析与模仿》是一门从属于实用英语课程的拓展选修课程。

    Enjoyment and Imitation on English Dialogues of Classical Films is an expansive optional course that is attached to Practical English Course .

  21. 从技术上说,可以把冶金学定义为一门从矿石中提炼金属,予以精炼,然后制成材料备用的科学。

    Metallurgy may be technically defined as the science of extracting metals from their ores , refining them and preparing them for use .

  22. 随着美学研究的走向深入,在现代条件下重新思考美学与艺术的关系,并进而建立一门从中国艺术自身发展规律出发的艺术美学遂成为历史的必然趋势。

    With the development of the study on Aesthetics in China , the Study of Aesthetics of Arts is upsurging in an inexorable trend .

  23. 但是,即使你没有贵重物品,创意家居工程公司称,一个高质量的隐蔽门从欣赏的角度出发也是一个可靠的投资。

    But , even if you don 't , Creative Home Engineering claims that a quality hidden door can make a solid investment from an appreciation standpoint .

  24. 流行病学作为唯一一门从群体角度研究疾病和健康的医学学科,在医学研究和实践领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As the only medical course researching into diseases and health at the angle of groups , epidemiology is playing an increasingly more significant role on medical research and practice .

  25. 图像理解是一门从图像中自动获取信息的科学,其主要的技术包括图像分割,图像成份的建模,图像分析及推理。

    Image Understanding is the subject of automated extraction of information from images . The essential technologies of the science include image segmentation , image component modeling , image analysis and reasoning .

  26. 因此,心理学作为一门从经验角度探究人性的科学,只有通过目的论原则才能完成自己的学科使命并实现其价值。

    Therefore , as an experience science about human nature , psychology only to complete their academic mission and realize its value through the teleological principle . Then , how is psychology lose its identity ?

  27. 数据挖掘是一门从大量数据中根据特定算法挖掘潜在信息,供研究者进行分析的技术。现在已经广泛应用于各大领域,并取得众多有价值的研究成果。

    Data mining , which based on specific algorithms , is a technology for researchers to analyze large amounts of data to find potential knowledge , and widely used in the major fields , makes itself be valuable .

  28. 中国情景喜剧作为一门从国外舶来的电视节目类型,自1992年英达推出中国第一部大型情景喜剧《我爱我家》之日算起,已在中国走过了十几年的发展历程。

    Chinese situation comedy , as a television program form from West have undergone years of development since 1992 when Ying Da , the father of Chinese situation comedies directed and put on the first TV Situation Comedy I Love My Family in China .

  29. 所有的门都从外面锁上了。

    All the doors had been locked from the outside .

  30. 但我确信我吓到了我这三个伙伴,因为我不用打开门就从房间里消失不见了。

    However , I believe I succeeded in astounding43 my trio of companions , for I departed from that room without opening the door .