
  • 网络Admission fee
  1. 沃里克城堡的地牢体验(门票费9英镑)可以起点作用。

    Warwick 's dungeon experience ( entrance £ 9 ) helps .

  2. 这两个队分享了3250美元的门票费。

    The two teams divided a gate of $ 3250 .

  3. 五十五美元的只包含到岛屿的门票费。

    The $ 55 package only covers your entrance fee to the island .

  4. 博物馆已经免收门票费了。

    Museum entrance fees have been waived .

  5. 这一限制不适用于外国游客,外国游客入内须支付1000卢比门票费。

    The restrictions will not apply to foreigners , who pay 1000 rupees to enter .

  6. 它的费用包括了导游费、所有的门票、住宿费,地面交通费以及大部分的餐费;

    It includes a tour guide , all admission fees , accommodations , ground transportation , and most of the meals .

  7. 但实际情况与他们所说的相反,没有人会愿意为了看雷蒙-塞申斯,甚至马尔钦-戈塔特亦或是卢克-理查德-巴莫特这样的球员而花钱买门票,付停车费或者为了请假而被扣钱。

    But this conundrum stands in contrast to that . No one is paying ticket prices , parking fees , or getting gouged by concessions to watch Ramon Sessions , or even Marcin Gortat or Luc Richard Mbah a Moute . You come to watch the great players .

  8. 英国的消费者已经习惯于在购买戏票,体育门票和其他娱乐门票时制服服务费。

    Consumers in the UK are used to paying a service charge when they purchase tickets for the theatre , sporting events , and other forms of entertainment .