
mén kǒur
  • doorway;entrance
  1. 毫无疑问,纳斯达克也时刻注视着自家门口的事儿。

    Clearly , NASDAQ also has an eye on its own doorstep .

  2. 面试官:我们更讲究诚实。门口没有擦鞋垫儿!

    Boss : We are also keen on truthfulness . There is no mat .

  3. 以下的照片是俺在门口等待“兔儿们”时拍摄的,下面最后的一对楹联,俺还不会念(语文没有学好)

    The photos below was taken during my waiting for them , the last couplets I do not know how to read out yet ( I have not studied Chinese well at school ) .