
mínɡ jiàn
  • Ming Jian;bright, clear mirror;clear precedence;your brilliant idea;your penetrating judgment
明鉴 [míng jiàn]
  • (1) [bright mirror]∶明亮的镜子

  • (2) [explicit example for reference]∶指能够引以为戒的明显的前例

  • (3) [perceive]∶明察,洞察。旧时称颂人有见识有眼力

  1. 金字塔是古埃及人非凡工程技术的明鉴。

    The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians ' engineering skills .

  2. 我们并不是很善于明鉴识人棍骗性的言行。

    We are not very good at detecting deception in other people .

  3. 深入研究中西文学交流史上的意象之桥,可以为我们解决古诗与新诗、继承与创新、传统与现代等现代文学中的困境提供明鉴。

    The research of Imagist in China & Western literature history has provided a solution to the dilemma of Modern Chinese literature .

  4. 寻找中国当代家具设计的路子,完善设计理论是一个基础,一个铺垫,读史以明鉴,中国古典家具的设计思想能够反映出中国人特有的情怀与审美趣味。

    The history is a mirror . The design ideas of Chinese classical furniture can reflect the characteristic feeling and aesthetic taste of Chinese .

  5. 虽然这一历史事件己经结束65年了,但读史可以明鉴,中华民族史上这段悲壮历史永远不会被遗忘。

    Although this historic event has past 65 years , this history of solemn and stirring will never be forgotten , because histories make men wise .