
  • 网络The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate;New Dragon Gate Inn;Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate
  1. 而今年的贺岁片大战随着《龙门飞甲》和《金陵十三钗》的上映而硝烟四起,一场票房PK战也随之拉开帷幕!十二月是电影的黄金月。今年岁末有20多部影片激战贺岁档。

    This year , the holiday season has attracted more than 20 rival movies .

  2. 《龙门飞甲》

    Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

  3. 影片《龙门飞甲》可谓是全明星阵容,包括功夫大师李连杰、周迅、陈坤、桂纶镁以及歌而优则演的范晓萱和李宇春的加盟。

    The cast of the film is full of stars , including kungfu master Jet Li , Zhou Xun , Chen Kun , Kwai Lun-mei , and singer-turned-actress Mavis Fan and Li Yuchun .

  4. 而其中最令人期待的便要数香港导演徐克的《龙门飞甲》和张艺谋的《金陵十三钗》,两部影片都于12月16日上映。

    The most eagerly awaited among them are poised to be Flying Swords of Dragon Gate by Hong Kong director Tsui Hark , and Zhang Yimou 's The Flowers of War , which both hit cinemas on December 16 .

  5. 该片延续了1992年徐克旧作《新龙门客栈》的故事情节,虽然徐克否认该片是重拍经典,但《龙门飞甲》更像是一部建立在过去的辉煌之中的二次创作。

    This film is based on the story of 1992 " s New Dragon Gate Inn , a work by Tsui Hark . Although Tsui denied that it would be a remake , but more of a reimagination , Flying Swords of Dragon Gate in a way builds on past glories .