
ɡuó jiā quán lì
  • National rights;state right;right of state
  1. 我的课本里甚至说内战关乎国家权利。

    My textbooks even said the Civil War was about states ' rights .

  2. 国家权利也有防御犯罪和利益补救的护卫需求。

    There are defensive demands for national rights to be maintained on rights relief .

  3. 国家权利和义务宣言

    Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States

  4. 国家权利·国家被害·国家护卫需求

    National Rights , National Victimization , National Protection

  5. 关于国家权利的棘手问题。

    The thorny question of states ' rights .

  6. 国家权利是国家就维持其存在和履行职能所应有利益而享有的一种支配自由。

    National rights are the freedom of preserving its necessary benefits which sustain and perform its duty .

  7. 律师的存在代表了社会个体对国家权利,特别是对司法权利的制约。

    The existence of lawyer represents the control of social individual to national tights especially , judiciary rights and interests .

  8. 《华彩》标志雕塑由主雕、浮雕墙、标志台三部份组成。主雕下部是象征国家权利(权力?)

    The Statue of Huacai is composed of three parts & the statue body , an emblem stand , and the walls of relief .

  9. 在1949-1966年这十七年间,由于政治意识形态和国家权利话语的左右,翻译成为一种有计划的政治行为。

    Under the manipulation of political ideology and State discourse , the translation activities during the 17 years ( 1949-1966 ) unavoidably became highly political .

  10. 该部分先从法学理论的角度分析了能源投资准入的法律含义、能源投资准入涉及的国家权利。

    The chapter firstly analyses the legal formation and the national rights related to energy investment access of the energy industry investment access from the legal theory perspective .

  11. 善意原则是国内法及国际法的基本原则,支配着个人和国家权利的行使。

    The Principle of Good Faith is a basic principle of both municipal law and international law . It governs the exercise of rights of both individuals and states .

  12. 善意原则后来进入国际法领域,成为国际法的一项基本规范和根本原则,支配着国家权利的行使。

    The Principle of Good Faith then enters the realm of international law , and becomes one of the most basic criteria and basic principles of international law , dominating the exercise of state rights .

  13. 据报道超过70000名叙利亚人死亡,现在我们说据报道是因为无法确认数字,或确认暴力事件,这是因为叙利亚并没有给CNN或任何其他国际新闻机构自由进入这个国家的权利。

    More than 70000 Syrians are reported to have been killed , now we say reported because it 's not possible to confirm that number , or to confirm some of the accounts of violence , that 's because Syria hasn 't give CNN or any other International news organizations free access inside the country .

  14. 我国社会救助中公民与国家的权利义务关系

    Rights and Obligations Relation between Citizens and State in Social Succoring

  15. 他补充说,有关提议尊重所有国家的权利。

    He adds that it respects the rights of all nations .

  16. 承认无海岸国家悬旗权利公约

    Convention recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast

  17. 论专属经济区的国家主权权利

    Perspectives on the Sovereign Rights of the Exclusive Economic Zone

  18. 对世界其它地区来说,赤字国家是权利主张的净卖家。

    Deficit countries are net sellers of claims to the rest of the world .

  19. 拉美国家劳工权利现状

    Present situations of the workers in Latin America

  20. 李·格兰特是美国公民自由联盟国家移民权利项目的副主任。

    Lee Gelernt is deputy director of the ACLU 's National Immigration Rights Project .

  21. 矿业权出让是国家公权利与私权利的分水岭。

    The granting of mining rights is a watershed separating national public right and private right .

  22. 在任何国家,权利和义务人来都不是绝对的,而是相对而言的。

    In any country rights and duties are never absolute , but rather , they are relative .

  23. 作为一种具备有限理性的行为主体,国家在权利让渡的过程中面临信息不对称,不得不因之付出成本。

    Confronted with information asymmetry , states with limited rationality have to pay costs for transferring of rights .

  24. 各少数民族平等参与管理国家的权利得到充分保障。

    The right of the ethnic minorities to participate on an equal footing in state administration is guaranteed .

  25. 正是个人赋予国家的权利和职责使国家有了统治权。

    Rights and responsibilities given by the individual are what give the state its power to govern . ( pa.8 )

  26. 外交保护是一个古老的国际法问题,包括外交使节保护和领事保护,在性质上属于国家的权利而非个人的权利。

    Diplomatic protection is an old issue in international law , which includes the ambassador protection and the consul protection .

  27. 加拿大乘势而上,积极扩大对北极水域的控制权,开创了利用环保权扩张国家主权权利的典型个案。

    Canada exploit momentum , actively expand Arctic waters control pioneered use eco right expansion national sovereignty rights typical cases .

  28. 这一具体化和现实化了的自由即外在权利由两个方面构成:个体的权利和国家的权利。

    External right is constituted by two parts , that is the right of individual and the right of nation .

  29. 最后,欧盟委员会应确保一点:构建银行业联盟将不会损害非欧元区欧盟国家的权利。

    Finally , the commission should ensure that the banking union does not undermine the rights of EU countries outside the eurozone .

  30. 在债务不能自动清偿,当事人自力救济无效的情况下,就需要通过国家公权利强制执行的途径进行清偿。

    In the circumstances that debt can 't be discharged voluntarily and creditor 's self-relief is invalid , compulsory execution is necessary .