
  • 网络state and society;state-society
  1. 从国家与社会关系重构的视角来看,法团主义提供了一种现实可行的选择。

    From the perspective of rebuilding state-society relations , corporatism provides a realistic and feasible choice .

  2. 而实现公民身份的认同,构建和谐的国家与社会关系并不是一朝一夕所能达到的目标,仍需要我们积极地探索和长期地努力。

    Just like building the harmonious state-society relationship , it is not an easy job to approve the citizenship identity and needs our passive and long-term efforts .

  3. 城市社区的国家与社会:现实诉求和路径依赖对C市市长公开电话的个案研究

    State and Society in Modern Urban Community : Realistic Appealing and Path Dependence : A Case Study of Mayor 's Publicized Telephone in C city

  4. 这个过程是公民与政府相互交流的过程,也是国家与社会力量较量的过程。

    This process is the process of interaction with the citizens .

  5. 国家与社会:传统东方法律的运动机理

    Country and Society : The Movement Mechanism of Traditional Oriental Law

  6. 国家与社会&政府职能转变的一个视角

    State and Society & a Visual Angle for the Governmental Function Transformation

  7. 西方学界对中国国家与社会关系研究的回顾

    A Retrospect of State-Society Relationship in Chinese Study by the West Academy

  8. 国家与社会分析框架在中国史领域的应用

    The Application of State & Society Framework in Chinese History

  9. 新中国成立初期国家与社会关系模式初探

    Analysis of the Model Between Nation and Society in Early New China

  10. 国家与社会互动关系中的我国社会中介组织

    Social intermediary organization of interaction between nation and society

  11. 在政治结构上,表现为国家与社会分离的渐进实现。

    In the political structure , the state and society are being separated .

  12. 村民自治进程中的国家与社会关系

    The Relationship Between State And Society In The Progress Of The Village Self-government

  13. 评乡村政治研究中的国家与社会视角

    Can the Rural China Politics Be Studied in the " State-society " Frame

  14. 浅析法国的国家与社会关系

    The Relations between State and Society in France

  15. 民间信仰视野下的国家与社会

    State and Society as Seen in Folk Beliefs

  16. 从国家与社会研究架构比较村民自治与宗族复兴

    From the State and Social Structure Comparison Study of Village Self-government and Clan Revival

  17. 社会资本视角下国家与社会关系的重塑

    Reshape the Relation Between the Nation and Society in the View of Social Capital

  18. 社会势力的产生是古代国家与社会关系发展过程中的必然现象。

    Social forces were inevitable in the development of ancient states and social relationships .

  19. 水利建设历来是中国国家与社会生活中的一件大事。

    Water Conservancy Construction has always been State and social life of a major event .

  20. 国家与社会:法哲学研究范式的批判与重建

    The State and the Society : Criticism and Reconstruction of Research Model in Legal Philosophy

  21. 国家与社会之间&论社会中介组织对中国社会转型的影响

    Between Nation and Society & On the Influence of Civic Organization on Societal Transition in China

  22. 国家与社会的关系形态在历史发展的长河中是变动不居的。

    In the course of human civilization , the relationship between state and society remains changing .

  23. 这种关系的变化深刻体现了国家与社会的融合与冲突。

    Such changes in relationship profoundly reflect the fusion and conflict of the state and society .

  24. 从中国国家与社会问题谈人的全面发展

    The Development of Human on the Issue about the Relationship between State and Society in China

  25. 村民自治的实质是要重构国家与社会的关系。

    The essence of villagers autonomy is to reconstruct the relationship between state and local society .

  26. 从全能政治到有限政治:国家与社会关系的重大调整

    From Omnipotent Politics to Limited Politics : Important Adjustment of the Relationship between State and Society

  27. 政治关系文明的制度分析&在国家与社会关系视角内

    Institutional Analysis on political relation civilization

  28. 国家与社会相互渗透,模糊了私人领域与公共领域的界限。

    Nation and society permeate mutually , misty the boundary of private realm and public sphere .

  29. 在双方的相互对待中,文章试图找出一条国家与社会之间的边界。

    The author of this paper tries to find out the boundary between government and popular society .

  30. 城市社区是城市社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,它的产生是国家与社会相分离的结果。

    The author thinks it is the result of the function separation of the State and society .