
  1. 前三届国家期刊奖获奖社科期刊统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Social Sciences Periodicals Which Gained the National Periodical Prize

  2. 《杂交水稻》杂志荣获第二届国家期刊奖提名奖

    Journal HYBRID RICE Won the Nomination Prize of the Second National Periodicals Awards of China

  3. 与三次国家期刊奖的缘&从《电池》荣获第三届国家期刊奖百种重点期刊奖谈起

    Fortune accompanies Battery Bimonthly & The winner of 100 Key Journals , The 3rd China National Periodical Award

  4. 对学科专业学报进行了定义和数量统计,分析了学科专业学报在首届国家期刊奖、中国期刊方阵、中国科技期刊排名、三大期刊资助基金以及核心期刊中的地位。

    This paper makes definition and quantitative statistics of acta , and analyses on its positions in the first national periodical award , Chinese periodical matrix , Chinese sci-tech periodical ordering , three periodical funds and Chinese core periodicals .

  5. 《电池》双月刊荣获首届国家期刊奖后,应抓住机遇,实施品牌战略,努力报道创新成果,并在编辑、出版过程中创新。

    After winning the First Award of China National Journals in 1999 , Battery Bimonthly ( Dianchi in Chinese ) was seeking the new chance to implement the development strategy of branding , to report the innovative achievements , and to innovate in editing and printing process .