
  • 网络state opera;state opera house;Staatsoper;oper
  1. 尽管她从未在舞台上演唱过,国家歌剧院的约瑟夫·克里普斯还是聘用了她。

    Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage

  2. 周一,柏林爱乐乐团(BerlinPhilharmonic)宣布了下任首席指挥将由生于俄罗斯的慕尼黑巴伐利亚国家歌剧院(BavarianStateOpera)音乐总监基利尔·佩钦科(KirillPetrenko)担任。

    When the Berlin Philharmonic announced on Monday that its next chief conductor would be Kirill Petrenko , the Russian-born music director of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich ,

  3. 这部歌剧将于明年在英国国家歌剧院首演。

    The opera is due to be premiered by ENO next year .

  4. 日本东京新国家歌剧院(NNT歌剧院)容座1810,容积14500m3,(大幕开启时的)满场混响时间1.5s。

    The New National Theatre opera house ( NNT opera house ) seats 1810 , its volume is 14500 m3 , and its reverberation time , with audience , is 1.5 s ( proscenium curtain open ) .

  5. 他母亲曾是柏林国家歌剧院的女高音歌手。

    His mother had been a soprano with the Berlin State opera .

  6. 漂浮的大理石冰山挪威国家歌剧院设计

    A Floating Marble Iceberg Oslo Opera House , Norway

  7. 这部作品将在维也纳国家歌剧院上演。

    The production is being staged at the Viennese opera house , the Volksoper .

  8. 东京新国家歌剧院的声学设计

    Acoustical design of the opera house of the New National Theatre , Tokyo , Japan

  9. 奥地利维也纳国家歌剧院

    Vienna State Opera house , austria

  10. 在国家歌剧院欣赏了一出精彩的现代舞表演是我此行的一大收获之一!

    One of my biggest things in Helsinki is to enjoy a wonderful modern dance performance in The National Opera !

  11. 在国家歌剧院有组织的忙乱中,又一箱设备神奇般地出现在后台。

    Aid the organized chaos on the stage of the State Opera House , another box of props miraculously makes its appearance .

  12. 从火车站到国家歌剧院的沿途有很多著名的景点,我们走马观花一下先。

    There are many famous viewpoint on the way from the Railway Station to the National Opera . Let 's have a quick look of them first .

  13. 他在慕尼黑的巴伐利亚国家歌剧院的工作也饱受赞誉。官方周一称希望能将他的合约延长到2018年后。

    His work at the Bavarian State Opera in Munich has been praised , and officials there said on Monday that they still hoped to extend his contract beyond 2018 .

  14. 这正是他在短暂担任维也纳国家歌剧院总经理和艺术总监时采取的方式。他是首位在该歌剧院担任上述职务的美国人。

    That was how he handled his brief term as general manager and artistic director at the Vienna State Opera , where he was the first American to wield such power .

  15. 他很快便将维也纳国家歌剧院从一个每晚都上演不同剧目的剧团,变成了他所谓的固定制度。在这种制度下,该歌剧院分组上演歌剧,并频繁重演。

    He quickly transformed the house from a repertory company , where a different work was staged every night , to what he called a block system , in which groups of operas were played , with frequent repeats .

  16. 他很快便将维也纳国家歌剧院从一个每晚都上演不同剧目的剧团,变成了他所谓的“固定”制度。在这种制度下,该歌剧院分组上演歌剧,并频繁重演。

    He quickly transformed the house from a repertory company , where a different work was staged every night , to what he called a " block " system , in which groups of operas were played , with frequent repeats .

  17. 介绍了以在物理站点为基础构建的国家大剧院歌剧院扩声系统概况。

    Situation for the sound amplifying system of opera house in National Center for Performing Arts which base on the physical sites .

  18. 澳大利亚有许多举世闻名、景观独特的旅游胜地,如大堡礁、阿叶尔斯石柱山,卡荷杜国家公园和悉尼歌剧院等。

    Many of its world-renowned attractions are specific , such as the Great Barrier Reef , Ayer 's Rock , Kakadu National Park , and Sydney Opera House .