
  1. 对体育文化消费规律的探索

    A Probe to the Consumption Law of the Physical Culture

  2. 城镇居民居住消费规律剖析

    Analysis on the Housing Comsumption Laws of Urban Household

  3. 国际营销中文化差异性研究消费规律与国际营销创新

    Study on Cultural Difference in International Marketing The Law of Consumption and the Innovation of International Marketing

  4. 通过考察先行工业化国家钢铁消费规律,探讨中国钢铁消费可能达到的人均消费峰值。

    Based on the steel consumption rules in industrialized countries , the article discusses the possible peak value per capita steel consumption in China .

  5. 提出了消费规律,即消费从基本需求到享受需求,最后到发展需要。

    And he proposed the consume rules which means the consumption has its own rules from basic needs to hedonic needs , and finally developing needs .

  6. 既有的研究成果对分析农村居民消费规律、刻画农民消费水平和结构变动机理有较大贡献,但也存在一定不足。

    The existing research has a huge contribution to analyze the rural consumer law and depict the rural consumption level and changed structure mechanism , but it was still insufficient .

  7. 本研究在对相关经济学分析和社会学、心理学分析理论的梳理的基础上,综合有相关学科的理论和方法,对保险的需求与消费规律进行探讨。

    On the basis of critique of related knowledge of economic , sociological , and psychological analysis , this article aims to discuss motivation of insurance demand and consumption mentality in the views of economic psychology .

  8. 通过对体育文化消费规律的研究,对于推动体育文化事业的发展,促进体育文化消费活动都将产生深远的积极作用。

    It will produce a far-reaching active effect to push the development of the physical culture undertaking and promote the consumption activities of the physical culture through the research of the law of physical culture consumption .

  9. 企业要在竞争中取胜,获得利润,就必须研究消费者行为,了解消费者的需求,掌握消费者的消费规律.以生产出符合消费者需要的产品。

    If they want to win in the competition and make profit , enterprises must study consumer behaviors , get to know consumer demand and consumer regulation and then they can produce products which meet the needs of consumers .

  10. 实现医学目的应该注意律正医疗服务观念,遵循医疗消费规律,坚定医学理性精神,弘扬社会和历史因素对医学目的的促进作用,搞好继续医学教育。

    Realization of medical purpose involves a scientific conception of medical service and a rational medical spirit ; it should follow the principles of medical consumption ; it should emphasize the positive role of social and historical factors in promoting medical purpose ;

  11. 随着市场经济的确立,蒙古族文学在为人民、为社会主义服务方针下继续发展的同时,其生存、传承、传播也日益被市场及消费规律所支配。

    Along with the gradual establishment of the socialist market economy , Mongolian literature has made great progress within the guidance of " Serving the people , and Serving socialism ", meanwhile , its existence , inheritance and spreading have been gradually governed by laws of market and consumption .

  12. 大学生手机消费的规律性及重要启示&北方11所高校大学生手机消费市场的调查

    Regular Pattern & Revelation of University Students ' Mobile Phone Consumption

  13. 论文详细介绍了上海电力的发展现状以及上海地区的电力消费变化规律;

    This paper introduces the development of Shanghai electric power and regularity of electric expense in Shanghai .

  14. 第二章从人口学特征和不同目的旅游者角度,对旅游流行为进行了研究和分析,指出不同特征旅游流的消费行为规律和逗留行为规律。

    Chapter 2 examines the action features of tourist flows from the perspectives of demology and motives of tourists , and provides the different consuming and sojourn rules of different tourist flows .

  15. 家庭特征与家庭消费行为规律之间存在一定联系,尤其是家庭经济收入、家庭类型、家庭生命周期、家庭消费角色对家庭消费行为有很大的影响作用。

    On the other hand , characteristics of a household is related to its consumption pattern , especially family income , type , life cycle and members'role all have a great influence on a consumption behaviour .

  16. 本文运用数学模型定量分析文化消费倾向的规律特点,采用的是扩展的线性支出系统(ELES)模型并结合模型的稳定性统计检验方法对我国居民文化消费倾向进行研究。

    This paper discusses the character of culture consumption using ELES model and examines the stability of the model by statistical examination .

  17. 灰色消费系数变动规律呈Y型模式。

    Grey consume coefficient change law submits the pattern of Y model .

  18. 本文将以电视新闻发展的情况为主线,论由此引出的人类审美需求、消费心理等规律性特点。

    This essay , centring around the development of TV news , analyses two regular patternsaesthetic demand and consuming psychology .

  19. 文章试图用经济学原理,以需求为基本范畴,分析社会文化产品生产、流通、消费的基本规律,揭示文化产品的价值和使用价值相统一的商品属性。

    In the light of economic principles , this article analyses the fundamental laws of production . circulation and consumption of cultural products .

  20. 受到可持续消费全球化导向规律的深入影响,当前我国贸易战略重点都选择了发展可持续贸易。

    Under the deep influence of the globalization of sustainable consumption , China chooses to develop sustainable trade as its key trade strategy .

  21. 边际消费倾向递减规律造成了消费不足,而资本边际效率递减和流动偏好规律造成了投资不足。

    Diminishing marginal propensity to consume resulted in insufficient consumption , while law of capital diminishing marginal utility and flow preferences caused insufficient investment .

  22. 尊重符号消费社会的规律,将符号学广泛应用于现代电视广告的制作、改良和突破创新之中具有重要的实践意义。

    Respect the symbol consumption society rules , making , improvement and innovation of semiotics is widely used in modern television advertising has important practical significance .

  23. 依据消费结构升级规律,本文认为中国总体上已进入住行消费阶段。

    Based on the law of consumption structure upgrading , we get the conclusion that China has entered the stage of consuming real-estate and automobile in generally .

  24. 究其原因,是由于没有很好地把握住房地产广告与消费者心理的关系,忽略了对信息传播、说服购买、指导消费等心理规律的有效研究。

    The reason is the absence of a good grasp of real estate advertising and consumer psychology of the relationship between the neglect of the dissemination of information to convince the purchase , consumption , such as psychological guidance to the law of the study valid .

  25. 中国能源消费结构的变动规律研究

    Study on the Change of Energy Consumption Structure in China

  26. 消费行为选择空间规律的探索与思考

    The Exploration and Thinking about the Law of the Consumers ' Behavior of Choosing Space

  27. 这种方法难以真正反映客户的需求,忽略了客户消费的偏好和规律。

    This method can 't well reflect the demand of customers and neglects their preference .

  28. 为了探究影响中国能源消费增长的内在规律,文章运用协整分析方法对能源消费与产业结构变化之间的关系进行了定量分析,并建立了向量误差修正模型。

    The paper uses multivariable integration test and Granger causality test based on vector error correction model and analyzes the relationship between Chinas energy consumption and economic growth .

  29. 本文首先用理论研究法讨论了精神产品的定义和特点,探讨了其在生产和消费方面的基本规律,指出网络游戏是典型的数字化精神产品。

    After defining and characterizing the spiritual products and their features in production and consumption process , this thesis defines the online games as one of the typical spiritual product .

  30. 为了探讨镇江市参保人员医疗消费的趋势和规律,对1997&2001年5年间镇江市城镇参保职工的人员构成和医疗消费情况进行了分析。

    In order to discuss the trend in medical expenses of urban subscribers in Zhenjiang , we analyze of their personnel structure and medical expenses during 1997 to 2001 five years .