
  • 网络consumer service;service consumers
  1. 《零售及消费者服务》(JournalofRetailingandConsumerServices)杂志发表的一份研究称,在顾客与雇员之间形成人际互动,不失为提高销售量行之有效的方法。

    A study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that forming personal bonds between shoppers and salespeople was an effective way of increasing sales .

  2. 安德鲁•帕克是风投公司SparkCapital的掌门人,致力于消费者服务领域中的技术应用层面。

    Andrew Parker ( @ andrewparker ) is a principal with VC firm spark capital , where he focuses on the applications layer of the technology stack in consumer services .

  3. 重点为年轻消费者服务的产业正在转型,转而为老年人创造、生产和推广产品及服务。

    Industries that have focused on younger consumers are retooling2 themselves to create , produce and market goods and services to that older demographic group .

  4. 合并后的新公司将对其他既有同行构成更大威胁,特别是搜索引擎百度(Baidu)旗下的消费者服务平台糯米网(Nuomi)。

    The combined group will pose a greater threat to other established players , notably search engine Baidu 's consumer services platform Nuomi .

  5. 作出虚假报告的用户滥用SCEA消费者服务(见下文);

    Making a false report of user abuse to SCEA Consumer Services ( see below );

  6. Dropbox的竞争对手Box的首席执行官阿龙•利维(AaronLevie)表示,通常而言,公司不得不在简单而别致的消费者服务和笨重难用但安全的企业工具之间做出抉择。

    Typically , companies have had to choose between consumer services that are simple and elegant , or enterprise tools that are cumbersome and difficult to use but secure , says Aaron Levie , chief executive of Box , a rival provider .

  7. ⑸消费者服务需求的促进;

    ⑸ meeting the consumers ' demands with general service ;

  8. 我们成功的基础是那些提供给潜在消费者服务的训练有素的人员。

    Well-trained people who deliver exceptional customer services are the foundation of our success .

  9. 一个晴朗的早晨某个消费者服务需要请求某个供应者服务的一些信息。

    One fine morning a consumer service needs some information from a supplier service .

  10. 为低收入消费者服务的。

    Designed for low-income consumers .

  11. 生产出来的晶片被分开成为许多单独的称为芯片的薄片,为消费者服务。

    The resulting wafer is divided into individual pieces , called chips , and served to customers .

  12. 跟踪各个事务,从而审查和解决消费者服务、安全性和遵从性问题

    The ability to trace individual transactions for audit and resolution of customer service , security and compliance issues

  13. 多数新设立的见习项目、培训项目都局限于消费者服务、医疗和零售行业。

    Most new apprenticeship and training programs are confined to the customer services , health , and retail industries .

  14. 协会的承诺对道德商业惯例和消费者服务作为它的品行规范。

    The cornerstone of the Association 's commitment to ethical business practices and consumer service is its Code of Ethics .

  15. 直辖市、()府消费者服务中心得于辖区内设分中心。

    Governments of municipalities and counties ( cities ) may establish branch offices under the consumer service centers within their jurisdictions .

  16. 启动和执行所负责城市大型零售和连锁店的消费者服务项目。

    Lead and supervise to launch and implement consumer services products in mega and chain stores in his / her responsible city .

  17. 此时的长三角经济圈,在外部市场萎缩的困境下,加速内部经济转型,寻找新的经济增长点是当前的主要方向,而将消费者服务业发展作为现代经济发展的新增长点是合理可行的。

    At this moment , the shrinking market needs to accelerate internal economic restructuring and to find new points of economic growth .

  18. 在现代市场营销观念指导下,企业应致力于为消费者服务,实现消费者让渡价值最大化。

    Under the direction of the viewpoint of modern sales , enterprises should commit themselves to serving the customers to realize maximize the delivered customer-value .

  19. 金融产品和移动技术之间的快速融合,创造了无数直接为消费者服务、消除官僚中间商的机会。

    Rapid integration between financial products and mobile technology creates myriad opportunities to serve the consumer directly , and to cut out the bureaucratic middle men .

  20. 作为电子支付的重要组成部分&小额电子支付,是主要为广大消费者服务的新型的支付和结算方式。

    Micro-electronic payment , as an essential component of the electronic payment , which serves as general consumer , a new method of payment and settlement .

  21. 与消费者服务业相比,生产性服务业是一种高智力、高集聚、高成长、高辐射、高就业的现代服务产业。

    Comparing to consumer service industry , producer service industry is a high intelligence , high concentration , high radiation and high employment modern service industry .

  22. 然而,在每周释放蚊子的项目启动前,还需经过佛罗里达农业和消费者服务部以及佛罗里达群岛蚊虫控制区的批准。

    Before weekly mosquito releases can start , however , the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District have to approve .

  23. 试建立一个电信互动综合服务的模型,拟实现电信服务和消费者服务需求之间的互动平衡。

    This paper proposes the model of the telecommunication interactive end comprehensive service , implementing the interactive equilibrium between the telecommunication service and the service demand of consumers .

  24. 建立消费者服务中心,引入优惠支付系统,通过银行帐户和每日使用频率计算系统自动减少用水费用。

    Establish a customer service center , introduce discount payment system for the automatic deduction of water utility rates from bank accounts and calculation system for daily rate use .

  25. 在国外许多国家,金融市场主要将重点放在调整、风险管理、消费者服务、提高效率、透明度、成本削减等方面。

    In many foreign countries , the financial markets have been focusing on regulation , risk management , customer service , improvement of efficiency , transparency , cost cutting , etc.

  26. 加快服务业发展,一方面需要通过深化改革、完善市场环境、健全社会保障体系等推动消费者服务业发展;

    So we can promote the service industry by deepening the reform , perfecting social ensurance system and so on , to prompt the development of consumer services on one hand ;

  27. 随着消费者服务意识的增强,企业面临着比以前更大的压力,提高顾客满意度成为企业提升服务质量、挽留顾客的一个重要途径。

    As increase awareness to consumer service , enterprises are facing greater pressure than ever before . Improving customers ' satisfaction is a very important way for enterprises upgrading their service quality .

  28. 大卫尼勒曼开始运行阿祖尔航空公司为这些新消费者服务。他总结到,随着中产阶层人数不断地增加,前景乐观。

    David Neeleman , who has launched an airline , Azul , to serve all these new consumers , sums up the optimism that the new entrants to the middle class are creating .

  29. 波顿说,投资者投资于他的中国基金,将受益于他过去30年为消费者服务和特许经营等领域的欧洲公司服务的经验。

    Mr Bolton says that investors in his China fund would benefit from his experiences learned from backing European companies over the past 30 years in sectors such as consumer services and franchises .

  30. 为此,威宝公司决定继续生产3.5寸软盘产品,以便为那些仍然需要使用这种软盘的消费者服务。

    To that end , Verbatim has decided to proceed with their floppy disk production , if only to provide a solution for those who still make use of these storage devices for everyday .