
  • 网络leveraged
  1. 他们认为,公司的自有资金是没有风险的,也没有被用于杠杆投资。

    They argue that the firm 's own capital is not at risk and that it is not leveraged .

  2. 凯雷集团(CarlyleGroup)昨日承认,未能挽救旗下陷入困境的220亿美元抵押贷款担保证券基金。该高杠杆投资基金在阿姆斯特丹的泛欧交易所(Euronext)上市尚不满8个月。

    The Carlyle Group yesterday admitted that it had failed to save its troubled $ 22bn mortgage-backed securities fund less than eight months after floating the heavily leveraged vehicle on Euronext Amsterdam .

  3. 此外,您的杠杆投资额还可高达客户存款额的20倍。

    Besides , we can provide you high leverage up to twenty times your margin deposit .

  4. 那样的人可能会在这里选一个点来投资,那就是一个有。。。这是个杠杆投资组合。

    Such a person might pick a point up here and that would be a portfolio with & a leveraged portfolio .

  5. 但是我们现在所要挽救的公司是那些并不见得会倒闭的金融机构,它们正在采取紧缩措施,减少杠杆投资和紧缩开支。

    But the firms we are dealing with now [ with the proposed legislation ] are not necessarily failing ," he said . " They are contracting , de-leveraging and pulling back .

  6. 国际和当地高级银行家警告称,面对经济衰退前作出的杠杆投资的偿债义务,科威特金额巨大的投资业中的多数公司可能倒闭。

    Most of Kuwait 's multibillion - dollar investment company industry could be wiped out by debt repayments on the finance houses ' leveraged investments made before the recession , senior international and local bankers have warned .

  7. 我们来总结一下吧:交易员正以-20%的利率借入资金,并以很高的杠杆投资于众多高风险全球资产由于流动性过剩和大规模利差交易,这些资产的价格正在上涨。

    Let us sum up : traders are borrowing at negative 20 per cent rates to invest on a highly leveraged basis on a mass of risky global assets that are rising in price due to excess liquidity and a massive carry trade .

  8. 通过财务杠杆,投资银行和对冲基金将金融风险变成了金融崩盘。

    Investment banks and hedge funds turned financial risk into financial crack with leverage .

  9. 高杠杆比率投资信托同时承担着无法为债务融资的风险。

    Highly-geared investment trusts also run the risk of not being able to refinance their debt .

  10. 其中一个重要因素是通过借款杠杆调节投资。

    One of the key elements is that by borrowing money you can gain leverage on your investment .

  11. 企业的可持续发展主要靠产业结构的调整,而投资结构问题是关系企业产业结构的大问题,产业结构优化和升级的先导和杠杆是投资结构的调整。

    The investment structure affiliates industrial structure adjustment of investment structure the pilot and leverage the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure .

  12. 预计上述两家银行第一季度的业绩,将受到其抵押担保证券和杠杆贷款投资组合巨额减记的影响。

    First-quarter results at the two banks are expected to be hit by huge markdowns on their portfolios of mortgage-backed securities and leveraged loans .

  13. 中国国内监管机构对上证综指的暴涨十分担心,一定程度上因许多投资者的收益是通过杠杆化投资获得的。

    The fierce rally on the Shanghai Composite is worrying domestic regulators , in part , because many investors ' gains have been achieved with leverage .

  14. 随着市场复苏,相当多的亚洲投资者仍在选择风险极大的投资产品,比如,杠杆外汇投资以及复杂的结构化产品。

    Quite a large number of Asian investors are still taking excessive risks towards their investments , such as leveraged foreign exchange investments and complex structured products as markets recover .

  15. 在养老基金和非盈利性基金会减少杠杆收购投资之际,这也表明主权财富基金对私人股本公司的重要性在不断增长。

    It also illustrates the growing importance of sovereign wealth funds to private equity firms at a time when pension funds and non-profit endowments are cutting back their exposure to leveraged buy-out investments .

  16. 在二手私人股本基金权益市场,利用贷款来为收购数量往往上百的杠杆化投资组合公司的股份提供部分资金的做法,已在某些投资者当中流行开来。

    In the market for second-hand private equity fund interests , the use of loans to part-fund the acquisition of stakes in often hundreds of already leveraged portfolio companies has become popular with some investors .

  17. 建立一个以法制机制、财税杠杆、投资信贷、价格手段为主体的四位一体的制度体系是发展循环经济的当务之急。

    Establishing an integrated system that consists of four kinds of sub-systems including the legal system mechanism , the lever of finance and taxation , the investment credit and the price method is an urgent matter .

  18. 他们发明了各种新的金融产品(包括卖空股票和货币、次级贷款、证券化、通过对冲基金进行的杠杆化投资),表面上延续了增长和繁荣。

    Inventing new financial products such as short selling of shares and currencies , subprime lending , securitisation , leveraged investments through hedge funds and a multitude of others , they apparently continued to grow and prosper .

  19. 债务杠杆与企业投资:双重预算软约束视角

    Debt Leverage and Corporate Investment : A Duplicate Soft Budget Constraint Perspective

  20. 认股权证、杠杆效应与投资收益分析

    Analysis on warrants , leverage and income on investment

  21. 那表示你有一个杠杆化的投资组合,你可能透支了。

    That means you 'd have a leveraged portfolio , you would be borrowing .

  22. 期货市场作为一个具有杠杆效应的投资市场,其中所蕴含的风险高于其他任何投资市场。

    As an investment market which has a lever effect , futures market has higher risks man any other investment markets .

  23. 作为一个具有高杠杆的新型投资品种,它的出现满足了一部分风险喜好的投资者,也丰富了投资者的交易策略,使投资者的理财手段更加灵活高效。

    As a new method of high-leverage investment , it caters for some risk-preferred investors , enriches exchange strategies , and makes financing ways more efficient .

  24. 各式各样的杠杆投资者-投资银行、私人股票型基金、对冲基金、甚至公司企业的商业票据-都对流动性如饥似渴。

    Leveraged funders of all types – investment banks , private equity funds , hedge funds , and even companies ' commercial paper – were parched for liquidity .

  25. 在当前的债务期限结构状态下,国有控股企业倾向于通过缩短债务期限结构促进企业投资,而非国有控股企业则主要通过降低杠杆促进企业投资。

    In the current state of the debt maturity structure of state-owned holding companies tend to promote business investment by reducing the debt maturity structure , rather than state-controlled enterprises are mainly to promote business investment by reducing leverage .

  26. 以EVA激励机制为杠杆优化经营层投资决策

    Optimizing Input Decision-making by Lever of EVA Incentive Mechanism

  27. 为交易募资所能利用的杠杆消失,导致投资活动大幅缩减和信心坍塌,3i和赛伯乐(Cerberus)等公司竞相关闭亚洲地区的办事处。

    The disappearance of leverage available to fund deals led to a collapse in activity and confidence , as firms such as 3i and Cerberus scrambled to close regional offices .

  28. 就我国上市公司总体而言,财务杠杆对企业过度投资有抑制作用,对企业投资不足有促进作用。

    As to all the listed companies , financial leverages can inhibit overinvestment and facilitating underinvestment .

  29. 欧洲需要购买杠杆贷款的新投资工具,否则,未来几年企业将难以进行再融资。

    Europe needs new investment vehicles that will buy leveraged loans or companies will struggle to refinance over the coming years .

  30. 杠杆化是否对投资新机会提供灵活性,很大程度上取决于贷款是否被合理配置,吉利根说。

    Whether the gearing provides flexibility to invest in new opportunities depends largely on whether the borrowings have been deployed or not , says Gilligan .