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ɡànɡ zi
  • bar;thick stick;stout carrying pole;thick underline/sideline
杠子 [gàng zi]
  • (1) [thick stick;stout carring pole]∶较粗的棍子

  • 他们在杠子中间拴一筐,两人抬着,筐里装满了土

  • (2) [bar]∶锻炼身体的一种器械,分为单杠、双杠、高低杠

  • 他在杠子上锻练身体

  • (3) [thick line drawn beside or under words in reading,correcting papars,etc.]∶批改文字或阅读中作为标记所画的粗直线

  • 老师把写错了的字都打上杠子

  1. 她在一旁站着,我奋力用右手把自己拉上去,直到我能用左肘弯勾住杠子。

    She stood by as I struggled to lift myself with my right hand until I could hook the bar with my other elbow .

  2. 你本不该插一杠子,横加指责,让人难受。

    You shouldn 't have waded in with all those unpleasant accusations .

  3. 对板闭和杠子墙临时密闭进行了介绍。

    The paper introduces temporary airtights with board close and beam wall .

  4. 他干得好好的,你不要冒冒失失地横插一杠子。

    Don 't cut in so rudely while he is doing it well .

  5. 试着在我们谈话的时候插一杠子。

    Trying to horn in on the conversation .

  6. 我没想到他会在我们中间插杠子。

    Little did I imagine that he would try to drive a wedge between us .

  7. 年复一年,无论我走到哪儿,他都要像个鬼魂一样现身,在我和我的计划之间横插一杠子。

    Everywhere I went , year after year , he appeared like a ghost and came between me and my plans .

  8. 准备好翻白眼吧:三个想象力颇丰的年轻人在纽约异想天开,并且创制了一根强劲的自拍杆,杠子够长够大,足以支撑起一台苹果笔记本电脑。

    Prepare for a major eye-roll : Three imaginative young men in New York have dreamed up - and created - an industrial-strength selfie stick , big enough to support an entire laptop .

  9. 不过分析师表示,中国的银行面临的更大挑战来自第三方支付提供商在银行与客户之间插一杠子的方式,这种方式令银行无法获得关于消费模式的宝贵数据。

    The bigger challenge to Chinese lenders , analysts say , comes from the way in which third-party payment providers are interposing themselves between banks and customers , depriving lenders of valuable data on consumption patterns .

  10. 所以,如果1864年那晚的子弹打得再下面一点,那么在11月的大选可能是一场哈姆林和福尔蒙特、麦克莱伦(激进民主党候选人)的混战,约翰逊还有可能来插一杠子,导致美国陷入混乱。

    Had the assassin aimed a bit lower in 1864 , the election in November would likely have pitted Hamlin against Fremont and McClellan ( the Democratic nominee ) , with Johnson perhaps running on the Union ticket . America in 1864 would have been a mess .