
  • 网络Shared Power;Sharing Right
  1. 共享权、给付行政程序与行政法的变革

    Sharing Right , Supply Administration Procedure and Administrative Law Reform

  2. 给付行政时代的来临使国民共享权之保障成为行政法的基本任务。

    The coming of the supply administration era makes sharing right protection the basic mission of administrative law .

  3. 奥地利和卢森堡可能会抵制推动信息共享权的努力,尽管英国和德国对此十分热衷。

    Austria and Luxembourg are likely to resist attempts to push mutual information rights , in spite of the enthusiasm of the UK and Germany .

  4. 另一方面由于网络时代的开放性,社会公众倾向对音乐作品特别是网络音乐作品享有共享权,尽可能无偿或下载使用。

    On the other hand because of the openness of the Internet age , the public tend to have the right to share , use and download music freely .

  5. 公民的良好环境权是一种共享权,其法律主体是作为一个整体概念的人类,但其真正的法律主体是当代人。

    Citizen 's right to a good environment is a kind of shared right . Its legal subject is human being as a whole , but the real subject is the present generation .

  6. 建筑物区分所有权之共有权人的权利分为合理使用权、收益共享权及修缮改良权;义务分为合理使用共有部分的义务、费用共同负担的义务及合理注意并维持现状的义务。

    Condominium owners are entitled to be fair use of rights , benefit-sharing rights and the right to repair improvement ; also entitled to obligation of rational use of shared parts , to share costs and reasonable care and to maintain the status quo .

  7. 每九个学生共享管理权。

    For every nine students there , the students share in charge .

  8. 网络协同工作环境中应用共享发言权控制的研究

    Analysis on Floor Control for Shared Applications in the Next Generation Network Collaborative Working Environment

  9. 俄罗斯企业拥有许多石油开发合同,还在里海勘探区域共享作业权。

    Russian companies have many oil development contracts and share access to exploration acreage in the Caspian Sea .

  10. 它是一个介于林业管理部门、地方政府和林业企业三者之间,与区域行政机构共享管理权,而又没有受到明确法律、法规约束的林区管理机构。

    It was among forestry management , local government , and forestry enterprises , sharing management rights with regional administrative institutions not affected by legal and regulatory constraints .

  11. 任务型组织的领导者及其领导角色都不同于常规组织,任务型组织应当确立起共享领导权、宽松授权、创造自由环境等原则。

    Task-based organizations and their leaders are different from the conventional organizations , and the task-based organizations should establish such principles as shared leadership , ample authorization and liberal environment .

  12. 如果是在集群式的WebSphereApplicationServer环境中进行部署,则每个集群实例必须拥有对通用文件服务器或企业网络存储设备上文件共享的访问权。

    If you are deploying in a clustered WebSphere Application Server environment , each cluster instance must have access to a file share on common file servers or enterprise network storage devices .

  13. 这个新公司去年由巴西的coteminas和总部位于南卡罗莱纳州的springsindustries共同创建,两家公司达成协议,将各自的大部分纺织业务合并在一起,双方共享管理控制权,但coteminas持有新公司的多数股权。

    The new enterprise was formed last year through coteminas of Brazil and South Carolina-based springs industries agreeing to put the majority of their textiles operations together , with the two parents sharing management control but coteminas taking the majority stake .

  14. 向这个人索要共享的控制权。

    Asks this person to let you control what is shared .

  15. 国外远程教育资源共建共享中著作权法律制度概述

    An Introduction to Foreign Copyright Law on Building & Sharing Resources in Distance Education

  16. 地震科技信息资源共享与著作权保护

    Share of seismological scientific information and copyright protection

  17. 于是就有了“强势法郎政策”的出台,以及推动德法共享经济决策权的努力。

    The outcome was the " Franc fort " policy and a push to share economic decision-making between Germany and France .

  18. 分析了地震科技信息著作权的归属、信息共享与著作权保护之间的关系以及相关的法律问题

    The copyright ownership of seismological scientific information , relations between information share and copyright protection and the problems concerning law are analyzed

  19. 在自主装配中引入人的高智能因素,提出了基于自由度共享和控制权共享的人机共享控制策略。

    Joined the people of high intelligence factors in the self-assembly , Proposed human-machine shared control strategy based on freedom sharing and control sharing .

  20. 但MarcRotenberg说,这样一来,谷歌用户就会失去对其共享信息的控制权。

    But Marc Rotenberg says in return , people who choose to use Google will lose control over the information they share .

  21. 非国有科技资源共享中的专利权研究

    The Research of Patent Rights in Non-state-owned Sci-tech Resource Sharing

  22. 从影响合作交易效率的信息状态视角出发,本文对集团内部信息共享机制和决策权的有效分配问题进行了研究。

    From the view-angle of information state affecting cooperative trade efficiency , discussions are penetrated through information-sharing mechanism and efficient decision authority allocation problems within enterprise group .