
ɡònɡ zhèn jié ɡòu
  • resonant structure
  1. 根据我们得到的数据,我们认为其重要的反应中间体羟乙基硫胺素焦磷酸(HEThDP)除文献报道的烯铵结构和C2α-碳负离子结构之外,还存在第三种共振结构,即烯醇式结构。

    Based on the data we got , we believed that there should be a third resonant structure of the reaction intermediate hydroxyethyl thiamine pyrophosphate ( HEThDP ) besides the reported enamine resonant structure and C2-a-alkenyl carbanion resonant structure , which might be named enol resonant structure .

  2. 电荷分离的共振结构对丁二烯没有很大的贡献。

    Charge-separated resonance structures do not contribute very much to the resonance hybrid of butadiene .

  3. 此外,还简要讨论了Fe和Al两种核素的中子总截面共振结构问题。

    The resonance structures were briefly discussed for both Fe and Al .

  4. 外电场中Ca和Sr原子光电离谱的共振结构

    Resonances of photoionization of Ca and Sr atoms in an electric field

  5. ~(16)O+~(24)Mg反应全熔合激发函数的类共振结构

    Resonance-like Structure of Complete Fusion Excitation Function for  ̄( 16 ) O + ( 24 ) Mg Reaction

  6. 按照空腔共振结构的微观尺寸对吸声影响的机理,采用发气技术形成这种结构并研制出相应的新型发气剂X。

    In term of the relation between the micro-size and cavity resonance sound absorber , the structure is formed through the gas former techniques .

  7. 对F原子的光电离截面,人们已经做了大量实验研究,并观察到了大量的自电离共振结构。

    There are many experimental studies performed for the photoionization of atomic fluorine , and the autoionization resonance series in fluorine have been observed .

  8. 这一共振结构是由于光电离过程或光电离激发过程与Auger共振过程相互作用的结果。

    This resonance structure results from the interference between a photoionization process or a photoionization with excitation process and a resonant Auger process .

  9. 在本文的第二部分,运用多体微扰理论,我们计算了Ca~+离子在4s→kp的光电离过程中,3p→3d跃迁的共振结构。

    In part two of this paper , many-body perturbation theory has been used to calculate the resonance structure ( 3p-3d ) into the photoionization ( 4s-kp ) for ion Ca + .

  10. 由于super-Coster-Kronig过程,在3p电子的阈能区间得到了加强型共振结构。

    The resonance structure in the region of the 3p threshold is enhanced via a super-Coster-Kronig transition .

  11. ~(16)O+~(20)Ne弹性碰撞的激发函数呈现出共振结构,基于核分子轨道理论对共振结构进行了研究,理论结果与实验数据很好的一致。

    Resonant structures appeared in the excitation functions for the ~ ( 16 ) O + ~ ( 20 ) Ne elastic scattering have been studied by using the nuclear molecular orbital theory . The theoretical results agree well with the experimental data .

  12. 用推理方法导出σ络合物共振结构

    A inference approach to the generation of sigma complex resonance structures

  13. 奥美拉唑核磁共振结构解析中化学交换对信号的影响

    Effect of chemical exchange on NMR signals for structure analysis of omeprazole

  14. 大空腔共振结构吸波机理的分析

    Analysis on Absorption Mechanism of Large Cavity Resonance Structure

  15. 真实体系光电离截面共振结构的理论研究

    Theoretical approach for photoionization cross sections of an isolated resonance in real system

  16. 计算得到的截面包含了复杂的共振结构。

    The cross sections contain complicated resonance structure .

  17. 铝纤维板共振结构声学特性的理论初析

    Theoretical analysis on acoustical characteristics aluminum fiberboard

  18. 脑磁共振结构与功能图像分析

    Structural and Functional MRI Data Analysis

  19. 但我们讨论共振结构的时候,关键词应该是非局域化的电子。

    When we talk about resonance structures , the key word is that the electrons are delocalized .

  20. 其跨膜和胞质区的结构研究主要是集中在allbβ3的跨膜区或者胞质区的核磁共振结构研究方面。

    The structural studies of transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic domain were focused on αⅱ b β 3by NMR .

  21. 计算结果表明:利用耦合方程方法可以合理地给出光电离谱中的共振结构。

    The results show that the presented technique can give the reasonable resonance structures very well in photoionization processes .

  22. 因此在这种情况下我们就有了共振结构,或者我们叫它共振杂化。

    So this is a case where we have resonance structures , or we call this a resonance hybrid .

  23. 用向列液晶证实了将波导管共振结构用于可调滤光片和传感器的可行性。

    Applicability of guided mode resonant structures to tunable optical filtering and sensing is demonstrated using nematic liquid crystals .

  24. 对它的结构进行了红外和核磁共振结构表征,结果与目标结构能够较好地吻合。

    Its structure has been characterized by IR and1HNMR spectroscopy and the results are in agreement with the target compound .

  25. 对中间能域,如果将截面的局部共振结构平均,则可以用内插法得到平均激发截面。

    At intermediate energies , we can apply interpolations to calculate mean cross sections if we smooth out local resonance structures .

  26. 利用我们提出的普遍适用的精确光电离截面公式和介电影响函数研究了原子光电离共振结构受粒子数密度影响的效应。

    The number density effect in photoionization cross section of an isolated resonance has been studied using our accurate expression of photoionization cross section .

  27. 讨论了原子束缚态与连续态耦合对光谱结构的影响,从半经典的角度分析了共振结构特征。

    We discuss the coupling of discrete and continuum states and its influence on the structure of the spectra . The resonance structure characteristics are analyzed with semi classical theory .

  28. 前报证明:激发共振结构数与基振态共结构数比值的自然埘数,应与跃迁能相关参量线性相关。

    It has been shown in our previous paper that the natural logarithms of the ratios of excited to ground resonance structure counts should be correlated linearly with parameters related to transition energy .

  29. N+OH反应的含时量子波包计算首次发现初始态选择的反应几率受共振结构的支配,共振寿命是亚皮秒量级。

    Accurate three-dimensional time-dependent quantum wave packet calculations for N + OH reaction show for the first time that the initial state-selected reaction probabilities are dominated by resonance structures , and the lifetimes of the resonance are quantitatively in subpicoseconds .

  30. 用耦合矩阵理论分析了全通微环共振结构中的四波混频效应,运用微分方程知识求解出共轭波的转换效率,数值模拟出转换效率的曲线图并分析各共振器各个参数对转换效率的影响。

    Four-wave mixing ( FWM ) in all-pass micro-ring structure is analyzed with coupling matrix methods . The conversion efficiency of conjugated wave is calculated with differential equation theory ; the simulated curve of conversion efficiency is obtained and the influence of each parameter is analyzed . 4 .