
  • 网络Communion;full communion
  1. 这个过程会来完成,但它的性质是非常痛苦的CM的共融清楚。

    The process will come to completion but the painful nature of it is very clear in CM 's communion .

  2. 在800℃1500℃时,对经过不同温度处理的试样XRD衍射分析可以看出,除刚玉和SiC外,还有少量莫来石产生,没有铝硅系低共融相物质生成。

    At 800 ℃ 1500 ℃, the specimen ( processed with different temperature ) XRD diffraction analysis shows that , in addition to corundum and SiC , there is a small amount of mullite produced , and no formation of low communion Al-Si phase material .

  3. 理性与情感的共融&洛阳理工大学图书馆方案设计

    Rational and emotional communion & Luoyang Institute of Technology Library Design

  4. 体育消费与节约型社会理念的冲突和共融

    The Sports Expends with the Economy Society Idea Conflict and Altogether Melts

  5. 该摩拉维亚教会是一个新教徒共融紧密联系在一起的路德教。

    The Moravian Church is a Protestant communion closely linked to Lutheranism .

  6. 重点学科建设与研究生教育互动共融

    Promotion and Amalgamation of Key Subject Construction and Graduate Education

  7. 高职院校科学精神和人文精神共融共建研究

    Study of Harmonious Construction of Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit in Vocational College

  8. 要科学规划,分步实施,搞好新农村建设与整个国家工业化和城镇化的协调共融;

    Coordinate the development among new construction , industrialization and urbanization in China ;

  9. 师与生共融教与学互动

    The Harmony between Teachers and students and the Interaction between Teaching and Learning

  10. 浅析武术文化传播过程中的冲突与共融

    Analysis on Conflict and Amalgamation of Wushu Culture Spread

  11. 为促进少数族裔的共融,我们也组织了一连串的公众活动。

    Public campaigns to promote social inclusion of the ethnic minorities were organized .

  12. 空间的共融与共享利益补偿规则;实质合并规则;

    Merging and Sharing of the Space compensation ;

  13. 试述云南民族体育与自然和谐共融之特性

    The character of the perfect blend of Yunnan ethnic minorities ' physical culture and nature

  14. 传统城市文化的共融与再生&天津老城厢地区建筑文化遗产的保护性开发与利用

    Symbiosis and Rebirth of Traditional Urban Culture

  15. 生态.经济与文化共融&张家界生态农业观光园可持续发展规划研究

    Ecology , economy and culture & Study of Zhangjiajie ecological touring-agriculture garden on sustainable development

  16. 共融社会由学校开始。

    An inclusive society begins at school .

  17. 元代是一个多民族共融的时代,文化的交流和碰撞也在服饰文化上有所体现。

    Yuan was an era of multi-ethnic harmony and cultural exchange was also reflected in clothing .

  18. 空间的共融与共享

    Merging and Sharing of the Space

  19. 一座与城市共融的建筑&卡蒂埃基金会

    A Building Blending with the City

  20. 因山就势共生共融&永顺县行政中心设计

    Conform to the Mountain , Grow and Fuse Together & Design of Administration Center in Yongshun County

  21. 国内外对赛珍珠及其作品的跨文化研究充分肯定了她在文化冲突与共融所作出的贡献。

    The cross-cultural researches on her and her works have fully confirmed her contributions on intercultural communication .

  22. 只有全世界的人相互支撑,人与人之间和谐相处,城与城的共融交汇,世界才会更美好。

    Through the convergence of harmonious cities across the world , the earth would become even more lovely .

  23. 和谐、共融,北京奥运会把人类奢侈的理想变成了活生生的图画。

    With harmony and integration , the Beijing Olympic Games turned luxury human ideal into a living picture .

  24. 从而证明了他作品中所蕴含的文明的冲突与差异、和谐与共融。

    It thus proves the conflict and discrepancy as well as the harmony and amalgamation in his works .

  25. 交往实践全球化语境下的文化交往只能通过文化共融的交往途径解决。

    The culture communication problem under the background of globalization of communication practice can only be solved by culture amalgamation .

  26. 在缓冲区内,主导价值取向存在矛盾的三个区域有了共融的机会。

    In the buffer zone , conflicting values of the three spheres have an opportunity to communicate with each other .

  27. 本表格收集的资料,是供「平机共融新视野」摄影比赛之用。

    The information collected from this form will be used for purposes related to the " EOC Photo Competition " .

  28. 主祭:愿天父的慈爱,基督的圣宠,圣神的恩赐(共融),与你们同在。

    PRIEST : In the name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Spirit .

  29. 千百万年来,人类都是被动的适应这个赖以生存的自然环境,建筑与自然共生共融。

    Millions of years , humans are passive adaptation to the survival of the natural environment , architectural harmony with nature .

  30. 圣灵只把身体视为一种交流的媒介,由于交流就是分享,由此而形成了共融。

    The Holy Spirit sees the body only as a means of communication , and because communicating is sharing it becomes communion .