- 名one tenth;tithe;tenth;deci-

Mr Dickie correctly points out that China 's per capita GDP at market prices is less than one tenth of Japan 's. Japan is a relatively equitable society while China has a widening income gap .
High-speed 5G networks can theoretically transmit data 20 times faster than current 4G speed , with less than one tenth of the latency , or the time for a data request to receive a reply .
One in 10 Californians is unemployed and thousands more live in fear of losing their jobs .
China has the world 's largest number of terrestial vertebrates , with a total of 1,800 species , which accounts for approximately one-tenth of the same species of vertebrates in the world .
Most of all , though , I wish a tenth of the energy that 's spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture .
Only about one in ten places offered him food that would otherwise be discarded .
Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden .
The bible tells us that the tithe is the lords .
According to new research , one in ten marriages now end in ' biological clock divorce ' .
In 2020 one in four American who divorced was 50 or older . In 1990 it was fewer than one in 10 .
The US Bureau of Labor4 Statistics reports that as many as one out of ten workers will retire either this year or the next .
A study last year concluded that protein from microbes was several times more efficient than soya in terms of land use and required just a tenth of the water .
And the slight variations in frequency that do exist are only a tenth of the difference between a C and a C sharp .
Since the beginning of March , the MSCI China index is up one-fifth ; MSCI India is down nearly one-tenth .
The latest estimates suggest that GDP per head is just a tenth that of the US , and half that of China .
Just last week , HSBC cut a tenth of its global workforce , about 30,000 jobs .
Average revenue per user in mobile games is only one-tenth of the Arpu for console games , according to Interpret .
The McKinsey Global Institute has estimated that only a tenth of China 's engineering and IT graduates are capable of competing in global outsourcing .
For example , an Apache log file , which is simply text , can shrink to one-tenth of its original size .
Timeout = is the number of tenths of a second that the boot prompt will wait before automatically loading the default OS , in this case Linux .
At that point , the industry would make up nearly a tenth of GDP and be bigger in value than the remittances from the 10m Filipinos working overseas .
At a typical Intel plant , whether in China or America , labour costs amount to just a tenth of total overheads .
Strategy & , the consultancy , says only one in 10 companies awarded joint titles to incoming chief executives in 2014 , near an all-time low .
One in10 respondents log onto social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace regularly via mobile , again led by Britain and the United States .
Thereby , tenth value thickness was derived , which are coincident with values recommended by ICRP .
Adidas , the German sportswear maker , has cut its full-year net income guidance by almost a tenth , to between 820m and 850m .
In one in10 Americans , a traumatic event such as combat triggers the symptoms such as intense fear , helplessness , and horror that characterize PTSD .
In isolation , the Gatwick investment seems risky for a fund used to holding three-quarters of its $ 240bn portfolio in fixed income and only a 10th abroad .
A government probe in China into a major McDonald 's supplier there is slamming the hamburger chain 's sales in markets that generate one-tenth of its sales , the company said on Monday .
A M16 assault rifle can fire a bullet 100m in just over a 10th of a second .