
shí fēn zhī yī
  • one tenth;tithe;tenth;deci-
  1. 王明正确地指出,以市场价格计算,中国人均GDP还不到日本的十分之一。日本是一个相对公平的社会,而中国的收入差距正日益扩大。

    Mr Dickie correctly points out that China 's per capita GDP at market prices is less than one tenth of Japan 's. Japan is a relatively equitable society while China has a widening income gap .

  2. 理论上,高速的5G网络传输数据的速度是目前4G网络的20倍,而数据请求的等待时间不到十分之一。

    High-speed 5G networks can theoretically transmit data 20 times faster than current 4G speed , with less than one tenth of the latency , or the time for a data request to receive a reply .

  3. 十分之一的加利福尼亚人没有工作,还有数以千计的人成天提心吊胆地害怕失去工作。

    One in 10 Californians is unemployed and thousands more live in fear of losing their jobs .

  4. 中国陆栖脊椎动物种类居世界第一位,有1,800种,约占世界同类动物总数的十分之一。

    China has the world 's largest number of terrestial vertebrates , with a total of 1,800 species , which accounts for approximately one-tenth of the same species of vertebrates in the world .

  5. 不过,最重要的是,我希望人们能将那些花在无休止地辩论转基因作物上的精力拿出十分之一,集中在那些对全球农业更为紧迫的挑战上。

    Most of all , though , I wish a tenth of the energy that 's spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture .

  6. 只有大约十分之一的地方给他提供了原本要扔掉的食物。

    Only about one in ten places offered him food that would otherwise be discarded .

  7. 英国只有十分之一的房子没有花园。

    Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden .

  8. 圣经说十分之一是献给主的。

    The bible tells us that the tithe is the lords .

  9. 据最新调查,如今十分之一的婚姻因为“生物钟离婚”现象而终结。

    According to new research , one in ten marriages now end in ' biological clock divorce ' .

  10. 到2020年,每4个离婚的美国人当中就有一个是50多岁,而1990年的这一比例还不到十分之一。

    In 2020 one in four American who divorced was 50 or older . In 1990 it was fewer than one in 10 .

  11. 据美国劳工部的数据,有多达十分之一的员工将在今年或明年退休。

    The US Bureau of Labor4 Statistics reports that as many as one out of ten workers will retire either this year or the next .

  12. 去年的一项研究得出结论:制造微生物蛋白质的土地使用效率要比种植大豆高出数倍,而且用水量仅需其十分之一。

    A study last year concluded that protein from microbes was several times more efficient than soya in terms of land use and required just a tenth of the water .

  13. 即使有差异,也是极其微小的,只有C调与升C调之间音高差异的十分之一。《美国声学学报》电子版刊登了上述发现。

    And the slight variations in frequency that do exist are only a tenth of the difference between a C and a C sharp .

  14. 自3月初以来,摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChinaindex)上涨五分之一;摩根士丹利资本国际印度指数则下跌近十分之一。

    Since the beginning of March , the MSCI China index is up one-fifth ; MSCI India is down nearly one-tenth .

  15. 据最新估计,印度人均GDP是美国的十分之一,是中国的一半。

    The latest estimates suggest that GDP per head is just a tenth that of the US , and half that of China .

  16. 就在上周,汇丰银行(HSBC)裁掉了大约30000名员工,占全球员工总数的十分之一。

    Just last week , HSBC cut a tenth of its global workforce , about 30,000 jobs .

  17. 根据市场研究公司Interpret的数据,每个手机游戏用户产生的平均收入,仅为游戏机用户的十分之一。

    Average revenue per user in mobile games is only one-tenth of the Arpu for console games , according to Interpret .

  18. 麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinseyGlobalInstitute)估计,中国仅十分之一的工程学及IT专业毕业生具备在全球外包中竞争的能力。

    The McKinsey Global Institute has estimated that only a tenth of China 's engineering and IT graduates are capable of competing in global outsourcing .

  19. 例如,Apache日志文件(是简单的文本)可以压缩到原大小的十分之一。

    For example , an Apache log file , which is simply text , can shrink to one-tenth of its original size .

  20. timeout=是引导提示在自动引导默认OS(本例中是Linux)之前的等待时间(以十分之一秒为单位)。

    Timeout = is the number of tenths of a second that the boot prompt will wait before automatically loading the default OS , in this case Linux .

  21. 到那时,整个行业的营业额将占全国GDP的十分之一,产值将超过来自1千万菲律宾海外工作者的汇款。

    At that point , the industry would make up nearly a tenth of GDP and be bigger in value than the remittances from the 10m Filipinos working overseas .

  22. 对于一家英特尔(intel)旗下的典型工厂来说,不论其在中国还是在美国,劳动力成本都仅占总成本的十分之一。

    At a typical Intel plant , whether in China or America , labour costs amount to just a tenth of total overheads .

  23. 咨询公司Strategy&表示,2014年向新任CEO兼授董事长头衔的企业仅为十分之一,接近历史最低点。

    Strategy & , the consultancy , says only one in 10 companies awarded joint titles to incoming chief executives in 2014 , near an all-time low .

  24. 十分之一的受访者经常通过手机登录Facebook和Myspace等社交网站,英美人在这一项所占的比例也是最高。

    One in10 respondents log onto social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace regularly via mobile , again led by Britain and the United States .

  25. 由此导出了与ICRP推荐值相一致的十分之一值厚度;

    Thereby , tenth value thickness was derived , which are coincident with values recommended by ICRP .

  26. 德国运动用品制造商阿迪达斯(Adidas)将其全年净利润指引调低了近十分之一,目前预计在8.2亿至8.5亿欧元之间。

    Adidas , the German sportswear maker , has cut its full-year net income guidance by almost a tenth , to between 820m and 850m .

  27. 受到例如战争这些创伤性事件影响的美国人中,有十分之一的会出现紧张、害怕、无助和恐惧这些PTSD的特征性症状。

    In one in10 Americans , a traumatic event such as combat triggers the symptoms such as intense fear , helplessness , and horror that characterize PTSD .

  28. 孤立来看,对于拥有2400亿美元投资组合,但通常有四分之三以固定收益形式持有,仅有十分之一投资于海外的NPS来说,投资盖特威克机场似乎颇具风险。

    In isolation , the Gatwick investment seems risky for a fund used to holding three-quarters of its $ 240bn portfolio in fixed income and only a 10th abroad .

  29. 麦当劳(McDonald’s)在周一表示,中国政府对其在华主要供应商进行的调查,使该快餐连锁店在多个市场的销售遭受打击。麦当劳十分之一的销售额来自这些市场。

    A government probe in China into a major McDonald 's supplier there is slamming the hamburger chain 's sales in markets that generate one-tenth of its sales , the company said on Monday .

  30. 在略多于十分之一秒的时间内,m16突击步枪射出的子弹可以飞100米远。

    A M16 assault rifle can fire a bullet 100m in just over a 10th of a second .