
shí jìn
  • decimal
十进[shí jìn]
  1. 英国改用十进币制后,出现了很多麻烦。

    Difficulties were caused when Britain converted to a decimal money system .

  2. 日本图书馆多数采用《日本十进分类法》(NDC),而中国图书馆多数采用《中国图书馆分类法》(中图法)。

    Nippon Decimal Classification ( NDC ) is applied in most of the libraries of Japan while Chinese Library Classification is applied in most of the libraries of China .

  3. 这一类型的人建立有秩序的制度,例如:杜威十进图书分类系统(Deweydecimalsystem)或学校课程表。

    They set up orderly systems , like the Dewey decimal system or a school curriculum .

  4. 蝎子计划(ScorpionProject)是美国OCLC利用《杜威十进分类法》电子编辑支持系统(ESS)对数字信息资源进行自动分类和主题识别的一个研究项目。

    Scorpion Project is a research project at OCLC exploring the automatic classification and subject assignment of digital information resources via Dewey 's electronic editorial support system . This paper gives a brief introduction the progress of the project and the principle of the Scorpion system .

  5. 研究探讨了空间目标分类的标准和技术方法,并基于国际十进分类法(uDC)尝试提出了人造卫星的分类方法;

    The different standards and methods for space object classification are discussed , and a novel classification method for satellite based on the Universal Decimal Classification ( UDC ) is proposed ;

  6. 《杜威十进分类法》与《中图法》中的宗教学类目体系的比较研究

    The Comparative Research of the Religion Category System in Two Classifications

  7. 我给他讲图书上架的杜威十进分类法。

    I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books .

  8. 他用杜威十进分类法来整理图书。

    He arranged his books using the Dewey Decimal system .

  9. 二进制编码的十进位数多数位的十进制加法器

    BCD [ Binary-Coded Decimal ] multiple-digit decimal adder

  10. 《杜威十进分类法》的复分体系

    The Subdivision System of Dewey Decimal Classification

  11. 带比例的十进算术运算快速超前进位算术运算

    Scaled decimal arithmetic fast-carry look-ahead arithmetic

  12. 每十进一,然后再看看答案应该是什么。

    Just go with powers of ten , and then see what the answer should be .

  13. 而在非注意条件下,只有小数出现距离效应;十进计数管标数部件

    However , only small numbers had distinct distance effect in unattended condition . dekatron scaling unit

  14. 图书分类法映射系统设计原理&以《中国图书馆分类法》和《杜威十进分类法》为例

    Principle of the Automatic Mapping System of Library Classifications & Take CLC and DDC as the Example

  15. 关键词和国际十进分类法索引

    Keyword and UDC index

  16. 相当于英寸的十进位数

    Decimal equivalents of inch

  17. 甲板甲板决定性的缺陷战后,大臣将十二进制改革成了十进十进制,促进了货币流通。

    After the war , the minister reformed the duodecimal system into the decimal system 's which improved the currency of money .

  18. 本文以《中国图书馆分类法》和《杜威十进分类法》为例分析了等级体系分类法相互映射的可行性、映射实现模式、自动映射的实现原理;

    The article analyzed the feasibility of mapping of enumerative classification , the mode of mapping , the principle of automatic mapping system .

  19. 除了出版小说,他还出版了非小说类文学作品,而除了哲学外他的书都采用了杜威十进分类法。

    He has published non-fiction as well as fiction , with books under every section of the Dewey decimal system except for philosophy .

  20. 本文概述斯蒂文的传世名著《论十进》的内容及主要贡献,指出它在小数理论发展中的地位,并对其影响作了较为系统的分析。

    We point out its standing in the development of the theory of decimal fraction , and analyse its influence in a systematic way .

  21. 文中从文献分类法的标准入手,采用类比法,简述了《仿杜威十进分类法》才是我国真正意义上的首部文献分类。

    Starting from standard of classification , with analogy method , the paper discusses the Imitation of Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index was the first classification in China .

  22. 杜威十进分类法电子版本取得了一些激动人心的研究成果,使它成为下个世纪的知识组织的工具。

    Abstract There are some exciting research in electronic version of DDC and Dewey for Windows , which will help Dewey to be the knowledge organization tool for the next century .

  23. 检定它的关键是对非十进小电阻以优于3×10-5的不确定度进行测量,这在直流计量中是难度比较大的。

    The key of accurate measurement is ma-king measurement to non-denary small resistance with precision higher than 3 iexcl ; Aacute ; 10 - 5 , it 's difficult in direct current measurement .

  24. 杜威十进分类法的引进,也使得分类法发生了根本性变化,知识的更新、学科的增多,使得社会知识结构与知识体系逐步完善。

    Bettering the social knowledge structure and system step by step , the introduction of the " Dewey Decimal Classification " approaching to the innovation of the knowledge and the increase of the subjects , made a radical change to this classification .