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  1. 作为家长,我十分关注教育的水准。

    Speaking as a parent , I 'm very concerned about standards in education .

  2. 我们对推进某些问题十分关注,很想就这些问题发表我们的意见。

    We were interested in pushing forward certain issues and getting up on our soapbox about them

  3. 在B介子实验中寻找新物理存在的信号或证据是B介子物理研究的重要组成部分,是目前国际粒子物理学界十分关注的重要研究领域。

    It is an important object of B meson experiment to look for the signal and evidence of new physics .

  4. 随着科学技术的进步和信息产业的发展,对射频/微波半导体器件的需求在快速增长,加之CAD技术的广泛应用,人们对器件参数的测量十分关注。

    With the development of science technology and information industry , RF / microwave semiconductor demanded is increasing rapidly .

  5. 一位品牌代表表示,Forever21十分关注客户的感受:

    A rep for Forever 21 told Racked that it 's listening to its customers , saying :

  6. 如果十分关注于性能,则可以用一些针对将要用到的特定头文件的include语句来替代该文件。

    If you 're desperately concerned with performance , you can replace this file with include statements for the specific header files you 're going to use .

  7. 大气中CO2含量升高引起的气候变化是目前人们十分关注的问题,地球变暖是不少科学家的共同看法。

    The problem of climatic change caused by the atmospheric CO2 content increasing is paid close attention by people . The globe warming is a common concern of most scientists .

  8. MRPII在实施于非离散制造业时,人们十分关注它的适用性问题。

    As MRPII implement in non-discrete manufacturing , more attention is paid to the suitability of MRPII to non-discrete manufacturing .

  9. 在几何学中,我们十分关注Morse指标的估计。

    In geometry , on s in pay much attention to the estimates of the Morse index .

  10. 在Facebook,有一点我十分关注,就是确保友好的企业文化,大家都泡在一起。

    So I think one of the things that I do focus on at Facebook is making sure that culture is very friendly and that people hang out .

  11. 很明显,队列管理器的管理员在使用用户ID定义WebSphereMQ对象时,必须十分关注该用户ID的主要组。

    Obviously , the queue manager 's administrators must be very careful about the primary group assigned to the user ID that they are using to define WebSphere MQ objects .

  12. 业务流程管理对于每个企业而言都是十分关注的问题,因此人们建立了各种信息系统来支持流程管理,如OA系统,财务系统等。

    Business process management is an issues concerned by every enterprise , so various management information systems are established to support process management , such as OA systems and financial systems .

  13. 如何实现业务提供者自适应用户环境、网络环境和业务环境来为用户提供个性化的服务,是通信业界十分关注的研究课题,对于NGN的发展和部署具有重要的指导意义和实用价值。

    How to adapt the network environment , user environment and service environment to provide the user with personalized services is an important research topic in communication industry .

  14. 如何实施安全高效的Intranet网络管理,不仅是企业网络构建十分关注的问题,也是多厂商异构网络环境下实现综合网络管理的一个重要内容。

    How to carry out operative Intranet network management is not only a deep concern problem of enterprise network construction but also a critical aspect to realize integrated network management in heterogeneous network environment .

  15. 高新技术企业RD活动的特有属性和RD生命期的作用,使得国内外学术界和企业界都十分关注RD的绩效。

    In view of the specificity of RD activities as well as its lifetime function , RD performance has gained prominence within academic circle at home and abroad and business circle as well .

  16. 磋商期间,各方都将意见及时反馈给了IASB,推动了草案的修订,这表明各方十分关注金融资产会计准则的制定,希望提高会计准则的质量。

    The views expressed to the IASB during its consultations resulted in the proposals being modified to address concerns raised and to improve the standard .

  17. 《狐狸猎手》最引人入胜的是最近发生在现实中的情节,杜邦十分关注的摔跤手马克·舒尔茨(MarkSchultz,在剧中由查宁·塔图姆[ChanningTatum]扮演)在Twitter上发飙了。

    More engrossing than anything in " Foxcatcher " were the recent real-life Twitter tantrums of Mark Schultz , the wrestler at the center of du Pont 's obsessions , played by Channing Tatum in the movie .

  18. 目前苹果电脑公司十分关注东芝在该技术上的进展,苹果电脑是NAND闪存片的大客户之一。

    Now , apple computer company very much pays attention to Toshiba in the progress on this technology , apple computer is NAND the one of big customer that dodges to store flat .

  19. 二叠纪&三叠纪(P-T)之交发生了地质历史上规模最大的生物灭绝事件,因此,学者十分关注P-T界线地层中是否能检测到天然富勒烯的的存在。

    The P-T event boundary strata have been long time of the scientists ' interests and puzzles because of the largest mass extinctions in the history of geology during Permian-Triassic boundary .

  20. 目前,国内三大运营商都十分关注传送网IP化的发展,PTN作为运营商改造3G和全业务城域网的启动标志,对于设备商掌握中后期市场十分关键。

    At the present time , three operators who in china are very much concerned with development of transfer network . PTN play in the key role of future market which will be mastered by operator as a token of changing 3G and starting all-service metropolitan network .

  21. 日本散户投资者往往对投资题材十分关注。

    Japanese retail investors tend to latch on to investment themes .

  22. 要十分关注全球经济存在的不确定因素

    Uncertainty in the Global Economy : Great Concerns should be Given

  23. 此外,奥利弗的确对年轻人十分关注。

    Also , he does take an interest in young people .

  24. 训练与恢复一直是教练员和运动员十分关注的问题。

    Coaches and athletes have most concerns about training and recovery .

  25. 它是保险公司及保险监管部门都十分关注的问题。

    Many insurance companies and insurance supervisions pay attention to this problem .

  26. 你将会更有效地制定计划,并对细节十分关注。

    You will plan more effectively and pay careful attention to detail .

  27. 水-岩相互作用是地球科学领域十分关注的问题。

    Water-rock interaction is an attractive subject in earth sciences .

  28. 三农问题是本届政府十分关注的问题。

    Agriculture problem is concerned by the government . problem .

  29. 这是当时中国知识分子十分关注的问题。

    Chinese intellectuals should pay attention to these questions .

  30. 税收收入能力测算问题一直是人们十分关注的问题。

    Measuring tax capacity has been of great concern .