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jì sì
  • succeed to;adopt a son;continue the family line;produce a male heir
  • heir
继嗣 [jì sì]
  • (1) [adopt a young relatine]∶指传宗接代;继承

  • (2) [heir]∶继承的人

  • (3) [go on]∶继续

继嗣[jì sì]
  1. 日本女性皇位继嗣问题初探

    A Study in Female Succession to the Japanese Imperial Throne

  2. 中国商代与古代的印度、希腊、罗马的婚姻观均是承继嗣、承祭祀,然而婚姻制度却大相径庭,前者实行一夫多妻制而后者多为一夫一妻制。

    The marital concepts in Shang-dynasty are quite different from those of ancient India , Greek and Roman .

  3. 这些文献反映了继嗣制度、缺损家庭、异常的婚姻家庭状况等极具特色的晋中商人家庭结构。

    These documents reflect the distinctive features of the structure of the merchants ' families such as adopting system , unsoundness of family , preternatural marriage and family etc.

  4. 第二,在父系社会中,不仅存在着男性的继嗣与女性的交换,而且也存在着女性的继嗣与男性的交换,后者亦为地域社会构成的重要路径。

    Secondly , in the patrilineal society , there are not only the descent of the males and exchange of the females , but also the descent of the females and exchange of the males , which also constitutes an important way to the territorial community .