
  • 网络Eutectic carbide;Cr.Fe
  1. WC原始颗粒以各种复式碳化物的形式析出,分别形成枝状或鱼骨状共晶碳化物、网状二次碳化物及大块状碳化物。

    Multiple carbides are precipitated from WC particles , which form many different shapes such as dendrite or fishbone eutectic carbide , reticulation secondary carbide and conglomeration carbide .

  2. 经过热处理后,复合层组织为断续分布的Cr7C3共晶碳化物+马氏体+少量残余奥氏体,硬度HRC≥58,冲击韧度≥12J/cm2。

    The composite bed is Cr_7C_3 eutectic carbide + martensite + little residual austenite . HRC ≥ 58 , impact ductility ≥( 12 J / cm ~ 2 ) .

  3. 含共晶碳化物Fe-Cr-Mn合金在高温含硫气氛中的腐蚀研究

    Corrosion of Fe-Cr-Mn alloy containing eutectic carbide under sulfur atmosphere

  4. Al对高速钢M2C共晶碳化物的影响

    Effect of Al on M_2C Eutectic Carbides in High Speed Steel

  5. 钨合金铸铁经K、Na变质处理后,共晶碳化物由网状分布变成团球状分布,碳化物明显细化和分布均匀化。

    K and Na modification , eutectics carbide turns into nodular from network form , carbide is fined and is even distributed .

  6. 改善D2钢大截面棒材共晶碳化物工艺质量研究

    Research on improving the homogeneity of eutectic carbides of D2 steel bars with large sections

  7. 研究了铌对M2高速钢的共晶碳化物组织和共晶碳化物高温球化的影响。

    The effect of Nb on the as-cast microstructures and the prespheroidization at elevated temperature of eutectic carbides of M2 high speed steel was studied .

  8. 研究结果表明:(1)变质处理可消除钢中网状共晶碳化物,细化基体组织,还可减轻W、Mo元素偏析;

    The result shows that : ( 1 ) the network eutectic carbides were eliminated , matrix structures were refined and the segregation of W and Mo elements were relieved ;

  9. 用REMgTi对低碳铸造高速钢(6W6Mo5Cr4V)模具进行变质处理,消除了钢中网状共晶碳化物,并细化了基体组织,还可减轻W、Mo元素偏析。

    Low carbon cast high speed steel ( 6W6Mo5Cr4V ) die was modified using RE-Mg-Ti , network eutectic carbides were eliminated , matrix structures were refined and the segregation of W and Mo elements were relieved .

  10. 结果表明,ZSF合金的显微组织是奥氏体+共晶碳化物。

    Results indicated that microstructure of the ZSF alloy consists of austenite and eutectic cementite .

  11. 根据奥氏体内铬浓度起伏、透射电镜分析及电子衍射花样标定,发现奥氏体中弥散分布的微细(Cr,Fe)7C3是变质奥氏体硬化的原因;其共晶碳化物呈碎块化、孤立化。

    As the fluctuation of Cr content in austenite , the TEM analysis and electron diffraction pattern revealed , the tiny dispersed hard phase of ( Cr , Fe ) _7C_3 was the cause of the modification austenite hardening .

  12. 研究了D2冷作模具钢的冶炼、锻造工艺对共晶碳化物不均匀度的影响,提出了改善D2钢共晶碳化物不均匀度的工艺途径。

    The influence of smelting and forging processes on the homogeneity of eutectic carbides in D2 steel was studied , and suggestions were made to the process techniques for improving the homogeneity of eutectic carbides .

  13. 渗层主要包含M23C6和M7C3型碳化物,这些碳化物均匀弥散分布,尺寸通常在1μm左右,并无共晶碳化物组织;

    Carbides with about 1 μ m diameter , distributing in the alloying layer , were mainly composed of M_ ( 23 ) C_6 and M_7C_3 and no eutectic structure was found in the layer ;

  14. 使用3.5a(年)后二次碳化物增多,共晶碳化物附近的无析出区消失,并在许多共晶碳化物内部形成黑斑组织。

    After the steel had been serviced for 3.5 years , the precipitate free zone ( PFZ ) near by eutectic carbides has disappeared and black speckle microstructure formed in eutectic carbide .

  15. 在这两种强韧,性的基体上均匀分布着精细的M7C3型共晶碳化物,经时效处理直接应用于工业生产。

    Both of them are uniformly distributed with M_7C_3 carbide and can directly be used in industry after ageing treatment Practical experience proves that this kind of austenite and bainite grinding balls are pretty good at strength , toughness as well as wear-resistance in performance .

  16. 该钢淬火时效后的组织由树枝状初晶奥氏体基体及分布于枝晶间的M23C6共晶碳化物组成,奥氏体中析出了二次M23C6,共晶碳化物附近存在无析出区现象;

    The results indicated that the microstructure of the aged steel consisted of M 23 C 6 eutectic carbide and dendritic austenite in which secondary carbide M 23 C 6 precipitated , and there was precipitate free zone ( PFZ ) nearby eutectic carbides .

  17. 试样分析表明,高铬铸铁内套基体组织为马氏体、残留奥氏体及共晶碳化物,热处理后硬度60~63HRC,冲击韧性7~75J/cm2;

    An analysis of samples shows that , the matrix structures of the inside liner are martensite , retained austenite and eutectic carbide , with a hardness of 60 ~ 63HRC and a impact toughness of 7 ~ 7 5J / cm 2 ;

  18. 稀土对莱氏体钢共晶碳化物粒化的影响

    Effect of RE on Granulation of Eutectic Carbide in Ledeburite Steel

  19. 共晶碳化物在落球冲击下也能发生一定的塑性变形。

    The plastic deformation can occur in the eutectic carbides too .

  20. 低合金耐磨铸铁共晶碳化物形态改善的研究

    Morphology Improvement of Eutectic Carbides in Low Alloy Wear Resistant Cast Iron

  21. 增钒使共晶碳化物明显粗化。

    Eutectic carbide appear coarsening with increase of vanadium .

  22. 白口铁热处理时共晶碳化物的溶解与粒状化

    Dissolution and granulation of eutectic carbide during heat treatment of white cast iron

  23. 高碳高铬冷作模具钢共晶碳化物不均匀性的研究

    Study of Degree of Eutectic Carbide Segregation of high Carbon-high Chromium Cold working Die Steel

  24. 共晶碳化物团球化对铸铁激光熔敷层抗裂性的影响

    Effect of nodulation of eutectic carbides on crack resistance of laser-clad layers on cast iron

  25. 高温均质化处理可基本消除钢中的共晶碳化物,显著改善成分偏析;

    High temperature homogenization treatment can basically eliminate eutectic carbide and dramatically improve the segregation in steel .

  26. 共晶碳化物形貌与分布对白口铸铁抗冲击磨料磨损性能的影响

    Effect of Morphology and Distribution of Eutectic Carbide on Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance of White Cast Iron

  27. 结果表明,共晶碳化物的类型和形态能通过合金成分组合控制。

    It is showed that type and morphology of eutectic carbides can be controlled by combining alloyed elements .

  28. 结果表明,热疲劳裂纹在石墨尖端处、珠光体基体及共晶碳化物中萌生;

    The results show that thermal fatigue cracks initiate at graphite cusps and in the pearlitic matrix and eutectic carbide .

  29. 共晶碳化物分布的不均匀性是反映工具钢质量的重要指标之一。

    The unevenness of eutectic carbide distribution is one of the important factors that effect the quality of tool steel .

  30. 热处理后,共晶碳化物大部分变成团球状且分布均匀。

    Results show that , when suitable RE is added into high carbon high speed steel , the austenite and eutectic carbides have been changed .