
zì dònɡ yìnɡ dá
  • auto answer
  1. 实现了语音信号的录放。通过PC上DSP的EVM板设计了一个电话自动应答系统。

    This paper deals with audio signals recording and playing by means of telephone auto-response system designed on EVM board in DSP of PC.

  2. 自动应答系统(QAS)是一种基于因特网的高性能软件系统。

    Automatic Question Answer System ( QAS ) is a kind of high-powered software system based on Internet .

  3. Novell提供autoyast,这种机制可以根据配置文件自动应答基于YaST的安装过程。

    Novell offers autoyast , which can be based on a configuration file that automates the answers of the YaST-based installation process .

  4. 对于电话终端,重点设计并开发了电话会议、电话QQ、呼叫中心、自动应答、系统公告等业务子系统,详细阐述了各子系统的内部设计、处理流程及实现方法;

    Aimed at telephone terminal , the interior design , process flow and realization methods of such services as telephone conference , telephone QQ , call center , interactive voice response and system bulletin are discussed in detail .

  5. 重点论述了自动应答系统中知识信息的语义网络表示和LSF随机化句法分析模型,以及自动应答系统的结构与组成,并对LSF模型进行了参数训练,实践证明这些技术是可行的。

    This thesis dissertates mainly the denotation of knowledge-information based on semantic network in QAS , the stochastic syntax-parse model named LSF of knowledge-information in QAS , the structure and constitution of QAS . And the LSF model 's parameters are exercised , it proves that they are feasible .

  6. 本文对所研究的QDC自动应答录音电话的原理、结构及性能进行了简要介绍,另外还对所采用的语言处理器作了扼要说明。

    This paper presents a brief introduction of the principles , structure and performance of the QDC & telephone answering machine to be studied , and it also gives a brief description of the speech processer to be used .

  7. 基于自然语言理解的受限领域自动应答系统

    Restricted Domain Question Answer System Based on Natural Language Understanding

  8. 对远程实时自动应答通信软件的研究

    Research on the Automatic Answer Software for Real Time Communication

  9. 自动应答系统中自然语言理解技术的研究

    Research on the Technology of Natural Language Understanding in Question Answer System

  10. 这是一个自动应答,请不要回复此电子邮件。

    This is an automated response please do not reply to this email .

  11. 调制解调器的任务唤醒和通话时自动应答后的唤人回应处理

    MODEM Woken by Call & Handling Method while Answering Automation to a Voice Call

  12. 基于电话网络数据语音传真自动应答系统的设计

    Design and Development of the Data / Voice / Fax Auto-Answer System on PSTN

  13. 自动应答一种调制解调器特性,可以自动应答入局呼叫。

    Auto-answer a feature of a modem that allows it to answer incoming calls automatically .

  14. 如果有自动应答器,可以建立确认列表,最好是双向确认列表。

    If you have an Autoresponder to build an Opt-In list , use a double Opt-In .

  15. 如果他不挂电话,或者如果你的语音信箱有自动应答功能,立即启用——就让语音信箱去应对。

    Respond when you know he won 't pick up or if your voicemail has a reply option respond directly -- voicemail to voicemail .

  16. 该软件可在用户不方便接听或者没有接听的情况下自动应答及录制视频留言。

    It enables the users to choose an automatic answer and / or record a video message while they are inconvenient or missing the calls .

  17. 智能电话终端是一个集录音留言、自动应答、个人信息管理和拨号上网等功能于一身的设备。

    Intelligent telephone terminal is a multifunctional device that can record messages , automatically answer calls , manage personal information and connect to the Internet via dial-up line .

  18. 我收集了今年夏天收到的所有外出时的自动应答邮件,又数了数那些在第一时间从海滩回复的邮件。

    I 've collected all theout-of-office emails I 've had this summer , and counted the number that were followed atonce by an email sent from the beach .

  19. 今年,我总共收到38封外出时的自动应答邮件,其中只有6封邮件随后有真人从泳池边上发来了回复。

    This year I 've had a total of 38automatic messages telling me the sender was away , only six of which have beensucceeded by a personal , poolside reply .

  20. 并具体设计制作了完整样机,讨论了基于此器件的自动应答激光通信系统的结构和工作原理。

    A real array is made according to the design in this paper , and the principle of the auto responding laser communication system based on this array is studied .

  21. 现在各运营商都已建立起企业呼叫中心的自动应答系统,该系统能够进行简单的播放提示语,进行按键功能菜单选择。

    Now the operators are already set up enterprise call center to be automatic response system , this system can perform simple play the clues , carries on the key function menu option .

  22. 词语相似度计算是自然语言处理、智能检索、文档聚类、文档分类、自动应答、词义排歧和机器翻译等很多领域的基础研究课题。

    Word similarity measurement is a basic research topic in the fields of nature language processing , intelligent retrieval , document clustering , document classification , automatic question answer , word sense disambiguation , machine translation , etc.

  23. 此呼叫中心实现了自动应答、自动呼叫分配、人工应答、通话录音、收发传真、留言和传真文件的查询与管理、业务统计等功能。

    The system has the following functions , interactive voice response , automatic call distribution , agent response , call recording , fax receiving and sending , the management of recording files and fax files , business statistics .

  24. 基于INTERNET的自动语音应答系统的研究和实现

    Research and Realization of Internet-based Interactive Voice Response System

  25. 当创建全自动的应答文件时,必须提供完整的产品id。

    A complete product ID must be provided when creating a fully automated answer file .

  26. 随着分布式技术的引入,自动语音应答设备(VRU)的出现及Internet的迅速发展,呼叫中心的定义有了新的内容。

    Along with the distributed technique introduction , Voice response unit appearance and quick development of Internet , the definition of CC has the new content .

  27. 中间件TUXEDO在自动语音应答系统的应用

    The Application of Middleware Tuxedo in Automatic Voice Answering System

  28. 客户服务中心系统是一个利用现代通讯技术、计算机网络技术、数据仓库技术,集电话接入技术、人工座席、自动语音应答、Internet网络服务为一体,面向客户提供全方位个性化服务的组织机构。

    CallCenter System is an integrative organization which utilizes the technology of communication , computer network & dataware house , includes computer telephony integrated technology , customer service representative , interactive voice response technology , internet technology and supports the customers with full-oriented , individual service .

  29. 该呼叫中心采用自动语音应答(IVR)技术实现无人值守时的事故举报,与该安全监控系统进行互动,实现灾情的自动上报和应急方案的调用。

    This call center realizes the automatic report of the accident by use of the IVR technology when no operator on duty and take the emergency measures .

  30. 随着CTI(计算机电话集成)技术的发展,尤其是IVR(自动语音应答系统)的引入,呼叫中心得到了长足的发展。

    With the development of CTI ( Computer Telephony Integration ) technology and the further application of IVR ( Interactive Voice Response ), call centers are enjoying sound development .