
diàn yuán zhǐ shì dēnɡ
  • power indicator light
  1. 插上电源,打开电源总开关,电源指示灯随即著亮;

    Plug in the power , turn on power switch , power indicator light then the light ;

  2. comethrough电源指示灯是亮的,并且正常工作,但是为什么声音就是出不来呢?1.拒绝。

    The power indicator was on , and it was running , but somehow the sound didn 't come through .

  3. 当系统启动时,电源指示灯就会闪烁红色或绿色。

    The power light flashes red and green as the system starts up .

  4. 电源指示灯及保险丝安全装置。

    Power pilot light and fuse safety device .

  5. 外接式控温器应包括有电源指示灯及温控调整钮。

    The external fitting temperature controller consists of a power light and a temperature adjusting knob .

  6. 打开钥匙或急停开关,如电源指示灯亮,表明控制电路的电源已接通。

    Open the key or stop switch , such as the power LED indicates that the power control circuit has been connected .

  7. 机体上还设有负离子输出孔,定时开关、电源指示灯、进风口及电源线等。

    The machine body is also provided with a negative iron output hole , a timing switch , a power supply indicator light , a wind inlet , and a power supply line , etc.

  8. 如电源盒指示灯出现不停闪烁现象请立刻关机检查电脑板(节目板)的排插有无插反。

    If the power box light flashing phenomenon occurs off immediately check the computer board ( show plate ) and whether the strip inserted upside .

  9. 打开前门观察电源盒指示灯是否有亮,如果有亮则检查扫描器电源线是否有插到变压器的输出插头上。

    Open the front door have observed the power box light is lit , then check if there is light scanner power cord is plugged into the output plug on the transformer .

  10. 外部为无源空节点方式时,由IBP内的电源模块提供指示灯的点灯电源;

    When the external entity is of the passive null node , lighting power of the indicator will be provided by the power module within the IBP itself ;

  11. 详细介绍日本丰田大霸王(PREVIA)旅行车巡航系统的电源电路、指示灯电路、执行器电路、速度传感器电路以及巡航系统中各个开关电路的故障检测方法。

    The fault inspection ways on the circuits of the cruising system on TOYOTA PREVIA are introduced in details here , such as the circuits of power , indicator light , actuator , speed sensor and each switch .

  12. 没有电池情况下,接上电源,4个指示灯是亮的,LED为绿色。

    Plug DC power into charger , 4 indicators are light , LED is green ( no battery )

  13. 检查投影机电源是否接好(检查电源指示灯是否亮)

    Verify the power connections to the projector ( check that the power light is on )