
  • 网络Film characters;Film Personage;Cool Heroes;Movie XP Icons;SUPERBUUF
  1. 有家伙和我们的电影人物一样死了?

    Some dude died like our character ?

  2. 二是九十年代中期的都市题材片中,后现代风格的电影人物塑造成功。

    Urban theme of the film of the mid-1990s , post-modern style of the film characterization .

  3. 就是解决—你明白我的意思吗?“装扮成电影人物金刚狼的一个人问道。

    Sort it out-you know what I mean ? " asked one person dressed as the Wolverine movie character .

  4. 一家出售好莱坞电影人物小雕像的小型公司称其已经将500万港币吸进钱袋。

    One small firm selling figurines based on Hollywood films is said to have taken in HK $ 5m .

  5. 只需短短一夜,我们就可以藉由完全仿真的酒店布置而进入小说里的神奇世界,体验一把最爱的那些电影人物们的生活。

    For one night we can live the life of our favourite movie character - entering a fictional world in a very real setting .

  6. 排名前十位中最近的电影人物形象是影片《指环王》中的格伦,为他配音的是英国演员安迪·沙坚斯。

    The most recent character in the top10 was Gollum from The Lord of the Rings , as voiced by British actor Andy Serkis .

  7. 事实上,婚姻,就电影人物而言,为一个阶级交换与经济交流的市场。

    In fact , the marriage , Are far as the characters in this movie are concerned , It likes a market for exchanging class and economic .

  8. 在系统实现过程中,根据手机上文字输入的特点,本文以电影人物对白作为二元数据文件的统计来源。

    According to the characteristics of , the text input on the mobiles , this paper uses the movie dialog as the statistic source of the data file .

  9. 推特上的恶搞者们抓住了这个揶揄世界领导人的大好机会,把这些照片当作画布,在上面添加各种不相干的电影人物和不协调的道具。

    Twitter pranksters jumped on the opportunity to mock the world leaders , using the photograph as a canvas on which to place unrelated movie characters and incongruous props .

  10. 第一个章节以电影人物为切入点,重点考察电影中的故事主角、代际关系和人物语言,探究新千年以来活跃在台湾电影银幕上的究竟是什么人物,它们表征什么样的身份认同。

    The first section focuses on the movie characters , and explores what characters have been active in Taiwan films since the new millennium and what kind of identity these characters represent .

  11. 他甚至还担心你会状告他的电影人物侵犯了你的肖像权,同时指责他与那些山寨手机批发商一样的德行只会模仿和山寨。

    He even worried that you would sue his film characters violation of your portrait , also accused him of those virtues , like cottage phone wholesalers will only copy and cottage .

  12. 内线看到了一只狂派改装车造型,但可能不是电影人物。

    He saw a Decepticon Hot Rod model , but he 's convinced that was part of the disinfo campaign . ( Or just a another non-movie character toy for the toy line . )

  13. 我写《阿凡达》这个作品就是想要推动整个视觉体验以及动画效果的进步,让电影人物跳出人们想象的框架。

    So , I wrote this piece called " Avatar , " which was meant to absolutely push the envelope of visual effects , of CG effects , beyond , with realistic human emotive characters generated in CG .

  14. 父亲则以电影里人物的那种魅力详细讲解着。

    Father was expounding on the glamour of being in pictures .

  15. 电影的人物纯粹虚构。

    The characters in the movie are purely fictitious .

  16. 见那个电影重要人物。

    See that movie pezzonovante .

  17. 电影中人物采取一些策略如过量陈述,含蓄陈述或重复法来表达其真实意图。

    The characters in the film adopt the strategies like overstatement or repetition to express their real intentions .

  18. 虽然已经62岁,但作为中国功夫电影传奇人物的成龙,短期内丝毫没有停止在电影中加入大量玩命特技的打算。

    He may be 62 , but Chinese kung fu legend Jackie Chan has no plans to stop performing death-defying stunts anytime soon .

  19. 第二章解析了陈果电影悲剧人物形象的类型、特征及其产生根源。

    In the second chapter , I analyses the type , the characteristics and the origin of the tragic roles in Fruit Chan 's films .

  20. 上海迪士尼乐园将扩建一个以《疯狂动物城》动画电影及其人物为主题的园区。

    The Shanghai Disneyland theme park is to be expanded with the construction of a themed land based on the " Zootopia " animated film and its characters .

  21. 观众总是能在观影过程中产生对于其影片的理性思索和强烈的心灵共鸣,并被电影中人物的病态心理和过激行为深深震惊。

    Audiences always ponder unconsciously and engender strong resonance when they are watching his films , and are deeply startled by his characters ' morbid mentalities and extreme behaviors .

  22. 湘西题材电影对人物的塑造呈现出双重性:女性的命运发展悲喜交加;青年男性的人格善恶交织;长辈在社会角色与家庭角色的扮演中患得患失。

    The Xiangxi movies on the shaping of the present dual nature : the fates of women develop mixed , the personality of young men mingled yarn and the elders in social role and family role play roll .

  23. 而且,美式口音中我更喜欢南方的口音以及电视上和电影中人物的口音。

    In the United States , I also prefer a Southern American accent ( Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , etc. ) to accents used in other parts of the country as well as accents primarily used on television and in movies .

  24. 中国武侠电影在人物性格的创作上,严格依循着善恶分明、忠奸立判的美学原则,并通过善与恶的尖锐对立,美与丑的鲜明映照来建立影片的叙事体系/价值体系。

    In the creation of the characters in Chinese martial arts film , the author strictly stuck to the aesthetics tenet of ditheism and set up the narrative / value system with the antitheses of the good and evil , the beautiful and ugly .

  25. 这位两度获得奥斯卡奖的电影界传奇人物,在74岁时出演美剧《好运赛马》(luck),这是他首次出演电视剧。

    At the age of 74 , the two-time Oscar-winning movie legend is starring in luck , his first television drama .

  26. 前几年我看过一部电影。剧中人物问另一个人物要不要来个“nightcap”。

    I remember watching a movie a few years back in which one character asked another whether or not he wanted a nightcap .

  27. 理所当然,主题就是迪斯尼电影和迪斯尼人物。

    The theme , of course , is Disney movies and Disney characters .

  28. 在香港,同志电影的代表人物是本身就是同志关锦鹏。

    In Hong Kong , the film 's representative is itself comrades Stanley Kwan .

  29. 希区柯克娴熟地运用脚本和剧本,对电影中的人物进行了深度地刻画。

    Hitchcock plays beautifully with the script and the screenplay and portrays the monsters within .

  30. 《大众电影》封面人物由政治表征符号变为个体感性展示符号。

    The cover people on Popular Cinema change form political symbols into individual perceptual display symbols .