
  • 网络Hardware Abstraction Layer;Hardware Abstract Layer;hal;hal.dll
  1. 本文从硬件抽象层的原理入手,给出了作为嵌入式系统中硬件抽象层的实现形式BSP(板级支持包)功能和特点,并提供了基于东芝单片机的设计实例。

    The thesis starts from HAL theory , introduces the function and characteristics of BSP which is the realization form of HAL of embedded system and brings up the actual designed example based on Toshiba SCM .

  2. 在嵌入式系统中,硬件抽象层作为嵌入式操作系统和硬件之间的软件层次是嵌入式应用的一个关键问题。

    As a software layer between embedded operation system and hardware in embedded system , HAL ( Hardware Abstraction Layer ) is a key problem of embedded application .

  3. 一种基于SCA的FPGA硬件抽象层设计方法

    Hardware Abstract layer design of FPGA based on SCA

  4. 基于龙芯CPU的有线宽带网络SoC硬件抽象层研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Hardware Abstraction Layer for Cable Broadband Network SoC Based on Godson CPU

  5. 针对我们在高性能IPv6路由器中设计实现的硬件抽象层进行了性能测试和功能分析。

    Test the performance of the implemented Hardware Abstraction Layer in High-Performance IPv6 Router and analyze its functions .

  6. NET的系统结构,并详细阐述其中断原理,介绍如何修改内核和硬件抽象层安装中断服务例程。

    NET system architecture , and describes the interrupt principle . In order to install the interrupt service routine , we present the way to modify the kernel and the OAL .

  7. HAL是一个硬件抽象层的规范(描述)和实现。

    HAL is a specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer .

  8. 介绍了实现软件无线电台中FPGA波形可移植性的一般方法,SCA中硬件抽象层的思想,以及针对FPGA芯片的硬件抽象层的定义。

    In this paper , the principle to implement the FPGA Waveform Portability and the definition of the hardware abstraction layer for FPGA in SCA is introduced .

  9. 硬件抽象层利用底层微内核提供的API对底层硬件和外设进行访问和控制,提供一个抽象硬件平台和统一的硬件接口。

    We provided an abstract hardware platform and a unified hardware interface by the use of the underlying microkernel APIs for the underlying hardware and peripherals to access and control .

  10. 在ARM公司提供的μHAL组件库的基础上,开发基于ASOS型的硬件抽象层。

    Developing a hardware abstract layer of ASOS style founded on the HAL components library offered by ARM Corporation ;

  11. 通过这种方式,它不像是一个内核而更像是一个硬件抽象层(HAL)。

    In this way , it 's less a kernel and more a hardware abstraction layer ( HAL ) .

  12. 开发嵌入式系统通常采用以下三种流程:瀑布模式开发过程、V型模式开发过程和基于硬件抽象层的系统开发过程。

    Development of the embedded system usually adopts three kinds of following procedure : procedure developed in waterfall mode , procedure developed in Model V mode and procedure developed on the basis of HAL .

  13. 功能分析结果表明,硬件抽象层的实现,解决了高性能路由器分布式体系结构的通用性、开放性和扩展性问题,其测试结果满足IPv6路由器的性能需求。

    The results of analyzing its functions show that Hardware Abstraction Layer has resolved the problems of high-performance router distributed architecture in aspects of generalization , openness and extensibility .

  14. 在Android系统硬件抽象层中进行语音合成系统的移植最终以动态库的形式给应用层提供语音合成API接口。

    And the speech synthesis system transplantation work is in the hardware abstraction layer of Android system and finally provide synthesis API interface to the application layer in the form of dynamic libraries .

  15. UCOS移植中的硬件抽象层构建技术

    Building Hardware Application Layer in UCOS Transplanting

  16. 文章结合特定平台下USB协议栈的研究课题,分析USB软件系统的体系结构,提出独立于平台的操作系统抽象层和硬件抽象层,实现了可移植的USB协议栈。

    USB abstraction layer is drawn out based on the analysis of USB framework and implement in various of OS . The portable USB stack and USB device drivers will be realized with the help of the USB abstraction layer .

  17. 介绍了SCA中硬件抽象层(HardwareAbstractionLayerConnectivity,HAL-C)的概念及其实现方法,对DSP、FPGA硬件抽象层的实现方案进行了讨论。

    The idea of hardware abstraction layer connectivity ( HAL-C ) in software communication architecture ( SCA ) and the scheme to realize the HAL-C are introduced in this paper . The scheme to realize the HAL-C of DSP and FPGA is discussed .

  18. 接着从SCA波形应用的角度描述了硬件抽象层连接在波形开发中的作用,给出了代理组件如何通过域描述文件和配置表管理专用硬件处理器上算法组件的方法;

    Then the issues implementing the HAL-C on the Specialized Hardware Processor are addressed , and the methods of managing the components on FPGA and DSP by Proxy Components with the Domain Descriptor File and the Configuration Table are brought out .

  19. 然后讨论硬件抽象层对驱动抽象能力的影响以及与移植性及内核大小的关系;分析传统UNIX系列与WINDOWSnt操作系统内核结构以及驱动模型优缺点;

    Second , it discusses the relationship among hardware abstraction layer and drivers ' abstraction , portability and the size of the kernel , analyses the UNIX series and Windows NT operating system , and summarizes specification of their kernel architecture and device drivers model .

  20. 然后在编写硬件抽象层阶段,重点研究了NANDFlash芯片的存储原理,实现NANDFlash的驱动程序,为建立嵌入式系统中的存储系统提供必要条件。

    Then in the preparation phase of the hardware interface layer , the focus on NAND Flash memory chip principle , the realization of the NAND Flash driver for the establishment of a system embedded in the storage systems to provide the necessary conditions .

  21. 对硬件抽象层采用了分层设计,即HAL服务子层和HAL驱动子层,HAL服务子层的实现提供了六类服务接口,并给出了设计HAL服务子层的具体规则;

    The paper adopts layered principle to implement HAL , i.e. HAL service layer and HAL driver layer . The service layer introduced six kind of services interface and gives detailed design rules while the driver layer design idea is implemented via device driver .

  22. 针对网络接口的硬件抽象层的设计和优化问题,通过分析基于MMPI的多核通信过程,总结出提高通信性能的有效策略&降低一对多消息发送延迟和提高多条消息并发接收效率。

    Aiming at the NI Hardware Abstraction Layer design and optimization , by analyzing the MMPI-based distributed multi-core communication process , efficient ways to reduce communication cost are concluded . These are reducing the one-to-many message sending latency and improving the concurrent receiving efficiency of multiple messages .

  23. 最后在T比特路由器上实现了基于RICP的硬件抽象层,并研究了其实现的关键技术,保证了路由器高效可靠的内部通信及对接口设备的有效管理。

    At the end of paper , realizes a Hardware Abstraction Layer based on RICP on Terabit router , researches the key technique which guarantee the high performance internal communication and efficient interface device management .

  24. 高性能路由器硬件抽象层的关键技术研究

    Study of Vital Technologies in Hardware Abstraction Layer for High-performance Routers

  25. 基于硬件抽象层的数字电视中间件系统实现方案

    Digital TV Middleware Implementing Solution Based on Hardware Abstraction Layer

  26. 嵌入式系统硬件抽象层研究及其在开发过程中的应用

    Research on Embedded System Hardware Abstraction Layer and Application in Development Process

  27. 面向嵌入式系统的功耗管理硬件抽象层

    Hardware Abstract Layer for Power Management in Embedded Systems

  28. 嵌入式开发平台硬件抽象层的设计与实现

    Research and Realization on Embedded System Hardware Abstraction Layer

  29. 基于东芝单片机的嵌入式系统硬件抽象层实现

    Realization of Embedded System HAL Based on Toshiba SCM

  30. 硬件抽象层主要实现的是操作系统的引导技术。

    The hardware abstraction layer mainly realizes the boot technology of the operating system .