
  • 网络electronic information age
  1. 随着电子信息时代的来临,我国越来越重视信息服务业的发展。

    With the coming electronic information age , China has put more emphasis on the development of information services .

  2. 首先,电子信息时代意味着新的发现要比以往任何时候都更快更频繁地变成了新闻。

    Firstly , the electronic information age means that new discoveries become news faster and more frequently than ever before .

  3. 文章认为,作为电子信息时代核心的IC产业,技术发展与追赶同其商业模式密切相关。

    It is considered that technology development of IC industry is associated with its business model innovation in this paper , which is the core in the electronic information era .

  4. 在当今电子信息时代,电子产品占据了全球商品市场的80%,几乎所有的电子设备的基础都是印刷电路板基板(PCB)。

    In the modern information times , the electronic products which always based on printed circuit board ( PCB ) account for approximately 80 % of the global market .

  5. 电子信息时代,人们需要一种更加方便、有效的安全身份认证技术,这种技术就是生物识别技术。

    In age of electronic information , a more convenient and effective identity verification technology is needed .

  6. 通过计算机网络实施教育的远程教育已成为我国教育的主要形式,而后现代主义正是计算机和电子信息时代的产物。

    The distance education , through the computer network , has become main form of education in China . And then the Post-modernism is the product of computer and electronic information time .

  7. 随着电子信息时代的到来,图书馆急需网络化信息资源建设,使图书馆的各种工作向现代化发展。

    With the arrival of electronic information age , the library needs the construction of network information resources . Various kinds of jobs of the library are to realize the transition from the traditional methods to modern ones .

  8. 在工业文明之后的未来电子信息高科技时代中,这种文学样式给予人类的精神心理上的慰藉和思想上的认识价值不可低估。

    In this electro-information times and Hi-tech times , the literature style of Shen have given and will give people the console in their hearts , and its education value can not be underestimated .

  9. 电子档案是信息时代的产物。

    E-mail files are the products in the information age .

  10. 电子政府&信息时代的新型政府组织形态

    Electronic government & new government organization forms in information era

  11. 电子政务是信息时代主导的行政模式。

    E-government is the leader of the model of administration in this Information Age .

  12. 电子商务作为信息时代的先锋代表,现已显示出越来越旺盛的生命力。

    E-commerce as a pioneer of the information age , now is showing even more vitality .

  13. 电子商务就是信息时代产生的一种重要的经济贸易形式。

    E-commerce is one of the important form of economic and trade in the digital era .

  14. 电子商务作为信息时代一种全新的商务模式已成为不可逆转的趋势。

    As an all new business pattern , E-business is now an irreversible trend in the business world .

  15. 协同电子商务是信息时代商务模式的实质性变革,是未来贸易方式的发展方向。

    Collaborative E-commerce stands for essential change of commerce pattern under the information age and orients the development of trade mode .

  16. 在信息技术飞速发展的今天,电子政务作为信息时代的新生事物,已经成为一种新的政府办公方式。

    Due to the fast development of information science , e-government has became a new way of government business as something new under the information age .

  17. 电子政务是信息时代电子与政务的有机融合,电子公文是实施电子政务的必然产物。

    E-government in the information age " e " and " government " of the organic integration of electronic documents is the inevitable result of the implementation of e-government .

  18. 21世纪是信息时代,电子商务作为信息时代的产物正在改变着人们的经济活动方式。

    The 21st century is an era of information . As the direct outcome of information revolution , Electronic Commerce ( E-Commerce ) has brought in significant influence on the economic activities styles of common people .

  19. 电子商务作为信息时代网络技术发展的必然结果,已开始对传统的企业经营活动形成了强有力的冲击,企业长期形成的经营理念、组织模式与管理方式正面临着新经济的挑战。

    As the certain result of network technology development in the information age , E - commerce has impacted the traditional enterprises greatly , and business idea , organization structure and management mode taking form in a long time confront the challenge of new economy .

  20. 高校图书馆电子化必须适应信息时代的需要,建立文献信息资源系统。

    The libraries in high schools should meet the needs of information time and set up documental information resource system .

  21. 21世纪是一个信息时代,而电子商务将成为信息时代中商务活动的巨大进步和发展趋势。

    The 21st century is an information age and electronic commerce will become a tendency of business activity in this information age .

  22. 电子政务是与信息时代相适应的政府管理形态,是政府行政管理现代化的核心内容。

    E-government is a form of government administration which is adapted to the information age and is the key content of the modernization of the government administration .

  23. 信息化城市景观构成要素的多元化,反映工业时代和工业化景观的符号正在被一种电子化的反映信息时代的图解表达所取代。

    The landscape symbols in the industry age have been replaced by the electronic image of the information age , at the time of the inscapes of informational city landscape become diversified .

  24. 它与传统纸质票据相比具有快捷、高效以及安全等优点,这使它更适应电子商务和网络信息时代的发展。

    The advantages of electronic negotiable instrument compared to the traditional bill are in its quickness , efficiency and security , which has adapted to the development of electronic business and network .

  25. 电子政府构建是信息时代各国政府的必然选择,而电子政府信息安全是电子政府构建的前提和基础,是保证电子政府具有合法性和生命力的关键所在。

    Building the electronic government is the necessary chance to all state government in the informational era , however , the informational safety of electronic government is essential and basic of building the electronic government , and it is the key to ensure the validity and lifeblood of electronic government .

  26. 电子文件及电子档案是信息时代的产物,城建电子档案的使用,是城建档案史上的一个新突破。

    Electronic documents and electronic files are the product of the information age , urban use of electronic records is a breakthrough in the history of urban construction archives .

  27. 随着电子技术的发展,人们已经进入了一个电子信息的时代,多媒体作为电子信息时代一个重要的信息交流形式,已经在当今的社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    With the development of the electronic technology , people have entered a times of electronic information , in this ages , the multimedia has been an important role in electronic communication .

  28. 近年来,随着Internet和互联网技术的发展以及博客、论坛、客户服务平台、电子商务平台等诸多应用的提出,将人们的现实生活带入一个全新的电子信息时代。

    In recent years , with the development of the Internet technology and the proposition and application of many new ideas , such as the blogs , forums , customer service flatform , e-commerce platform , we are marching into a new era of information .

  29. 随着家中电子电气设备逐年增加,如何管理协调这些设备,以便更好地为家庭成员服务,这是一个电子信息时代值得重视的课题。

    With more and more electric and electronic products used in household , how to employ these devices efficiently in order to serve every member in a family better is a topic , to which more attention should be paid in the age of information .