
zhōnɡ wén xì
  • Chinese Department;department of Chinese
  1. 1999年毕业于浙江大学中文系,获文学博士学位;

    1999 graduated from Zhejiang University Department of Chinese literature , PhD ;

  2. 一九五六年毕业于云南大学中文系。

    She graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature of Yunnan University in1956 .

  3. 对H师范大学中文系三、四年级学生的问卷调查发现:绝大多数学生基本树立了职业语言的观念,普通话水平和使用规范汉字的水平还比较好;

    The result of a questionnaire distributed to the 3rd and 4th year students at H Teachers University shows that most of them , as they have on the whole formed the language sense for their profession , have a rather good command of Putonghua .

  4. 当西方最终被允许参观这些木乃伊,维克多Mair博士,宾夕法尼亚大学中文系教授,参观了博物馆。

    When the West was eventually allowed to visit the mummies , Dr Victor Mair , who was Professor of Chinese at Pennsylvania university , took a tour around the museum .

  5. 中文系大学生语文教学实习应对策略

    The corresponding tactics to chinese teaching practice of Chinese department students

  6. 腹有诗书气自华:中文系学生的文气培养

    Cultivation of Students ' " Wen Qi " in Chinese Department

  7. 新增师范本科中文系文学课教改的思考

    The Thought of Literature Teaching Reform for Newly Added Undergraduate Course

  8. 大学中文系现代文学教学应走向开放

    An Approach to Teaching Modern Literature in Chinese Departments of Colleges

  9. 《古代文论》课的教学一直是大学中文系课程教学工作中的难点。

    Ancient Essay is one of the important and difficult teaching tasks .

  10. 贵州大学中文系本科毕业。

    He graduated from the Chinese Department of Guizhou University .

  11. 现为浙江大学中文系教授、博士生导师。

    Currently as Professor of Chinese and PhD supervision at Zhejiang University .

  12. 我说因为我想念中文系。

    I answered I want to study chinese department .

  13. 1982年于西南师范大学中文系本科毕业。

    He graduated from the Chinese Department of Southwest China Normal University in1982 .

  14. 毕业于山西大学中文系。

    He graduated from Chinese Department of Shanxi University .

  15. 我是目前港大中文系的学生。

    I am currently a student in the Chinese Department at Hong Kong University .

  16. 艾伦:这里的中文系是教繁体字或是简体字?

    ALLEN : Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters ?

  17. 华东师范大学中文系教授罗岗十分赞同郑欣教授的观点。

    Luo Gang , professor in Chinese literature at East China Normal University , agrees .

  18. 文学理论课是大学中文系十分重要的专业课,其主要特点是抽象艰深。

    Theoretical literature courses are quite important professional ones for Chinese majors in a university .

  19. 北京大学中文系教授张颐武将青春和青春期区分开来。

    Zhang Yiwu , professor of Chinese literature at Peking University , distinguishes youth from adolescence .

  20. 坚持科学发展观推进中文系专业建设

    The Actual Effect Persist the Scientific Development View and Promote the Specialities Construction of Chinese Department

  21. 我看到了我的中文系。他现在在对我挥手说再见了。

    I saw my chinese department waved its hands and said " goodbye " to me .

  22. 因此,课程的设置成为当前中文系的当务之急。

    Therefore , the establishing of course become current Chinese is of urgent matter of the moment .

  23. 韩国加图立大学创立于1855年,中文系成立于1979年。

    The Catholic University of Korea was founded in1855 , while its Chinese Department was founded in1979 .

  24. 埃及各个大学的中文系从此开始了对老舍的研究,其中包括教师撰写的论文与研究生的学位论文。

    The Chinese Departments in many Egyptian Universities began to write papers and dissertations on Lao She .

  25. 河西学院中文系毕业论文写作及指导状况调查分析与建议

    A Survey Analysis and Some Suggestions of Thesis Writing and Guidance for Chinese Department of Hexi University

  26. 中国古代小说在高校中文系的文学课程教学中占有相当重要的位置。

    CHINESE ANCIENT NOVEL is an important course among the literature courses teaching in Chinese department of academy .

  27. 1982年初毕业于安徽师范大学中文系,文学学士。

    In1982 he graduated from the Chinese Department of Anhui Normal University and got his bachelor 's degree .

  28. 新闻图片系统主要用于中文系新闻图片的上传和管理。

    News Picture System ( NPS ) is used to upload and manage Chinese Department 's news pictures .

  29. 小A说你理科那么好为什么要读文科?我说因为我想念中文系。

    Mr A asked why I choose liberal arts ? I answered I want to study chinese department .

  30. 大学语文主要是为中文系之外的其他专业的学生设计的,要充分考虑到学生的普遍接受水平,不太深,力求简明,深入浅出。

    College Chinese , a course mainly designed for non-Chinese majors , needs to be understandable for average students .