
  • 网络Chinese Folk Beliefs;Chinese Folk Religion
  1. 高庙内供奉著佛教、道教以及中国民间信仰的各类偶像。求主耶稣的真光消除此庙的假神势力。

    Pray for the light of the Lord Jesus to overcome demonic forces at the Gao Temple , where idols for Buddhism , Daoism and Chinese folk religion are eclectically mixed .

  2. 科技时代中国民间信仰认同的差异性研究

    Research on the Identification with Chinese Folk Belief in the Technology Age

  3. 门神是中国民间信仰之一。

    The gate god is one of Chinese folk beliefs .

  4. 当代中国民间信仰的历史演变与依存逻辑

    The Historical Evolution and the Interdependent Logic of Folk Beliefs in Contemporary China

  5. 中国民间信仰中的盐崇拜

    The Salt - worship in Chinese Folk Beliefs

  6. 道教神仙思想与中国民间信仰有着天然的紧密联系。

    The Taoist belief of immortals is closely related with the Chinese folk beliefs .

  7. 中国民间信仰对全球化时代文明共生的价值

    The Value of Chinese Popular Belief toward Civilization Co-existance in the Time of Globalization

  8. 其在中国民间信仰的发展历程中亦扮演着十分关键的角色。

    He has also played a significant role in the development of Chinese folk beliefs .

  9. 对字纸的敬惜属于中国民间信仰的范畴。

    Respecting and cherishing Chinese characters and paper belongs to the category of Chinese folk beliefs .

  10. 拜上帝会的宗教思想绝大部分都来自于中国民间信仰。

    The religious thoughts of the congregation of the worshipper of God came mostly from the Chinese folk beliefs .

  11. 拒斥与接纳&基督教在华传播与中国民间信仰关系的文化透视

    Repelling or Accepting & the cultural investigation of relationships between the dissemination of christianity in China and the Chinese popular faiths

  12. 河神信仰是中国民间信仰体系中的重要一支,依托于古老的黄河文化产生。

    The River God Worship is an important part in the Chinese folk belief systems , rooting in the ancient Yellow River culture .

  13. 灶神是中国民间信仰中颇具普遍性和典型性的神灵。

    Comparing Kitchen God Worship between Ethnical Chinese and Ethnical Vietnamese The Kitchen God is a deity of Chinese folk belief with its universality and representativeness .

  14. 狐是中国民间信仰的重要对象之一,狐故事也是中国古典小说的经典题材之一。

    Fox is regarded as one of the important targets of Chinese folk belief and fox story is one of the classical subjects of Chinese classical novels .

  15. 上帝崇拜是犹太-基督教信仰的基本特征,祖先崇拜是中国民间信仰的主要形式。

    God worship is the essential characteristic of Judaism and the Christian church , and ancestry worship is the chief form of belief among the Chinese people .

  16. 融于毛南人日常生活的毛南族民间信仰是中国民间信仰的一部分,既具有个性又有共性。

    Folk beliefs of Maonan , which incorporate with Maonan peoples ' daily life is a part of chinese folk beliefs , has both the individual character and a general character .

  17. 同时,文章还对部分传教士进行的基督教本土化的尝试与努力,以及基督教与中国民间信仰在频繁接触中非自觉的文化交融,也作了一定的阐述。

    Meanwhile , it also touches on some missionaries'attempts and efforts in indigenization of christianity , as well as on the unconscious cultural integration of christianity and Chinese popular faiths in their frequent contact .

  18. 本文以福建为研究中心,对明末到民国初年基督教在华传播与中国民间信仰的关系进行深入探讨。

    Taking Fujian as the focus of study , the paper is to explore the relation between the dissemination of christianity and Chinese popular faiths during the period from the late Ming Dynasty to the early of the Republic of China .

  19. 本文主要考察并研究了中国的民间信仰的概念、传播途径等问题。

    This article is about the conception of Chinese Folk Belief and its diffusion .

  20. 摘要中国传统民间信仰中存在性别与社会分工问题。

    There is a problem of sex and labor division in Chinese folk belief .

  21. 浅析中国的民间信仰

    The Explanation for Chinese Folk Belief

  22. 中国古代民间信仰的变迁历史,也是中国历史的一种侧面和视角。

    The history of ancient folk faith , also is a kind of side of Chinese history and perspectives .

  23. 中国的民间信仰,植根于中国本土文化的沃壤之中,影响着民众的日常生活,有着它固有的本色。

    Chinese Folk Belief is based on Chinese natural culture , which has influenced Chinese daily life in its own way .

  24. 狐信仰是中国传统民间信仰之一,它历史悠久,深入民间。

    The belief in fox is one of the important Chinese traditional folk believes . It has long history and deep roots in China .

  25. 关帝信仰是中国特有的民间信仰。

    The belief in Guan-God is a peculiar Chinese folk-belief .

  26. 伏波神崇拜是中国传统的民间信仰之一。

    The worship of Fubo God is one of the traditional folk beliefs in China .

  27. 福建作为中国历史上民间信仰最为发达的地区之一,为信仰策源地的探讨提供了丰富的研究资源。

    One of the areas with most widespread folk beliefs , Fujian provides rich resources in the probation into of the origination places of local deities belief .

  28. 而中国传统宗教及民间信仰在异乡的发展也是我们关注的问题之一。

    Moreover , the progress of Chinese traditional religions and folk beliefs is included in our study .

  29. 对中国宗族乡村及民间信仰的研究一直是文化人类学研究的热点。

    The research on the lineage village and folk beliefs has been always a hotspot in the area of cultural anthropology in China .

  30. 摘要中国传统民间的门神信仰,和蚩尤“方相”的文化现象一样,是互渗律支配下初民的原始思维的产物。

    As with chiyou 's farigxiang , the traditional belief in door-god in Chinese society results from of the primitive thought which is predominated by law of mutual permeability .