
  • 网络Queer theory
  1. 朱迪思·巴特勒(JudithButler)是当今美国最著名的后结构主义哲学家之一,她在女性主义、酷儿理论、政治哲学以及伦理学等领域都作出了杰出的理论贡献。

    Judith Butler is one of the most famous post-structuralism philosophers in current American . She has contributed to the fields of feminism , queer theory , political philosophy , and ethics .

  2. 性别研究与语言教学的酷儿理论解释

    Gender Study and Explanation of Language Teaching with Queer Theory

  3. 酷儿理论视域下的陈染小说

    Novels of Chen Ran Under Perspective of Queer Theory

  4. 讨论了酷儿理论的局限性。

    The limitation of queer theory is summarized .

  5. 第五章从酷儿理论的角度探讨了两部小说的主题。

    Chapter Five explores the major themes in both novels on the basis of queer theory .

  6. 交代了酷儿理论所集中反对的两分法在性与性别方面的主张。

    In this chapter , firstly , the dichotomy mainly about sex and gender that queer theory focuses against is exposed .

  7. 而女性主义和酷儿理论更多的是从女性身份界定或同性恋者心灵隔绝入手,对以前的批评加以补充。

    Feminist theory and Queer theory make supplements to the previous criticism by defining the feminine identity and researching on the homosexual spiritual isolations .

  8. 然后,就性别与语言教学研究中酷儿理论的应用进行了阐述分析。

    Based on that , this paper illustrates and analyzes the application of Queer Theory in the study of language and gender and language teaching .

  9. 其研究的主题主要包括女性主义、酷儿理论、身体理论和操演理论。

    Her research covers a wide range of topics , mainly including feminism , Queer theory , Body Theory and Performative Act and so on .

  10. 展示酷儿理论的起源、发展,主要特点以及在文学批评中的应用。

    This chapter begins with the origin of queer theory and then displays its major characteristics as well as its development and its application in literary criticism .

  11. 文章尝试从后现代主义视角切入,利用酷儿理论深入解读这个普通的女孩引发的一系列文化现象。

    This article attempts to cut into from the post-modernism , then utilizes the Queer theory to understand a series of culture phenomenon created by the common girl thoroughly .

  12. 同时,通过与国外及台湾等地区酷儿理论的研究现状相比较,指明大陆学术界在该领域研究方面的薄弱与不足。

    Compared with the studies on Queer theory from foreign countries as well as Taiwan , we find that there exist some weak and insufficient points in the Mainland .

  13. 尽管酷儿理论提出要消解身份,但实际上消解的只是本质主义的身份观,而确立了后现代多元的、流动的、碎片化的身份认同。

    Though Queer theory is to disperse identity , but in fact it only disperses essentialist concept of identity , and establishes the fragmented , flowing identity of postmodern age .

  14. 性别操演论对当代西方女性主义理论、女同性恋和男同性恋研究产生了极大的影响,并成为了西方新出现的酷儿理论的理论基石。

    The theory of gendered performance has great impact on the contemporary Western feminist theory , lesbian and gay studies , and became the theoretical foundation of the emerging Western queer theory .

  15. 其次,随着社会的发展,酷儿理论的兴起,同性恋者开始反对这种在权力的管制下,以异性恋为绝对主流的异性恋霸权之路。

    Secondly , with the development of society and the rise of queer theory , homosexuals began to resist the dominant position of heterosexual , which is mainstream under the control of this power .

  16. 第三章和第四章利用酷儿理论详细分析《心是孤独的猎手》和《伤心咖啡馆之歌》的六位主要人物。

    Chapter Three and Chapter Four are detailed analyses of the six leading characters in the two novels The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter and The Ballad of the Sad Cafe on the basis of queer theory .

  17. 酷儿理论的重要内容之一便是质疑异性恋霸权,反对传统观念对所有在性倾向方面与主流文化和占统治地位的社会性别规范或性规范不符的人们的歧视和压迫。

    One of the main principles of queer theory is questioning heterosexual hegemony and protesting against traditional discrimination and oppression on non-straight people who are inconsistent with main stream culture and dominant social norms of sex or gender .

  18. 当代的酷儿理论将身体作为改变社会运作模式的主战场,企图消解政治、文化、经济、家庭、性别、性爱等方面的一切限制。

    The queer theory takes body as the main battlefield to change the social mode of operation , in a bid to eliminate the restrictions set by the political , economic , cultural , family , gender and sex tradition .

  19. 其中重点主要涉及女性主义文学批评中的酷儿理论,指出性别和权力在文化与审美等各个层面的因素,并以此铺垫两地女性书写的创新性。

    The main emphasis involved the ' Queer Theory ' as the part of feminist literary theory . Its indicate that gender and power as element in culture and aesthetic , which blazing new trails in feminist writing from both countries .

  20. 20世纪中后期,随着多元价值社会的到来,以及西方女性主义批评理论、酷儿理论等传入我国,这股地下潜流才得以涌出。

    In the latter half of the 20th century , with the advent of multi-value society , as well as criticism of the Western feminist theory , queer theory into China , this undercurrent can be poured out of the ground floor .

  21. 本文围绕性、性别与性相三个概念的关系,勾勒了酷儿及酷儿理论的内涵,并简要介绍了几位酷儿理论家的主要贡献。

    This paper , according to the relationship of sex , sexual distinction and sexual form , draw the theoretical connotation of Queer and Queer theory and introduces the main contributions of several theorists of Queer .