
  1. 长隆说,《奇妙的朋友》的目的是让人类与动物更加接近。

    Chimelong says on its website , is to bring humans and animals closer together .

  2. 这档名为《奇妙的朋友》的节目是湖南卫视最近的一个大热门。

    The show , called " Wonderful Friends , " is the latest programming success from Hunan TV .

  3. 那年的“超女”李宇春就是《奇妙的朋友》中六位明星之一。这档真人秀一播出即大受欢迎。

    The winning " Super Girl " herself , Li Yuchun , is now a major pop singer and among the six stars on " Wonderful Friends . " The new show was an immediate hit .

  4. 当你决志相信基督,你就会发现祂是一位奇妙的救主和朋友,祂会满足你的一切需要,由现在直至永恒。

    You will find him to be a wonderful Saviour and friend and one who can meet all your needs now and for all eternity .