
  • kiki;Odd-odd;Chi Chi
  1. 虽然遭到华盛顿的忽视,但是奇奇在欧洲还算顺利,在访问了法兰克福、哥本哈根和柏林之后终于落户在伦敦动物园。

    Spurned by Washington , Chi Chi made a triumphal tour of Europe , visiting Frankfurt , Copenhagen , and Berlin before finally winding up at the London Zoo .

  2. 他们在美国杜勒斯机场下飞机,讽刺的是机场名字正是以约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯命名,就是那个仇恨“红色中国”从而阻止奇奇来美国的人。

    Ironically , they entered the US through Dulles Airport , named after the same John Foster Dulles whose hatred of " Red China " had helped block Chi Chi 's arrival .

  3. 奇奇核 ̄(162)Lu晕转带及四准粒子带的能级结构

    Yrast Band and Four - Quasiparticle Band in Odd-Odd - ( 162 ) Lu Nucleus

  4. 奇奇核~(86)Nb的能谱统计

    Level Statistics of Odd-Odd Nucleon ~ ( 86 ) Nb

  5. 奇奇核与奇A核n-p相互作用

    N-p Interaction in Odd Odd Nuclei and Odd-A Nuclei

  6. 多玛斯科的时装品牌奇奇小姐(MCC)已经开始将牛奶布料应用于时装系列。米莎·巴顿和阿什莉·辛普森等明星都很喜欢这一品牌。

    Domaske 's fashion label Mademoiselle Chi Chi a favorite among the likes of Mischa Barton and Ashlee Simpson has now started weaving the milk fiber into its collection .

  7. 准粒子特征与奇奇核的能谱统计

    Quasiparticle features and level statistics of odd - odd nucleus

  8. 因为奇奇我们才能每天在这里约会。

    It 's thanks to Gigi that I can be here every day .

  9. 钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝喜欢听克拉瑞丝歌唱。

    Chip and Dale love to hear Clarice sing .

  10. 还有奇奇,他非常小,茸茸的头发像毛皮。

    And Kiki , who is the youngest , has hair like fur .

  11. 卡洛斯和奇奇是彼此最要好的朋友……不是我们的。

    Carlos and Kiki are each other 's best friend ... not ours .

  12. 浣熊妈妈拉着奇奇的手,用他的手指把那个亲亲小心地包起来。

    She took Chester 's hand and carefully wrapped his fingers around the kiss .

  13. 这里不是奇奇说了算。

    KEE Kee don 't make the rules .

  14. 那天晚上,奇奇站在学校前面,边看边想。

    That night , Chester stood in front of his school and looked thoughtful .

  15. 纽约的“小福星”卢西安诺[黑帮教父],堪萨斯城的法兰克·“奇奇”·德迈奥

    Lucky Luciano in New York , Frank " Chee-Chee " DeMayo , Kansas City .

  16. 与南方宿敌阿兹台克不同,面对新出现的骑兵,奇奇梅克军队并未惊恐万状。

    Unlike the hated Aztecs to the south , the Chichimeca have never viewed horses with terror .

  17. 奇奇拉着妈妈的手,把那只大大的熟悉的手摊开。

    Chester took his mother 's hand in his own and unfolded her large , familiar fingers into a fan .

  18. 奇奇长大一点之后,白天喜欢在外面探险,到了晚上才回来。

    When Chi-Chi grew up a bit , he loved to explore outside in the daytime , but would always return at night .

  19. 我不知道我还要在芒果街过多少个夏天,在这儿跟妈妈、爸爸、卡洛斯、奇奇和蕾妮在一起。

    Mama called from our cottage uptown , asking me which pairs of my old shoes I 'd like to wear in the summer .

  20. 少了咪咪的合音、奇奇的鼓声,丹丹的喇叭和圆圆的电子吉他,大家都不想唱歌和跳舞了。

    Without Mimi 's background singing , Qiqi 's drumming , Dandan 's trumpet , and Yuanyuan 's electric guitar , nobody felt like singing or dancing .

  21. 搬到芒果街是,我们有了六个——妈妈、爸爸、卡洛斯、奇奇,妹妹蕾妮和我。

    By the time we got to Mango Street we were six - - Mama , Papa , Carlos , Kiki , my sister Nenny and me .

  22. 不久我们都觉得饿了,连续问了汤姆一些问题后,确定汤姆想去奇奇番,一家提供小薄煎饼的饭馆。

    Soon we decided we were all hungry and , after a series of questions , determined that Tom wanted to go to The Magic Pan , a restaurant that serves crepes .

  23. 奇奇想打雪仗。他把一个雪球扔进了他朋友的院子里。我要扔好多好多雪球给你。奇奇喊着。

    Qiqi wants to have a snow ball fight . He throws a snowball into his friend 's garden . " I 've got lots of snowballs to throw at you . " shouts Qiqi .

  24. 曼因噶笑了,看到奥特曼像往常一样坐在狭窄走廊上的自己的桌子边,旁边奇奇蹲坐在她自己的脚跟上,那个侏儒史奴东蜷缩在不远处的低矮的灌木丛里。

    Manyenga smiled , seeing Altman sitting as usual at his table on the narrow veranda , Zizi squatting on her heels near him , the dwarf crouching a little distance away by a low bush .

  25. Millner家有很棒的农场,有马,兔子,狗儿在那儿可以追……,噢,我的天,奇奇!

    The Millners , they had this unbelievable farm , they had horses , and , and rabbits that he could chase and it was - it w - ..... Oh my God , Chi Chi !

  26. 基于推转模型和粒子转子模型关于奇奇核二准粒子转动带磁偶极约化跃迁几率的描述,对稀土区双奇核的这一行为进行了讨论。

    The experimental reduced transition probability is compared with theoretical values . Such a phenomenon is discussed based on the formula of magnetic dipole reduced transition probability deduced from the Cranking Shell Model and Particle Rotor Model respectively .

  27. 我们的房子里有楼梯,可那只是普通的门厅台阶,而且房子里只有一个卫生间.每个人都要和别人合用一间卧室——妈妈和爸爸、卡洛斯和奇奇、我和蕾妮。

    There are stairs in our house , but they 're ordinary hallway stairs , and the house has only one washroom . Everybody has to share a bedroom - Mama and Papa , Carlos and Kiki , me and Nenny .

  28. 当时媒体的报道似乎也验证了人们对熊猫作为政治象征的不耐烦,而媒体似乎没有意识到杜勒斯秘密代表了奇奇,但是媒体确实知道美国拒绝了熊猫,所以媒体发出了尖锐的评论。

    The media manifested little patience with the political symbolism of pandas and seemed to have been unaware of Dulles 's behind-the-scenes representations on Chi Chi 's behalf . They were aware of the rejection , however , and their commentary was harsh .