
  • 网络Strange Beauty
  1. 并从艺术形态流变的角度对艺术史上的奇异之美的种种表现进行了分析和梳理。

    Also , the paper analyzes and combs the performance of singular beauty in the art history from the perspective of artistic form trend .

  2. 楚文化的影响、时代精神的熏陶和特殊人生遭际共同促成了司马迁好奇的审美倾向,从而使《史记》在叙事风格上充满奇异之美,具体表现在:为倜傥非常之人立传;

    The impact of Chu culture , the edification of the era 's spirit and the unusual life experience caused the curious aesthetic inclination , which made Records of the Historian full of fantastic beauty in narrative style .

  3. 在美国建筑摄影师迈克·托利最新出版的摄影册上,(人们可见到)他捕捉到那块神秘的历史遗迹,它展示了马丘比丘的奇异与永恒之美。

    In a newly published collection of images , American architectural photographer Mike Torrey captures the wonder and timeless significance of this mystical , historical site .