
  • 网络Anecdote
  1. 考虑免费承担更多的任务,或抓住机会进入一个团队,这样在下次面试中你就有奇闻异事可以谈了。

    Consider volunteering for more responsibility , or jump at the chance to be on a team , so that you 'll have anecdotes to tell on your next interview .

  2. 《子不语》为清代学者袁枚所著的一部笔记小说,在清代享有盛名,书中涉及了诸多的奇闻异事和鬼怪故事。

    Zi Bu Yu is literary sketches written by Yuan Mei , a scholar in Qing Dynasty . It enjoyed great fame during that time . It is involved with a great many anecdotes and ghost stories .

  3. 迄今为止正如我的同事约翰加普(johngapper)上上周所指出的我们仍不清楚这些奇闻异事会不会在法庭上转化为切实有效的起诉。

    Thus far as my colleague John gapper pointed out earlier this week it remains unclear whether all these colourful titbits will ever produce a tangible , successful prosecution in court .

  4. 它还包括家族中发生的各种奇闻异事。知道一点关于你家祖先的故事,以后也可以讲给你的后人听。

    Be sure to have some stories about your ancestors that you can pass on to your descendants .

  5. 科学家说这项发现不是单纯的奇闻异事,因为该克隆群是由已知的社会性阿米巴虫组成。

    Scientists say the discovery is much more than a mere curiosity , because the colony consists of what are known as social amoebas .

  6. 我知道这看起来不像是什么世间的奇闻异事,但是在我12岁的时候,我非常想自杀。

    I know this may not seem like the most interesting story in the world , but when I was twelve , I was deeply suicidal .

  7. 如果你不想让你的约会散会,你最好给你的女朋友讲讲笑话谈谈奇闻异事,这样才不会无聊和尴尬。

    If you don 't want your date out of date , you 'd better show your girlfriend funny jokes and odd stories to avoid boredom and embarrassment .

  8. 萤火虫为自己点灯的特异功能是昆虫王国的奇闻异事,也是很多人灵感与欢乐的来源。

    Fireflies ' amazing ability to produce their own light is a wonder in the animal kingdom , and a source of inspiration and joy for many of us .

  9. 上世纪六十年代的所有奇闻异事中,很少有能比得上1965年发生在美国维京群岛的“海豚恋人”动物实验事件。

    Of all the weird and wonderful events of the 1960s , few are as strange as an animal experiment that took place on the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1965 .

  10. 基于当今美容整形行业的快速发展与随之而来的各种奇闻异事,研究者萌发了与这一群体对话、交流的想法,本研究分三部分进行:第一部分为预访谈。

    Considering the rapid development of cosmetic surgery field and the subsequent various anecdotes , the researcher has a strong interest in communicating with those cosmetic surgery patients . The study is conducted from three steps : At first , make a pre-interview .

  11. 如果不是更多成熟的政策制定者在更广阔的领域经常犯同样错误的话,这一切只不过是有趣的奇闻异事,成为学生倡导者一腔热血但是不动脑子的又一个例证。

    All this would be just an amusing curiosity - one more example of student campaigners who are all heart and no brains - if it weren 't for the fact that more mature policy makers often commit similar blunders on much broader canvases .