
zhèng yè
  • Zhengye;regular occupation;proper duties;course
正业 [zhèng yè]
  • (1) [regular occupation;proper duties]∶正规的职业;本职工作

  • 不务正业

  • (2) [course]∶古时读书人的正规课业

正业[zhèng yè]
  1. 这是劝诫立志成为小说家者“不要丢了正业”的一种温和方式。

    It 's a kind way of telling aspiring novelists , ' Don 't give up the day job ' .

  2. 从销钉起家的正业电子

    Zheng Ye Electronic Co. , Ltd. of Build in Location Pin

  3. 正业国际的其他客户包括广东美的电器公司&该公司主要股东何享健在2011年福布斯全球富豪榜中排名第185。

    Other Zhengye customers include GD Midea , whose main owner He Xiangjian ranked at no.185 on the2011 Forbes Billionaires List .

  4. 我的看法是;密续之所以秘密的意义,乃是因为对那些没有正见及没有正业的人是无用的。

    I think that metods of Tantra are secret in that meaning that they are useless for people with wrong wievs and not proper karma .

  5. 他怎么会成为这样一大亨?既无正业什么的,那么钱财又是如何源源不断地到手的?

    How comes he 's such a big wheel and not with any regular kind of job or anything , and all that money coming in ?

  6. 《伯夷列传》中的公正理念和永恒理念人的观念不正,就不能正业;观念如果偏差,所做的事也会错误。

    The Principles of Justice and Immortality in Biography of Bo Yi ; If our view is incorrect , our actions will not be right ; If our thinking is biased , everything we do will be wrong .

  7. 人的观念不正,就不能正业;观念如果偏差,所做的事也会错误。

    If our view is incorrect , our actions will not be right ; If our thinking is biased , everything we do will be wrong . Aren 't we , indeed , placing our souls in the forest of life ?