
zhènɡ tú
  • right/proper course
正途 [zhèng tú]
  • (1) [right way]∶正道;正路

  • 走上正途

  • (2) [orthodox]∶科举时代以通过科举考试选择而做官为正途

  • 正途出身

  1. 走上迷途的高管能够回归正途。

    Executives who stray can return to the right path .

  2. 因为你,我从不离开正途太远

    Because of you , I never stray too far from the sidewalk

  3. 商业银行改革的正途

    A Right Way for Commercial Banks ' Reform

  4. 未用于正途的热情、精力、能力等。

    Misguided zeal , energy , ability , etc.

  5. 我为我平日的小聪明感到羞愧,我离开正途闯入了仙境般的世界。

    My everyday wisdom was ashamed . I went astray in the fairyland of things .

  6. 中间部分有点小拖沓,但后来再次回归正途。

    The middle section did drag a little , but it 's picked up again .

  7. 当抱怨用入正途,它们着实可以帮我们完成很多重要的事。

    Complaining , when done the right way , can actually help us accomplish great things .

  8. 聪明的旅客记着那里才是他们最终的目的地,以免游离正途;

    Wise travelers remember their final destination , lest they stray too far off the main road .

  9. 而是个方向盘,让我们对准生活上的正途。

    It is a " steering wheel " that directs us in the right path throughout life .

  10. 其实食用真正健康又具减肥效果的减肥水果才是正途。

    In fact , eating a really healthy diet of fruit weight loss is the right path .

  11. 总是大众也曾偏向正途也罢,那总是出于错误的原因。

    If the multitude ever deviated into the right , it should be always for the wrong reason .

  12. 看来教皇大人面临的难题是将这些人重新导入正途,信奉教宗。

    The pope faces a struggle to steer this bunch in the direction of the orthodoxy he reveres .

  13. 林则徐是经过科举正途、以封疆大吏的身份走上政治舞台的。

    Lin Zexu entered the political stage through imperial examinations and was appointed as a governor of a province .

  14. 如何解决日益严重的童党问题,协助他们重返正途,必须采取有效措施。

    In order to solve these problems and help the teenagers back to school , we must adopt efficient policies .

  15. 从歧途到正途:中国后殖民批评的价值何在?

    From a wrong road to a right one : what 's the value of the critique of post-colonialism on chian ?

  16. 我认为,想要摆脱缺点只有一条正途,那就是将其转化为你的优势。

    I think that the only right way to stop suffering from your shortcomings is to turn them into your advantage .

  17. 我们如果要把这饱受创伤的灵魂导入正途,最好是加以抚慰,不要使她恐惧。老人抚慰道:得了,生死有命呀。

    It is by soothing that wounded spirit that we must lead it into tie right path , and not by frightening it .

  18. 别人盼望着你能依靠星运找到正途,这样他们就能跟随在你的后面了。

    Others are depending upon you to find your way through the magic so they can follow the path you 're leaving behind .

  19. 有时迷途的商旅会听到远离正途处传来宛如大型马队般嘈杂的行旅声

    sometimes the stray travelers will hear the tramp and hum of a great cavalcade of people away from the real line of march

  20. 虽然离开这条错误的道路是晚了,可对于我们开始踏上正途却似乎为时尚早;

    Though it is late to leave off this wrong way , it will seem early the moment we begin in the right way ;

  21. 他说:我认为这次我们有相当好的机会可以达成一个建立具有束缚力,并能将我们导向正途的架构的协议。

    ' I think we have an excellent chance of getting a framework agreement that 's binding and puts us on the right road , 'he said .

  22. 世界经济发展的历史早已证明,在危机面前,封闭与保护没有出路,开放与合作才是正途。

    The history of world economy has proven that insulation and protectionism offers no way out ; openness and cooperation is the right recipe to heal a crisis .

  23. 我的姐姐几天后来到罗马,帮我把注意力从对大卫的悲伤中牵引出来,带我走回正途。

    My sister 's arrival in Rome a few days later helped nudge my attention away from lingering sadness over David and bring me back up to speed .

  24. 从传统的经营方式,配合从正途进口的货品,为顾客带来最佳的品质保证。

    With our fundamental goal of satisfying each individual 's need , together with our officially authorized imports , we guarantee our customers the best quality of goods .

  25. 如果说现在的你无法决定,找个可以依靠的朋友或者一个专业的顾问来帮你走上正途。

    If you don 't have good answers now , then don 't be afraid to lean on a trustworthy friend or find a professional advisor to set you straight .

  26. 可口可乐总裁穆志康信任像中国的新兴市场,他认为公司在中国的长期计划是正途。

    Muhtar Kent , CEO of Coca-Cola , has confidence in emerging markets like China and he thinks the company 's long-term plan in China is on the right track .

  27. 只有一种宗教,一种方式侍奉上帝。如果你们不走正途,将永远得不到快乐。

    There is but one religion , and but one way to serve God , and if you do not embrace the right way , you can not be happy hereafter .

  28. 在被预备役学院最终接受之前我曾经两次申请,一种可以把我从安娜波里斯转回正途的教育。

    I had applied to the academy twice before I was finally accepted to the prep school , an education that would put me on my way to a commission from Annapolis .

  29. 无论他们有什么商业上的竞争或政治上的分歧,出席达沃斯的代表们一致认为,只有进一步推动国际贸易和投资简而言之,就是全球化才是实现和平与繁荣的正途。

    Whatever their business rivalries or political differences , the Davos delegates all agreed that the road to peace and prosperity lay through more international trade and investment globalisation , in short .

  30. 你得确定目标,制定计划,最重要的是下苦功去实现&这才是你求得“幸运”的正途。

    Then it 's up to you to set the goals , devise the strategy , and , most important , provide the man-hours . That 's the way you get to lucky street .