
yào jì shī
  • pharmacist;chemist;apothecary;druggist
  1. 药剂师会给你依处方配药。

    The pharmacist will make up your prescription .

  2. 药剂师能帮你治疗一般的病痛。

    The pharmacist can assist you with the treatment of common ailments .

  3. 你得拿着处方去找药剂师。

    You will have to take your prescription to a chemist .

  4. 负责开药的是医生,而不是药剂师。

    Doctors , not pharmacists , are responsible for dishing out drugs

  5. 他有一段时间在辛辛那提当药剂师。

    He worked awhile as a pharmacist in Cincinnati .

  6. 法律规定药剂师必须按照医生开的处方配药。

    Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor .

  7. 只要药剂师认定处方有效就可按方配药。

    A pharmacist can fill any prescription if , in his or her judgment , the prescription is valid .

  8. 药剂师仔细地配好一服中药,并告诉我煎药的方法。

    The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it .

  9. 药剂师还在为医生配方,他说过半个钟头药就配好了。

    The chemist is still making up the doctor 's order , and says it will be ready in half an hour .

  10. 但仍然有32%的药剂师配发了这两张药方

    Still , 32 percent of the pharmacies filled the prescriptions .

  11. 有些人则勉勉强强通过了药剂师公会的考试

    Some of them crawl through the examination of the Apothecaries Hall .

  12. 我是那家医院的一名药剂师。

    I am an apothecary of that hospital .

  13. 2004年,新加坡对这一禁令进行了修改,从那以后,人们就可以从医生或注册药剂师那里购买用于治疗的、保护牙齿的口香糖和尼古丁口香糖。

    In 2004 , the ban had a revision and since then it is possible to buy therapeutic11 , dental , and nicotine12 chewing gum from a doctor or registered pharmacist .

  14. 不合理的标签嵌套对XML来说毫无意义.药剂师:根据标签上的说明,应该会吧。

    Improper nesting of tags makes no sense to XML . Chemist : According to the label , yes .

  15. 据美国药剂学院协会(AmericanAssociationofcollegesofPharmacy)公布的数字,至2011年秋,报名攻读药剂师专业学位的学生中,60%为女性。

    As of Fall 2011 , 60 % of students enrolled in pharmacy professional degree programs were women , according to the American Association of Colleges of pharmacy .

  16. 在那里,她看到她的初级保健医生(PCP)和咨询药剂师。

    There she sees her primary care physician ( PCP ) and a consulting pharmacist .

  17. 麦当劳,老MacDonald(麦当劳拥有者)有个农场,我父亲是个药剂师。

    McDonald 's. Old MacDonald had a farm , my dad is a pharmacist .

  18. PCP向药剂师咨询是否EM能够吃药来改善预后,延长生存期。

    The PCP asks the pharmacist if EM could take any other medications that would improve her chances of a longer life .

  19. 在纽约州,牙医,药剂师,急诊医生和其他医护工作人员将可以接受H1N1疫苗注射。

    Dentists , pharmacists , EMTs and other health care workers will be able to give H1N1 vaccine shots in New York State .

  20. 一个典型的ICU小组都有一个药剂师,他帮助护士评估药物性质,确定病人是否会诱发副作用或药物相互作用。

    The ICU team typically includes a pharmacist who helps you review medication profiles and determine if your patient is predisposed to side effects or drug interactions .

  21. PHILLIPS:系统的漏洞。俄亥俄医院一家医院的药剂师今天出狱。但是他的案件将对未来平静处理医疗事故产生长远的影响。

    An Ohio hospital pharmacist is now out of prison , but his case could have long-range s keeping any future medical mistakes quiet .

  22. 米歇尔·塔姆(MichelleTam)的经历就是如此,她原本是加利福尼亚州帕罗阿尔托的药剂师,目前在尝试原始人睡眠养生法。

    That was the experience of Michelle Tam , a former pharmacist in Palo Alto , Calif. , who has adopted a primal sleep regimen .

  23. 在英国,数年来要求记录继续教育(CE),现在也要求药剂师有组织地记录持续职业发展(CPD)来强调该不同之处。

    In UK , having been required to record CE for some years , pharmacists are now required to record CPD in a structured way that emphasises this difference .

  24. 我们渴望改变、增长并将我们的传统发扬光大,这可以追溯到亚特兰大药剂师约翰彭伯顿(johnpemberton)发明可口可乐的初创时期。

    This eagerness to change and grow and build on our heritage goes back to our earliest days and the invention of Coca-Cola by John Pemberton , an Atlanta pharmacist .

  25. 但是由于EricCropp负责监管药剂师的工作,他原本应该发现这个错误,因此被判入狱。

    But because Eric Cropp was the supervising pharmacists and should have caught the mistake , he was sent to jail .

  26. 药品连锁店CVS公司(CVSCaremark)发现,许多客户更喜欢向更为年长、更有经验的药剂师咨询健康问题。

    Drug chain CVS Caremark ( CVS ) is learning that many of its customers prefer to consult with older , more experienced pharmacists about health issues .

  27. 一旦混合好了,药剂师可以把2.5%的葡萄糖酸钙凝胶重新包装在K-Y试管内并密封。

    Once mixed , the calcium gluconate 2.5 % jelly can be repackaged by the pharmacist in the K-Y tube and resealed .

  28. 她是药剂师厄让·许勒尔(EugèneSchueller)的独生女。1907年,许勒尔在自己巴黎公寓的厨房里创造了一种被他称为Auréale的染发剂。

    She was the only child of Eug è ne Schueller , a chemist who , in the kitchen of his Paris apartment in 1907 , created a hair dye he called Aur é ale .

  29. Walgreens公司总部位于伊利诺依州迪尔菲尔德,其发言人迈克尔·波尔青(MichaelPolzin)说,尽管规模很大,这家公司仍然有一股“创业精神”,比如有药剂师负责注射流感疫苗的项目,以及补开处方药的免费手机应用程序等。

    Despite its size , says Michael Polzin , a spokesman for Deerfield , Ill . - based Walgreens , the company has an ' entrepreneurial spirit , ' with initiatives like pharmacist-administered flu shots and free mobile apps for refilling prescriptions .

  30. ERICCROPP,前药剂师:某种方面来说,是的。因为媒体将一切错误都推给我,我的同事也是一样。非常痛苦。

    ERIC CROPP , FORMER PHARMACIST : In a way , sometimes , because I have been called everything in the media and the way my co-workers have treated me , it 's been hard .