
  • 网络Olive shaped;olivary
  1. 笼箱外形类似于椎间螺纹穿通融合器(TFC),上、下两面具有螺纹,在两侧有切口弹簧,内腔似扁橄榄形;

    The cage with flat olive bore looks similar to the contour of the Ray-TFC , and has grooving spring on lateral sides .

  2. 结果:壳聚糖纤维支架上的Schwann细胞为橄榄形或椭圆形,细胞在纤维上分裂、迁移,形成链状结构,细胞突起的末端呈扁平状膨大,伸出爪形伪足贴附于纤维。

    Results : Schwann cells cultured on the chitosan fiber were spindle or oval-shaped , proliferated and migrated along fiber and formed chain structure . The end of Schwann cell processes were flat and expanded , adhered on the fiber as claw-shaped pseudopodium .

  3. 精梳2101型橄榄形分离胶辊控制性能分析

    Analysis of the Control Performance of Olive-shaped 2101 Type Seperating Rubber Cot for Combing

  4. 橄榄形计分牌施工技术措施

    Technical measures for the construction of olive-like scoreboard

  5. 上海休闲女装消费呈“橄榄形”状态

    " OLive - shape " Consuming Style

  6. 相比女生总体对各项任务的完成的人数要多于男生,整个数据体现出了一个橄榄形的状态。

    Comparatively , more girls can complete all the tasks , and the data reflect a shape of olive .

  7. 这颗钻石被作为一条项链的吊坠,在巨钻上方还悬吊着一枚橄榄形粉钻。

    The diamond is part of a pendant necklace that includes a marquise-cut purplish pink diamond suspended above the briolette .

  8. 温暖地区的常绿树种,被绒毛黄色橄榄形果实,大果核;原产中国和日本。

    Evergreen tree of warm regions having fuzzy yellow olive-sized fruit with a large free stone ; native to China and Japan .

  9. 每年的夏末季节(二三月份),雌树会结出淡绿色的橄榄形果实,直径在35毫米左右。

    In late summer ( February and March ) each year , the female trees produce pale green fruits-oval in shape and about35mm in diameter .

  10. 锅体下有一支座,支座下端为圆形,上端为半橄榄形并与锅体联接。

    The lower end of the supporting seat is circular and the upper end is in the shape of a half olive and connected with the pot body .

  11. 本文通过分离胶辊运转中力学分析,得出2101型橄榄形分离胶辊控制须丛性能优良。

    This thesis , by analysing the operational mechanics of the seperating cots , holds that olive-shaped 2101 Type seperating cot has excellent perform - ance in flock control .

  12. 上海南站是国内外第一座大型圆形火车站建筑,该建筑屋盖为预应力索梁结构体系,大跨度钢梁特殊的平面呈Y形,截面为橄榄形薄壁闭口截面,使结构设计有较大难度。

    Shanghai south railway station is the first large round building of which roof is a system of pre-stressed cables and beams . The steel girders of the roof structure are closed ellipse sections , which bring out difficulties for design .